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2016-08-08 09:27:061046瀏覽
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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here 字符串的输出函数echo()
        $str = "Hello World";
        echo $str;

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here程序报错后终止继续运行的函数die()
        $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root") or die("数据库连接失败!");

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here打印函数print_r()
        $arr = array(&#39;0&#39;=>'PHP',"1"=>array('0'=>'P', '1'=>'H', '2'=>'P'));

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here字符串分割函数explode()
        $str = "PHP,JSP,JAVA,C++,HTML";

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here数组元素组合成字符串的函数implode()
        $arr = array(&#39;Hello&#39;, &#39;World!&#39;, &#39;Beautiful&#39;, &#39;Day!&#39;);
        echo implode(" ", $arr);
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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here预定义字符串转换为HTML实体的函数htmlspecialchars()
        $str = "<strong>PHP100.COM</strong>";
        echo htmlspecialchars($str);

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here
        $str = "<font color=&#39;red&#39;>PHP</font> + <em>Apache</em> + <b>Mysql</b>";
        echo strip_tags($str);
        echo "<br/>";
        echo strip_tags($str, "<font>");
        echo "<br/>";
        echo strip_tags($str, "<font><em><b>");

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here去除字符串首尾连续空格的函数
        $str = "  PHP100  ";
        echo strlen($str)."<br>";
        echo strlen(ltrim($str))."<br>";
        echo strlen(rtrim($str))."<br>";
        echo strlen(trim($str));

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here
        echo nl2br("PHP100.COM \n PHP100.NET");

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here加密函数MD5
        $str = "PHP100.COM";
        echo md5($str);

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        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // put your code here加密函数sha1()
        $str = "PHP100.COM";
        echo sha1($str);

