首頁 >Java >java教程 >PlayFramework完整實作一個APP(三)


2016-12-23 16:37:511302瀏覽


package models;

import java.util.*;
import javax.persistence.*;
import play.db.jpa.*;

import play.db.jpa.*;

@ ")
public class Post extends Model {
public String title;
public Date postedAt;

public String content;

public User Userauthored User comof ) {
this.author = author;
this.title = title;
this.content = title;

@Lob 標識,字段為每個字段是@ManyTotextost的類型,@ManyTotextost對應一個User,一個User可以對應多個Post


2. 新增測試案例

public void createPost() {
// Create a new user @Gmail.com", "####", "Bob").save();

// Create a new post
new Post(user, "My first post", "Hello world").save( );

// Test that the post has been created
assertEquals(1, Post.count());

// Retrieve all posts created by user
List posts = Post.find("byAuthor List posts = Post.find" user).fetch();

// Tests
assertEquals(1, posts.size());
Post firstPost = posts.get(0);
asserp. ;
assertEquals("My first post", firstPost.title);
assertEquals("Hello world", firstPost.content);

public class Comment extends Model {

public String author;

public Date postedAt;


public String content;

public String. content) {
this.post = post;
this.author = author;
this.content = content;
this.postedAt = new Date();

. @Test
public void postComments() {
   // Create a new user and save it
   User bob = new User("bob@gmail.com", "secret", "Bob").save(); / Create a new post
   Post bobPost = new Post(bob, "My first post", "Hello world").save();

   //new Post a first comment

   //new Post a first comment

  產品, post").save();

   new Comment(bobPost, "Tom", "I knew that !").save();

   // Retrieve all comments

   List ", bobPost).fetch();

   // Tests
   assertEquals(2, bobPostComments.size());

   Comment firstCommentsNotp.ComirstComments);
   assertEquals("Jeff" , 錯誤。 ondComment);
   assertEquals("Tom ", secondComment.author);
   assertEquals("I knew that !", secondComment.content);
. OneToMany( mappedBy="post", cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
public List comments;

public Post(User author, String title, String content) {
this.comments = new ArrayList(); .author = author;
this.title = title;
this.content = title;
this.postedAt = new Date();



 『 String author, String content) {
   Comment newComment = new Comment(this, author, content).save();


public void useTheCommentsRelation() {
   // 建立一個新使用者並儲存
   User bob = new User("bob@gmail.com", "secret", "Bob").save(); / 建立新文章
   Post bobPost = new Post(bob, "我的第一篇文章", "Hello world").save();

   // 發表第一則留言
  Commbob". , "Nice post");
   bobPost.addComment("Tom", "我知道!");

   // 計數事物
   tEquals(1, User.count()); )) ;
   assertEquals(2, Comment.count());

   // 檢索Bob 的貼文
   bobPost = Post.find("byAuthor", bob).first();   / / 導覽至comments
   assertEquals(2, bobPost.comments.size());
   assertEquals("Jeff", bobPost.comments.get(0).author);
// 檢查所有註解是否已刪除
   assertEquals(1, User.count());
   assertEquals(0, Post.count());
     assertEquals(0, Post.count());



