- // 設定資料庫
- define('DB_HOST, ''); //伺服器位址
- define('DB_USER', 'root'); //使用者名稱
- define('DB_PASS', ''); //密碼
- define('DB_DATABASENAME', 'fenxiao'); //資料庫
- class Dbmy
- class Dbmy
- {
- /*
- *變數
- **/
- private $tablename=""; //表名
- private $fieldname="*";
- private $conn;
- private $where;
- private $sql; >
- function __construct($tablename)
- {
- //產生一個連線
- $this->conn = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER, mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER, mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER, mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER, mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER, mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER, mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER, mysql_connect( ) or die("connect failed" . mysql_error());
- //選擇資料庫
- mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASENAME, $this->conn);
- >編碼格式
- mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8");
- //var_dump($conn);
- $this->tablename=$tablename;
- }
- //設定sql語句
- private function setsql($sql)
- {
- this>
- this> sql=$sql;
- }
- //設定條件語句
- public function where($where)
- {
- {
- $this->where=" where ".$where;
- return $this;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //依指定欄位
- public function field($keyword)
- {
- $this->fieldname=$keyword;
- return $this;
- }
- //設定連線查詢表
- public function table($table1,$table2,$field,$bool)
- {
- $this->tablename="$table1 LEFT JOIN $table2 ON $table1.$field$bool$table2.$field";
- //print_r($this->tablename );
- return $this;
- }
- //設定多表查詢
- public function addtable($table1,addtable($table1,addtable($table1,addtable($table1,addtable($table1) $table2,$field,$bool)
- {
- $this->tablename.=" LEFT JOIN $table2 ON $table1.$field$bool$table2.$field";
- //print_r($this->tablename);
- return $this;
- }
- //設定連接查詢表
- ##SELECT * FROM 【wx_order LEFT JOIN wx_shopcar ON wx_shopcar.oid=wx_order.oid and wx_order.uid=wx_shopcar.uid LEFT JOIN wx_goods ON wx_good.g; 1 and wx_order.uid=3
- public function settable($sql)
- {
- $this->tablename=$sql;
- // print_r($this->tablename);
- return $this;
- }
- //查詢所有資料庫以數組形式輸出
- //查詢所有資料庫以數組形式輸出
- public function select()
- {
- /**
- * 查詢資料庫中所有的資料
- **/
- $arr=array();
- $arr=array();
- //執行sql語句
- $result = mysql_query("select ".$this->fieldname." from ".$this->tablename.$this->where, $this->conn);
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- array_push($arr, $row);
- array_push($arr, $row);
- }
- }
- return $arr;
- }
- //搜尋指定欄位資料
- publicunction find( )
- {
- //執行sql語句
- $result = mysql_query("select ".$this->fieldname." from ".$this->tablename. $this->where, $this->conn);
- $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
- return $result;
- }
- //增加資料到資料庫
- public function add($data)
- {
- $keysql='';
- $valuesql='';
- foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
- $keysql.=",`$key`";
- $valuesql.=",'$value'";
- }
- $keysql=substr($keysql, 1);
- $valuesql=substr($valuesql, 1);
- $result=mysql_query("insert into `".$this->tablename."` ($keysql) VALUES($valuesql)");
- $id=mysql_insert_id ();
- //print_r("insert into `".$this->tablename."` ($keysql) VALUES($valuesql)");
- return $id;
- }
- //修改資料庫的內容 public function save($data) { $keysql=''; $valuesql=''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $keysql.=",` $key`='$value'"; } $keysql=substr($keysql, 1); //print_r($keysql); //echo "
"; $result=mysql_query("UPDATE `".$this->tablename."` SET ".$keysql.$this->where); //print_r("UPDATE `".$this->tablename."` SET ".$keysql.$this->where); return $result; }
- ##刪除資料
- public function delete()
- {
- $result=mysql_query("DELETE FROM🎜>
- $result=mysql_query("DELETE FROM ->tablename $this->where");
- //print_r("DELETE FROM $this->tablename $this->where");
- return $result;
- }
- }
- /**
- * mysql_fetch_row: 傳回單列的各欄位 [0]=>"111"
- * mysql_fetch_field: 取得欄位資訊。 [0]=> ['name']=> object
- * mysql_fetch_array 傳回陣列資料。 [0]=>"asasds" ['name']=>
- */