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php json_encode 數據

2016-08-08 09:20:241249瀏覽
json_encode() 輸出資料只認識UTF-8,一切在輸出資料時,請注意資料編碼格式! ! ! 


如果你有ANSI編碼的字串,使用utf8_encode ()是 處理這個問題的錯誤函數。您需要先將其從 ANSI 正確轉換為 UTF-8。這肯定會減少 Unicode 轉義序列的數量,例如來自 json 輸出,但從技術上講,這些序列對 json 是有效的,你不必擔心它們。 使用 PHP 將 ANSI 轉換為 UTF-8

json_encode 有效 使用 UTF-8 編碼 字串僅限。如果您需要成功建立有效的json 來自 ANSI 編碼 字串,您需要先將其重新編碼/轉換為UTF-8。 然後json_encode將會 只需按照記錄進行操作即可。 要從ANSI轉換編碼(更多 正確的是,我假設您有Windows-1252 編碼 字串,很流行但被錯誤地稱為ANSI) 給UTF-8你 可以使用mb_convert_encoding()函數:$str = mb_convert_encoding($str,"UTF-8","Windows-1252");PHP中另一個可以轉換字串編碼/字元集的函數稱為iconv onlibiconv。你也可以使用它:$str = iconv("CP1252","UTF-8", $str);關於utf8_encode()的注意事項utf8_encode() does only work for Latin-1, not for ANSI. So you will destroy part of your characters inside that string when you run it through that function.Related: What is ANSI format?For a more fine-grained control of what json_encode() returns, see the list of predifined constants(PHP version dependent, incl. PHP 5.4, some constants remain undocumented and are available in the source code only so far).Changing the encoding of an array/iteratively (PDO comment)As you wrote in a comment that you have problems to apply the function onto an array, here is some code example. It's always needed to first change the encoding before using json_encode. That's just a standard array operation, for the simpler case of pdo::fetch() a foreach iteration:while($row = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){foreach($row as&$value){ $value = mb_convert_encoding($value,"UTF-8","Windows-1252");} unset($value);# safety: remove reference $items[]= array_map('utf8_encode', $row );}

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json_encode() non utf-8 strings


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