首頁 >web前端 >PS教程 >PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計


2017-02-11 10:23:302521瀏覽




1、本文的軟體是Photoshop CS5版本







In this web design tutorial I will show you how to create a web layout with a sleek and modern look using Adob​​​​e Photoshop. We will go from finding sources of inspiration to set that doc​​t. with the theme of the web layout. I will also give you some practical examples of how using smart objects in a web design project can improve your workflow and save you some time.

在這個網頁設計教程中,我將向您展示如何使用Adobe Photoshop創建一個擁有時尚、現代的外觀的web佈局。我們將為在PS中尋找一些資源為網頁佈局的主題設計元素,找到一些設計靈感。我也會給你一些實際的例子,在一個網頁設計專案中如何使用智慧對象,可以提高您的工作流程,節省您的時間。


Step 1: Set Up the 960 Grid System


owill range 膜web layout . Before we begin, download the grid system on your computer.



Unzip the archive file you downloaded, go to the "templates" folder and then go to the "photoshop" folder. You will find three .PSD files. Each of these files contains will find three .PSD files. Each of these files contains, grid .



The .PSD files have some guides already set up, which will be very useful. To activate the guides, go to View > Show be very View, or use the shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + ;.

這PSD檔案已經設定好了一些參考線,這些參考線非常有用。為了啟動這些參考線,請點擊:視圖 > 顯示 > 參考線,或用快捷鍵Ctrl/Cmd+;。


During this tutorial you will need to create shapes with specific dimensions. To see the exact size of a shape or selection while you are creating it, open the Info Panel by or selection while you are creating it, open the Info powby Info the Info your shapes and selections will be displayed in this panel.

在本教程中,你需要創建一些特定尺寸的形狀。要查看創建的形狀或選區的確切尺寸,請點擊:視窗 > 資訊。你的形狀或選區的寬和高會在該面板上顯示。

Tip: If you need a more thorough guide for using 960 GS, I suggest reading the guide called The 960 Grid System Made Easy.

提示:如果你需要更詳細的960佈局閱讀一篇參考:The 960 Grid System Made Easy。

Step 2: Setting Up the Photoshop Grid



Open the Preferences win

( and then set Gridline Every to 10px and Subpisions to 5px. To activate the grid, go to View > Show > Grid, or use the shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + '.

在Photoshop中(按Ctrl / Cmd+ K),打開“首選項”視窗中,按一下參考線,網格和切片“,然後設定網格線間隔為10px,並細分為5px。 Ctrl/ Cmd的+'。


Step 3: Setting Up the Document



For this web Then go to Image > Canvas Size and set the width to 1200px and the height to 1480px.


在本網頁佈局中,我們將使用12列的網格。在PS中開啟960_grid_12_col.psd。然後點選:圖片 > 畫布大小。並設定寬度為1200px和高度1480px





As you can see in the Layers Panel, the Background layer has a lock icon next to it. This means that we cant has a lock icon ext to it. This means that we cant ext to it.



To unlock the layer, click on the black lock icon from the top area of​​ the Layers Panel (underneath the blending modes). Now we can edit the layer, but the position bllock positition a white lock icon) which means that we can't move the layer. We don't need to change the position of this layer, so we'll leave it locked. However, if you do need a layer to be completely unlocked, click on the Lock Position icon (underneath the blending modes, next to the black lock icon).




 Double-click on the thumbnail of the Background layer and change its color to #dfe4e6. Right-click on this layer and select Convert to Smart Object.

雙擊背景圖層的縮圖,更改它的顏色為: #dfe4e6。在該圖層上右鍵,選擇轉換為智慧型物件



 : the layer into a Smart Object because we will apply a noise filter to it and we will be able to edit the filter's settings at any time, just like the layer styles. If we apply a filter to a ular layter to it anymore.



Now go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and use the settings from the following image.


濾鏡> 雜色> 加入雜色





PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計Step 5: Creating a Diagonal Stripe reate a new document (Ctrl/Cmd + N) with the dimensions 5px by 5px. Use the Zoom Tool (Z) to zoom in as much as you can.



Then create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and select the Pencil Tool. Set the size to 1px and use the Pencil Tool to create a diagonal line from the lower left corner of the document to upper a diagonal line from the lower left corner of the document to the upper. Hide the Background layer by clicking on its eye icon from the Layers Panel. Then go to Edit > Define Pattern, give your pattern a name and click OK. Now you can close this document.

然後新建圖層(Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N))並選擇鉛筆工具,設定大小為1px,用鉛筆工具建立一條從文件的左下角到右上角的對角線。點擊圖層面板上的背景圖層前的眼睛圖示去隱藏背景圖層。然後點選:編輯 > 定義圖案,給你的圖案一個名字,並點選確定。現在你可以關閉這個文件了。



Step 6: Create a Bar at the Top



') and create a rectangle with the height 20px at the top of the document using the color #b0b7ba.



,激活網格(Ctrl/Cmd+`),在文檔的頂部創建一個高20px的矩形(0,0,1200,20),顏色: #b0b7ba 

Name this layer "top bar", double-click on it to open the Later Style window and use the sings. that I used for Bevel and Emboss Shadow Mode is #bec3c6 and the one I used for Stroke is #9da5a9.

命名此圖層為top bar,雙擊開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖設定。斜面與浮雕的顏色: #bec3c6,描邊的顏色: #9da5a9




Step 7: Creating a Modern Laboratory Desk Design ElementPS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計


PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "header". Activate the guides (Cprl/Cmdid + ; (Ctrl/Cmd + '). Then select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the dimensions 940px by 40px using the color #535d62. Name this layer "top surface".


組> 新建> 群組



,尺寸:940px*40px,顏色: #535d62。命名此圖層為top surface


Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select the upper left corner of this rectangle. Then hold down the Shift key and hit the Right Arrow key on your keyboard 6 times to move this anchor point. right corner of this rectangle and move it 60px to the left.



Double-click on the "top surface" layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For Stroke I used the color # 282f32.

雙擊top surface圖層開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖設定樣式。描邊的顏色: #282f32






the deface 🜆

45% 0px and the color #414a4f. Name this layer "middle surface", right-click on it and use the settings from the following image for Stroke. The color that I used is #252b2e.

創建一個矩形在桌子上表面的下方,尺寸:940px*10px,顏色: #414a4f。命名此圖層middle surface,在之上右鍵並按照下圖設定描邊。描邊的顏色: #252b2e





Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create an color

Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create an color color 4090 the mhed the cocothers color color. 7ba. We will use this area for the navigation bar.選擇矩形工具

在桌子的middle surface的下方創建另一個矩形


,尺寸:920px*40px,顏色: #b0b7ba。這部分將用來做導覽列。


Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For Stroke I used the color #818b8f. Name this layfaceer "surface surface" layer in the Layers Panel.

PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計雙擊圖層開啟圖層樣式窗口,依照下圖設定。描邊的顏色: #818b8f。將此圖層命名為bottom surface,然後在圖層面板裡把該圖層放在top surface圖層的下方。




Now you can deactivate the grid and the guides.🎜🎜Now you can deactivate the grid and the guides.🎜🎜Now you can deactivate the grid and the guides.🎜



Step 8: Adding Noise to the Lab Desk



Hold down the Ctrl/Cmd key and select the three surface layers that you created. Then right-click on one of them and select Convert to Smart Object from the menu that appears. Name this layer "desk", go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and use the sett from the fwing image.按住Ctrl/Cmd鍵選擇先前建立的3個surface圖層。然後右鍵在出現的選單中選擇


。命名此圖層為desk,然後點選:濾鏡> 雜色> 加入雜色,並依照下圖設定




object, you can no longer edit it directly (e.g., you can't use the Brush Tool to paint on the layer). If you need to edit a smart object, double-clickon its thumbnail. A smart docent, double-click on its thumbnail. A thumbnabe open ) 筆套the source of the smart object (the layers that you converted). After you edit the source document, save it, close that document and the smart object will be updated in your current document.層為智慧對象,你就不能再直接編輯它了(舉例:你不能用畫筆工具在圖層上塗抹)。如果你需要編輯一個智慧型對象,雙擊它的縮圖。你的智慧型物件(圖層被你轉換)作為來源檔案在一個新的文件中被開啟。在你編輯來源文檔之後,儲存它,關閉該文檔,你目前文檔中的智慧型物件會被更新。 PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計


Step 9: Creating the "Design Lab" Logo

步驟9:創建Design Lab標誌

the ​​nid​​hoid thes 片語🜥 theconnv. layout will be "Design Lab", and we will replace the letter "A" with a chemistry bottle. First, create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "logo". Then select the Type Tool (T) and write "Design Lab" using the color #85a3b3. The font that I used is Futura Heavy.

現在我們將創建web佈局的相關主題的一個logo。 我們的佈局的名稱將Design Lab,我們將用化學瓶替換字母A。 首先,建立一個新群組logo(

圖層 > 新建 > 群組)。 然後選擇文字工具

,書寫Design Lab,顏色: #85a3b3。 字體:Futura Heavy。


Double-click on this text layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. The color I used for Drop Shadow is #6e8a99.wing image. The color I used for Drop Shadow is #6e8a99.wing image. The color I used for Drop Shadow is #6e8a99.wing image. The color I used for Drop Shadow is #6e8a99.wing image. The color I used for Drop Shadow is #6e8a99.wing 文字圖層請按照下圖進行設定。投影的顏色: #6e8a99




Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "chemistry bottle". Select the Pen Tool (P) and create a shape over the letter "A" of the text looker. Take a the text l at the following image for reference. The color is not important at the moment. I made my shape red so you can see it better. Name this layer "bottom area".

組新群組)。選擇鋼筆工具在文字圖層中的A的上方創建一個形狀,就像下圖展示的一樣。這會兒顏色不是很重要。我設定為紅色,你看起來更醒目一點。命名此圖層為bottom area




Click and hold on the Pen Tool in the Tools Panel to reveal additional tools, and then select the Add Anchor Point Tool. Then click on the v. mk (if the vector mask is active, you can see the path of your shape, and the thumbnail has a white stroke).


鋼筆工具,出現額外工具,然後選擇增加錨點工具。然後點擊bottom area圖層的向量蒙版去啟動它,你可以看見該形狀的路徑,並且縮圖有一個白色的描邊。


Zoom in, and then use the Add Anchor Point Tool to add an anchor point on the bottom path of the chemistry bottle, in the middle. Then use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select that that use 2px down. This will make the bottom line of the chemistry bottle more rounded. Take a look at the following image for reference.





Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle like you see in the following image. This will be the neck of the chemistry see in the following image. This will be the neck of the chemistry 3ttle. Name 用 lay

建立一個矩形,如下圖所示。這將是化學頸的瓶頸。命名此圖層為middle area


PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計Select the Ellipse Tool (U) and create an ellipse at the top of the chemistry bottle's neck using the color #85a 3.top of the chemistry bottle's neck using the color #85a-b. on it and use the settings from the following image. For Stroke I used the color #708c9b.


在化學瓶瓶頸的頂部創建一個橢圓,顏色: #85a3b3.命名雙擊並按照下圖設定圖層樣式。描邊的顏色: #708c9b





Change the color of the "bottom area" and "middle area" layers to #85a3b3. Then select the Pen Tool (P) and create a shape like you seedf the follo color see. . Name this layer "water", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image.

改變bottom area和middle area 圖層顏色為:#85a3b3。然後選擇鋼筆工具按照下圖建立一個形狀,顏色: #b8d1df。命名此圖層為water,按兩下開啟圖層樣式依下圖設定樣式






) 韎

 ) 的 它will be the top area of​​ the water. Name this layer "water top", double-click on it and use the settings from the following image. For the Stroke I used the color #9dbccd.

再次創作鋼筆PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計如下的形狀。這是水的上表面。命名為water top,雙擊開啟圖層樣式,依照下圖設定,描邊的顏色: #9dbccd





layers that form the chemistry bottle ("bottom area", "middle area" and "top area"). Right-click on one of these layers, select

Duplicate Layers

from the menu that appears and click. selected, right-click on one of them and select Convert to Smart Object.

按住Ctrl/Cmd鍵選擇化學瓶的三個圖層(bottom area,middle area,top area)。在上方右鍵,在出現的選單中選擇





Name the new layer "gradient" and move it above the "water top" layer. Double-click on the "gradient" layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settic from the follo 🜥圖層為gradient,並移動到water top圖層的上方。雙擊gradient圖層開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖設定。

🎜🎜🎜🎜🎜🎜 🎜

Note: By settings the Fill to 0%, the layer becomes completely invisible, but we are still able to add layer styles. If we set the Opacity of the layer to 0%, both the layer and the layer to 0%, both the layer and the layer to 0%, both the layer and the layer to 0%, layer layer and the layer to 0% invisible. That's why we used the Fill property instead of Opacity.




Use the Pen Tool (P) to create a white shape on the left side of the chemistry bottle. Take a look at the follo chemage for reference chemistry bottle. Take a look at the follo chemage for reference . Name this layer "highlight".



Duplicate this layer. Then go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizo​​ntal. Change the color of this layer to black and move it in the right side of the chemistry ttle layer to black and move it in the right side of the chemistry Mbottle oolus ) . Name this layer "shadow".

複製該圖層。然後點選:編輯 > 變換 > 水平翻轉。把顏色改成黑色並用移動工具把它移到化學瓶的右側。命名該圖層為shadow



Set the blend mode of the "highlight" and "shadow" layers to Overlay 20%.




Now what's left to do is delete the "A" letter from the text layer. Before that, I selected the "LAB" word and changed its word and changea要做的就是把文字圖層中的字母A刪除。在做之前,選擇文字LAB,改變他的字體,從Futura Heavy到Futura Bold


Using the Type Tool (T), select the "A" letter and delete it. To push the "B" letter to the right, you can use the space bar. Then select the Move Tool (V) and reposition the chemistry bottle icon between the letters "L" and "B". Now the logo is finished.





Step 10: Add Social Media Icons


Download these icons from Noupe and open in Photoshop the social icons that you want to use. I used the rss, twitter, facebook and email icons. Make sure that you use the 48px by 48px images.



To move the icons to your web layout document, select the Move Tool (V) and simply them them the document. Name each of these layers and group them (select the layers and hit Ctrl/Cmd + G). Name the group "social media icons".


移動工具並拖曳他們到你的文件上。把它們歸併到一個群組(選擇這些圖層並按Ctrl/Cmd+G)。命名組為social media icons


Using the Move Tool (V), place the icons in the right hand side of the layout, at a distance of 10px from each other. Tollo a look at the follo image for reference




These icons look a bit dark for our web layout. To make them brighter, I used some Brightness/Contrast adjustment layers. Gost Layer layers. the Brightness to 20.

在網頁版中這些圖示看起來有點暗。把他們弄得亮一點,我要用一些亮度/對比度調整圖層。點選:圖層> 新調整圖層> 亮度/對比,亮度設定為20



Put this adjustment layer above the first icon from the menu that appears. This way, the adjustment layer will only be applied on the layer underneath it. Repeat this process for the other icons as well.

把這個調整圖層的第一個圖示上方的圖示. ,在調整圖層上右鍵出現的選單中選擇




Select the Type Tool (T) and write the word "Subscribe" using a script font. I used Handwriting Dakota and the color #696e70. Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N), select the Brush Tool (B), set the Size to 1px and the Hardness to 100%, and draw an arrow pointing towards the social media icons. Use the same color that you used for the text . Name this layer "arrow".


文字工具並書寫文字subscribe,用一個腳本字體。我用的是Handwriting Dakota(本翻譯教學中用Pristina取代),顏色: #696e70。然後建立一個新圖層(Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N),選擇畫筆工具,設定粗細為1px,硬度為100%,並話一個箭頭指向社群媒體圖示。用的顏色和之前的文字的顏色一樣。命名此圖層為arrow



Step 11: Adding the Navigation Bar Items

步驟11:新增導覽列選單tom area of the desk as a navigation bar. Now we need to add the navigation items and some separators.我已經提到,我們將把在桌面的底部區域作為一個導航欄。現在,我們需要新增導航選單項目和一些分隔符號。


Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "navigation". Then select the Type Tool (T) and write the name for your navigation menu items. I used the font Fura name for your navigation menu items. I used the font Fura colorden #313a3e.


圖層> 新建> 群組



書寫你的導覽選單項目。我使用的字體:Futura Light Condensed與顏色: #313a3e


Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "separators". Zoom in sooo you can baree.

新建組separators(PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計圖層> 新建> 群組



Select the Line Tool (U), set the Weight to 1px and the color #818b8f. Then hold down the Shift key and draw a straight vertical line from the top of the navigation bar to the bottom. Name this layer "1px line" .

選擇直線工具,設定粗細為1px,顏色: #818b8f。然後按住Shift鍵,去畫一條從導覽列頂部到底部的垂直的直線。將此圖層命名為1px line


Hit Ctrl/Cmd + J to duplicate this layer. Select the Move Tool (V) and hit the Right Arrow key on your keyboard once to move this layer 1ight Arrow key on your keyboard once to move this layer 1 color of this new line to #c0c5c8.

按Ctrl/Cmd+J複製該圖層。選擇移動工具並按鍵盤上的右箭頭鍵一次,向右移動圖層1px。改變新圖層的顏色: #c0c5c8




Hold down the Ctrl/Cmd key and select the two line layers. Right-cvert to one . Name this layer "separator". Duplicate this layer as many times as you need and use the Move Tool (V) to put a separator between each of the navigation items.CCmdCm/CmdcmdCBmd5層。在其中一個上右鍵出現的選單上選擇




to duplicate a layer many times, you can select the Move Tool (V), hold down the Alt/Option key, click on the image and drag the cursor to create a copy of that layer. In our case, you can hold down Alt /Option + Shift keys and when you click and drag a copy of the current separator to the right you'll see that it's easier to move the new layer sideways and not go up or down.




Note: Another advantage of smart objects is that if you edit one smart object, all the copies of that smart object will will object, all the copies of that smart yect will will object willah exas lepject the lepator, ​​milem the lepect the leample, leampers the leject lewer leamp. want to change their colors, you would have to edit each layer inpidually. By creating one separator, converting it into a smart object and duplicating that smart object as many times as we needed, we can edit the source of the smart object (which contains the two line layers that we converted), save the document and then all the other separator layers will be updated.




Step 12: Creating a Search Bar



Create a new Selectreatefreter (U) and create a rectangle with the dimensions 260×26px and the color #f4f4f4. Add a 1px Stroke to this rectangle using the color #7f898d.

建立新群組(> 新群組)。選擇




,尺寸:260px*26px,顏色: #f4f4f4。在矩形上加上1px的描邊,描邊的顏色: #7f8989d


Download this set of icons from Smashing Magazine and open the "search.png" image in Photoshop. Move the icon into your first document using the Move Tool (V). Put the icon inside the search bar and use Free Transform (Ctrl/side the search bar and use Free Transform Cmd + T) to change the size of the icon.

從Smashing Magazine上下載set of icons,在PS中打開search.png。用移動工具移動該圖示到你的第一個文件。擺放你的圖示在搜尋列中,並用自由變形工具(Ctrl/Cmd + T)改變圖示的大小


Select the Type Tool (T) and write "Type and hit Enter to search" inside your search bar. I used the font Helvetica Oblique and the color #848e92.

文字工具在你的搜尋欄中書寫文字Type and hit Enter to search。我用的字體是Helvetica Oblique(用Tahoma替代),顏色: #848e92



Now we're done with the header. Let's move on Now we're done with the header. Let's m on to .頭部區域的製作。現在我們開始建立圖片滑動方塊


Step 13: Creating an Image Slider Area


. slider that looks like a white board. Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "image slider".

為了使我們的佈局看起來像實驗室,我們將創建一個圖像滑動塊,看起來像一個白板。建立一個新群組image slider(

圖層 > 新建 > 群組


 Activate the guides and the grid. Then select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 6px and create a rounded rectangle with the dimension 960×320px and create a rounded rectangle with the dimension 960×320px. Name lick layer" and select

Convert to Smart Object

from the menu.



,尺寸: 960px*320px,顏色: #b0b7ba,命名此圖層為image_slider_bg,右鍵出現在出現的選單中選擇轉換為智慧型物件 Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. The color that I used for Stroke 18ettings from the following image. The color that I used for Stroke 18ettings8圖層開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖進行樣式設定。描邊的顏色為 #818b8f。



Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and use the settings from the image below.設定




Activate the grid (Ctrl/Cmd + '), select the Rectangle Tool (U), hold down the Shift key and create a square with the dimensions 30×30px and the color #848d91. Putthis square in the upperleft the rounded rectangle you created. Name this layer "top left corner".

激活網格(Ctrl/Cmd + `),選擇矩形工具,按住Shift鍵創建一個30px*30px的正方形矩形工具,按住Shift鍵創建一個30px*30px的正方形

,顏色: #848d91。將這個正方形移到剛才建立的圓角矩形的左上角,命名此圖層為top left cornerPS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計

 Duplicate this layer three times and put one square in each corner of the bigounded 。 to 80%.




Activate the grid (Ctrl/Cmd + '), select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 4px and create a rounded rectangle with the dimensions 940×300px. Take a look at the following with the dimensions 940×300px. Take a look at the following image for reference. layer "image_holder".

啟動網格(Ctrl/Cmd + `),選擇




Now you can add an image above this layer, right-click on it and select al






for the Image Slider



Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "right arrow". Select the Ellipse Tool (U), activate the grid, hold down the Shift key and create a circle with the dimensions 40×40px. Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For Stroyer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For Stroke I used the color #88b.

建立新群組right arrow(

圖層> 新建> 群組)。選擇橢圓工具,啟動網格,按住Shift鍵建立圓形(1075,329),尺寸:40px*40px,顏色: #c0c6c8。雙擊圖層開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖新增樣式。描邊的顏色: #818b8f






Select the Pen Tool (P) and create an arrow shape like you see in the image below。 to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image for Gradient Overlay.

選擇鋼筆工具建立一個如下圖的箭頭形狀。顏色: #656b6e。命名此圖層為arrow,雙擊開啟圖層樣式視窗依照下圖設定漸層疊加




Right-click on the "right-arrow" group and select

Right-click on the "right-arrow" group and select Convert to Smart select. Cmd + J to duplicate this layer. Then go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizo​​​​ntal. Name this layer "left arrow", select the Move Tool (V) and move it to the left side of the image slider.在 right組上右鍵選擇轉換為智慧型物件。按Ctrl/Cmd + J複製該圖層。然後點選:編輯 > 變換 > 水平翻轉。命名此圖層為left arrow,選擇移動工具移動到圖像滑動塊的左邊




Step 15: 15p 15: 15p 15: 15p 15: 15p建立主內容區域


Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "content". Create another group inside the first one and name it "services".

層創建新群組(圖層> 新建> 群組),在其中建立另一個新群組services


Activate the grid (Ctrl/Cmd + ') and the guides (Ctrl/Cmd + ;). Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and set the Weight to 4px. Then create a square with the dimensions 300×300px and the color #f9f9f9. Leave a distance of 30px between the image slider and this square.

網格(Ctrl/CrlCt)和參考線(CrlcrlCjm/C4m)和參考線(4mdmCt)和參考線(Crl)/Crl /Cmd + ;)。選擇


,設定半徑為4px。然後建立一個正方形(130,520),尺寸:300px*300px,顏色: #f9f9f9。保持影像滑動方塊與這個方塊之間的距離為30px 

Name this layer "services_bg", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and add a 1px Stroke using the color #a5adbad圖層services_bg,雙擊開啟圖層樣式窗口,加入1px的描邊,描邊的顏色: #a5adb1




In order to save some time later, we can save the layer style that we applied to the "services_bg" layer and use it again whenever we need it.

為了以後節省時間,我們可以保存給services_bggg ,並在日後需要的時候直接呼叫。


Open the Styles Panel (Window > Styles). Make sure that the "services_bg" layer is selected and click on the Create new style button from the thistom of the Styles Panel. A on the Create new style button from the thistom of the Styles Panel. A lileswindow Name. content area 1px stroke". Leave the Include Layer Effects option checked and click OK. Now, when we need to use this layer style, you can click it from the Styles Panel to apply it to any layer you can click it from the Styles Panel to apply it to any layer you want.打開樣式面板(

視窗> 樣式

)。確保services_bg圖層選中,然後點擊樣式面板底部的建立新樣式按鈕。一個新的視窗出現。命名此樣式為content area 1px stroke。勾選包含圖層效果,並點選確定。現在,當我們需要這個圖層樣式,你可以在樣式面板中點擊該樣式添加到你需要的圖層 

Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the dimensions 300×60px and the color #c2c9cc. Name this layer "top bar" and put it at the top of the white rounded square. Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For Stroyer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For Stroke I used the color # a5adb1 and for Pattern Overlay I used the diagonal stripe pattern that we created in this tutorial.



創建一個矩形(130,520),尺寸:300px*60px,顏色命名此圖層為top bar並將它擺放到白色圓角矩形的頂部。雙擊開啟圖層樣式窗口,並按照下圖設定樣式。描邊的顏色: #a5adb1,圖案疊加用的是本教學中建立的斜對角線圖案




select Create Clipping Mask to make it visible only over the white square

PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計在top bar圖層上右鍵選擇建立剪貼蒙版,只有在白色方塊中的部分才顯示出來

style that you applied to the "top bar" layer so you can use it later when we'll need it.

再次,保存你添加到top bar圖層的圖層樣式,這樣以後就可以直接用了


Open the "clipboard_check.png" image from the icon set you downloaded at the beginning of this tutorial. Move the image into your web layout document using the Move Tool (V)。 and place the icon as you see it in the following image.



移動你的圖像到你的網頁佈局。命名此圖層為services icon。啟動網格並如下圖擺放圖示


Select the Type Tool (T) and write the word "Services" next to the icon. I used the color #4f5254 and the font Futura Extra Bold Condensed.

文字工具書寫文字Services緊挨著文字圖示。顏色: #4f5254,字體:Futura Extra Bold Condensed


Write the words "what we can do" underneath the "Services" headline using the color #6a6e70 and a script fontsing the color #6a6e70 and a script ritsota duchas 單詞 3ak help you align these text layers.

書寫文字what we can do在Services的下方,顏色: #6a6e70,和一個腳本字體(就像Handwriting Dakota,用Pristina替換)。用網格協助你對齊這些文字圖層




To save us some time, we will now duplicate the "areservices" group two us some time, we will now duplicate the "areservices" group two times for as ttimes forcontents.我們複製Services群組兩次,做成其他的內容區域


Activate the guides (Ctrl/Cmd + ;). Right-click on the "services" group, choose Duplicate Group and click OK. Name the new group " portfolio" and move it to the right as you see it in the image below. Duplicate this group one more time, move it to the right side of the layout and name it "contact".

激活網格(Ctrl/Cmd + ;)。在Services組上右鍵,選擇



Now use the Type Tool (T) to edit the text of each content area. Also, for the portfolio area I used the "curriculum_vitae.png" icon and for the contact area I used the "sign_available.png" icon. You can find these images in the icon set you downloaded.





Now we'll focus on the "services" group's content. Here we will display a list of services and an icon for each the an list



Select the Type Tool (T) and write a list of services in the white area using the color #6a6e70. Below you can see my list items and the name of the icon I used for each item.  

Web Design & Development » (browser.png)
  • Search Engine Optimization (speed)_c)
  • .png)
  • Web & Mobile Apps » (applications.png)
  • 文字工具
  • 在白色區域書寫服務列表,顏色: #6a6e70。以下是我的服務列表,每個服務對應的圖示的檔案名稱   

Web Design & Development » (browser.png)

    Search Engine Optimization » (speed_kmh
  • Search Engine Optimization »(speed_kmh Design » (color_wheel.png)
  • Web & Mobile Apps » (applications.png)
  • .

  • 到Portfolio組,在其中創建一個新組images


Activate the grid (Ctrl/Cmd + '). Then select the Rectangle Tool (U), hold down the Shift key and creates square with the dissionre with the dirsion 80×80px using the color #e6ebec. Name this layer "square 1", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. The color that Ilic used for Strokethis is. D222d square layer 5 times (Ctrl/Cmd + J) and arrange them as you see in the image below.

活化網格(Ctrl/Cmd + `)。然後選擇矩形工具,按住Shift鍵建立一個矩形(470,600),尺寸:80px*80px,顏色: #e6ebec。命名此圖層square 1,雙擊開啟圖層樣式窗口,依照下圖設定樣式。描邊的顏色: #d2d2d2。複製這個圖層5次(Ctrl/Cmd + J)並依照下圖對齊擺放



5個正方形的位置分別是560,600) 600)、(470,700)、(560,700)、(650,700)



Now you can add some ima


Now you can add some ima over over liped the 10000) the 3ue images visible only over the squares.




" group, create a new group inside it and name it "contact form".

到contact群組,在其中建立一個新群組contact form


Use the Rectangle Tool (U) to create thr問題 colored e6ebed, like you see in the image below. Add a 1px Stroke to these rectangles using the color #c5ccd0.


創建3個矩形,顏色: #e6ebed,如下圖所示。為這些長方形加上1px的描邊,描邊顏色: #c5ccd0

3個長方形分別是(790,600,210,30)、(790,640,210,30)、(790,680,260, 80)



Select the Type Tool (T) and write labels (e.g., Name, E-mail and Message) inside the input fields. I used the font Helvetica and themail and Message) inside the input fields. I used the font Helvetica and the incolorput. 文字工具在矩形內加入一些文字標籤(舉例:Name、Email、Message),字體:Helvetica(用Tahoma取代),顏色: #6a6e70


) Pat Button for the Web Form


 Now we'll create a button for the contact form. Create a new group name > Newit "button". Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 2px and create a rounded rectangle with the dimensions 80×28px and the color #85a3b3. For Stroke I used the color #6d8794. contact form建立一個按鈕。建立新群組button(

圖層 > 新建 > 群組





,尺寸:80px*28px,顏色: #85a3b3。 如下圖加入一些樣式,描邊的顏色: #6d8794








Save the

. for the other buttons that we will create.



Select the Type Tool (T) and write the word "Send »" inside your button using the color #ecf1f3. The font that I used is Futura Heavy. 10 to the Styles Panel and save this layer style as well. Name it "text drop shadow".選擇文字工具

在按鈕的內部書寫文字Send »,顏色: #ecf1f3。字體:Futura Heavy。

依照下圖設定樣式PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計。現在到樣式面板保存此圖層樣式,取名為text drop shadow


Step 17: Creating the Blog Area

(Layer > New > Group) and name it "blog". Activate the grid and the guides. Then select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 4px and create a rounded rectangle with the dimensions 620×530px and the color #f9f9f9.


圖層> 新建> 群組


圓角矩形工具,設定半徑為4px,建立一個圓角矩形(130,850),尺寸:620px*530px,顏色: #f9f9f9 

. from the Styles Panel. This will add the layer style that we saved when we created the "services" area. Name this layer "blog bg".

點擊樣式面板上的contact area 1px stroke樣式。這會新增先前在建立services區域時儲存的圖層樣式。命名此圖層為blog bg


Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the dimensions 940px by 60px and the color #c2c9, Name top of the white rounded rectangle. Right-click on this layer and choose Create Clipping Mask. Then click on the "top bar" layer style from the Styles Panel.




,尺寸:940px*60px,顏色: #c2c9cc。命名此圖層為top bar,並把它放在白色圓角矩形的頂部。在此圖層上右鍵選擇建立剪貼蒙版。然後在樣式面板中點選top bar 樣式



Add an icon in the upper left corner of the blog area. Use the grid to help you align it. I used the icon "moleskine_black.png"。用網格幫助你對齊它。我使用的圖示是moleskine_black.png


Select the Type Tool (T) and write the word Blog as a headline and underneath it write "tutorials, articles, resources". Use and underneath it write "tutorials, articles, resources". Use and the same s write "tutorials, articles, resources". Use the same orm and the colors for color. services, portfolio and contact areas.



書寫文字Blog和在它下方書寫文字tutorials, articles, resources。用和之前在services, portfolio和contact區域相同的字體和顏色


Step 18: Adding Content to the Blog Area



Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "blog". Activate the grid, select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a square with the dimensions 180×180px. Leave a distance of 20px ween the top and left edges of the white area and this square. Name this layer "image_holder", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window, and use the settings from the following image. For Inner Glow I used the color #ebebeb and for Stroke I wing image. For Inner Glow I used the color #ebebeb and for Stroke I wing image. For Inner Glow I used the color #ebebeb and for Stroke I wing image. For Inner Glow I used the color #ebebeb and for Stroke I wing #a5a5a5.


圖層> 新建> 群組

)。啟動網格,選擇矩形工具,建立一個正方形,尺寸:180px*180px。保持正方形的頂邊和左邊距白色長方形的距離為20px。命名此圖層為image_holder,雙擊開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖設定樣式。內發光的顏色: #ebebeb,描邊的顏色: #a5a5a5



PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計, Photoshop yoused ormeoc片🜥 me this layer "image", right-click on it and choose Create Clipping Mask from the menu.




PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計Use the Type Tool (T) to add some content next to the image you added at the prev. headline I used the font Futura Bold Condensed (#648393) and for the block of text I used Helvetica (#6a6e70).


添加一些文本在之前的矩形的右側。標題文字用的字體是Futura Bold Condensed(#648393),文字區塊的字體是Helvetica


(#6a6e70)。  Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 2px and create a rounded rectangle with the dimensions 160×26px and the color #85a3b3. Apply the "button" style×26px and the color #85a3b3. Apply the "button" style×26px and the color #85a3b3. Apply the “ after creating the contact web form button earlier).

選擇圓角矩形工具,設定半徑為2px,建立一個圓角矩形(350,1110),尺寸:160px*26px,顏色: #85a3b3。在這個圖層中加入button樣式(之前你儲存的contact區域的網頁表單的按鈕的圖層樣式)


Select the Type Tool (T) and write the words "Continue Reading »" inside your button using the color #ecf1f3. The font that I used is Futura Heavy. Add the "text drop shadow" layer style to this layer.

選擇文字工具在按鈕的內部書寫文字Continue Reading »,顏色: #ecf11f3。字體是Futura Heavy。加上樣式面板中的text drop shadow的圖層樣式



Create another blog post just like you created the first one.




Step 19: Creating a List of Categories

步驟19:建立分類清單) >


) >

Activate the grid and the guides. Then select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 4px and create a rounded rectangle with the dimensions 300×290px. Name this layer "categories_bg" and apply the "content 11" the Styles Panel.創建新組categories(圖層> 新建> 組)。啟動網格和參考線。選擇圓角矩形工具,設定半徑為4px,建立一個圓角矩形(770,850),尺寸:300px*290px,

顏色: #f9f9f9

。將此圖層命名為categories_bg,並從樣式面板上的content area 1px stroke樣式


Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the dimensions 300×40px and the color #ctop the white the white the whcc rounded rectangle. Name this layer "top bar", right-click on it and choose Create Clipping Mask from the menu that appears. For this layer use the "top bar" style that you saved in the Styles Panel..工具在白色圓角矩形的頂部建立一個矩形(770,850),尺寸:300px*40px,顏色: #c2c9cc。命名此圖層top bar,右鍵在出現的選單中選擇建立剪貼蒙版。在這個圖層中加入先前在圖層樣式面板中儲存的top bar樣式


Add an icon in the upper left corner of the categories area. I used the "tag_white.png" icon.的左上角加上一個圖標,我使用的圖標是tag_white.png


Select the Type Tool (T) and write the word "Categories" next to the icon using the same font and color that you used for the headline of the other content areas. Use the Type Tool (T) to write a list of categories. I used the font Helvetica Regular and the color #6a6e70. Leave a distance of 20px from the top of the white area and 40px from the left .



書寫文字Categories在圖示的右側,用和之前在其他區域標題的一樣的字體和顏色。用文字工具書寫一個分類清單。我用的字體是Helvetica Regular(用Tahoma取代),顏色: #6a6e70。保持在白色區域頂部20px和左邊40px的距離 

Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "bullet points". Then select the Ellipse Tool (U), hold down the Shift key and create a circle with the dimensions 5×5px and the color #6a6e70. Name this layer "bullet point" and put it in front of the first item from the categories list. Duplicate this layer as many times as categories list. Duplicate this layer as many times as you nlet in front of each list item.

建立新群組bullet points(圖層 > 新建 > 群組)。然後選擇橢圓工具,按住Shift鍵建立一個圓,尺寸:5px*5px,顏色: #6a6e70。命名此圖層為bullet point,並移到分類清單第一項的前面。複製這個圖層,在每個清單項目之前擺放一個



Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "twitter". Then create a background for this area just like like like like like background for this areajike like like like like did for the "categories" area. The icon that I used is "social_twitter_bird.png".

創建新群組twitter(圖層> 新建> 群組)。然後創建這個區域的背景就像你在categories區域做的一樣。圖示我使用的是social_twitter_bird.png

白色的圓角矩形的位置(770,1160,300,220),top bar的長方形位置(770,1160,300,40)

of tweets in this area. I used the font Helvetica Oblique with the color #6a6e70 for tweet and #bcbcbc for the time information.

在這個區域添加一對tweet。我用的字體是Helvetica Oblique


,tweet的顏色: #6a6e70,時間信息的顏色: #bcbcbc



Step 20: Creating the Footer



Create a new group (Layer > New > Group) and name it "footer". Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rounded rectangle with the dimensions 940px #c2c9cc. Name this layer "footer_bg" and apply to it the "top bar" style from the Styles Panel.


圖層> 新建> 群組


圓角矩形工具建立一個圓角矩形(130,1400),尺寸:940px*50px,顏色: #c2c9cc。命名此圖層為footer_bg,然後加入樣式面板中的top bar樣式 

Select the Type Tool (T) and add a copyright statement in the middle of the footer area using the color #6a6e70 and the Helvetica.



加入版權資訊在頁腳區域的中央,顏色: #6a6e70,字體:Helvetica





」一樣,在教程中化學瓶製作過程非常詳細,單獨拎出來,也是一篇不錯的教學。 PS網頁設計教學XVI-在PS中創造一個摩登實驗室風格的網頁設計

