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2016-07-30 13:30:202113瀏覽

1. 寫在前面的話



這個專案為php程式語言提供了一系列允許你讀取和寫入不同檔案格式的電子表格的類,像Excel(BIFF).xls、Excel 2007 (Office OpenXML).xlsx、CSV、Libre/OpenOffice Cacl .ods 、Gnumeric、PDF、HTML等等。該計畫圍繞著微軟的OpenXML標準和PHP建立。


2. 前提條件

2.1. 軟體需求

2.2. 安裝說明

2.3. 開始

2.4. 有用的連結與工具

2.3. 開始

2.4. 有用的連結與工具

2.4.3. 教程

3. 結構

3.1. 原理

3.2. 惰性載入

3.3. 電子表格載入記憶體

3.4. 1353.電子表格

4.1. PHPExcel類別

4.1.1. 從檔案載入工作簿

4.1.2. 建立新的工作簿

4.2. 配置設定

. 語言/本地化

4.3. 從記憶體中清除工作簿

4.4. 工作表

4.4.1. 新增工作表

4.4.2. 複製工作表

4.4.3. 4.5. 存取(存取)單元

4.5.1. 透過座標設定單元格的值

4.5.2. 透過座標檢索單元格

4.5.3. 透過列和行設定單元格的值

4.5.3. 透過列和行設定單元格的值

4.5 .4. 透過列和行檢索單元格的值

4.5.5. 循環單元格

4.5.6. Using value binders to facilitate data entry

4.6. PHPExcel recipes5 Setipes


4.6.2. Setting a spreadsheet's active sheet

4.6.2. Setting a spreadsheet's active sheet

4.6.3. Write a date or time into a cell

4.6.4. Write a formula into cell

4 . .6. Write a newline character “n” in a cell (ALT+”Enter”)

4.6.7. Explicitly set a cell's datatype

4.6.8. Change a cell into a clickable

4.6.8. Change a cell into a clickable

. a worksheet's page orientation and size

4.6.10. Page Setup: Scaling options

4.6.11. Page margins

4.6.12. Center a page horizo​​​​y. a worksheet

4.6.14. Setting printing breaks on a row or column

4.6.15. Show/hide gridlines when printing

4.6.16. Setting s when printing

4.6.16. Setting s/m. Specify printing area

4.6.18. Formatting cells

4.6.19. Number formats

4.6.20. Alignment and wrap text

4.6.21. Set the def. borders

4.6.23. Conditional formatting a cell

4.6.24. Add a comment to a cell

4.6.25. Apply autofilter to a range of cells

4.6.25. Apply autofilter to a range of cells

.27. Setting data validation on a cell

4.6.28. Setting a column's width

4.6.29. Show/hide a column

4.6.30. Group/outline a. height

4.6.32. Show/hide a row

4.6.33. Group/outline a row

4.6.34. Merge/unmerge cells a drawing to a worksheet

4.6.37. Reading Images from a worksheet

4.6.38. Add rich text to a cell

4.6.39. Define a named rangeclirange to web. browser

4.6.41. Setting the default column width

4.6.41. Setting the default column width

4.6.42. Setting the default row height

4.6.43. Add a. 4.6. 45. Sheet tab color

4.6.46. Creating worksheets in a workbook

4.6.47. Hidden worksheets (Sheet states)

4.6.48. Right-to-left worksheet

5. Performing formula calculations

5.1 . Using the PHPExcel calculation engine

5.2. Known limitations

5.2.1. Operator precedence

5.2.2. Formulas involving numbers and text

5.2.2. Formulas involving numbers and text

5.2.2. Formulas involving numbers and text

5.2.2. Formulas involving numbers and text

5.2.2. 1.

6.1.1 。

6.2.2. PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007

6.3. Excel 5 (BIFF) file format

6.3.1. PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5

6.3.2. PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5

6.4. Excel 2003 XML file format


6.5.1. PHPExcel_Reader_SYLK

6.6 . Open/Libre Office (.ods)

6.6.1. PHPExcel_Reader_OOCalc

6.7. CSV (Comma Separated Values)

6.7.1. PHPExcel_Reader_CSV

6.7.2. PHPcelcelSV_Wter_Reader_CSV

Ex.7.2. Reader_HTML

6.8.2. PHPExcel_Writer_HTML

6.9. PDF

6.9.1. PHPExcel_Writer_PDF

6.10. Generating Excel files from templates (read, modify, write)

7. Credits 50008y 尺寸


