首頁 >web前端 >js教程 >jQuery事件綁定用法詳解(附bind和live的區別)_jquery


2016-05-16 15:19:211440瀏覽

This article analyzes the usage of jQuery event binding with examples. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:


<a href="#" onclick="addBtn()">addBtn</a>
<div id="mDiv">
  <button class="cBtn" onclick="alert(11111)">button1</button>
  <button class="cBtn">button2</button>
  <button class="cBtn">button3</button>


<script type="text/javascript">
 function addBtn(){
   $('#mDiv').append(' <button class="cBtn">button5</button>')
$('#mDiv').on('click','.cBtn',function(index, eleDom){
...do someting...
...do someting...

Some notes:

bind(type,[data],fn) binds an event handler to a specific event for each matched element

Copy code The code is as follows:
$("a").bind("click",function( ){alert("ok");});

live(type,[data],fn) attaches an event handler to all matching elements, even if the element is added later
Copy code The code is as follows:
$("a").live("click",function( ){alert("ok");});

delegate(selector,[type],[data],fn) adds one or more event handlers to the specified element (a child element of the selected element) and specifies the function to run when these events occur
Copy code The code is as follows:
$("#container").delegate("a"," click",function(){alert("ok");})

on(events,[selector],[data],fn) Event handler function that binds one or more events to the selected element


.bind() is directly bound to the element

.live() is bound to the element through bubbling. More suitable for list types, bound to document DOM nodes. The advantage of .bind() is that it supports dynamic data.

.delegate() is a more accurate event proxy for small-scale use, and its performance is better than .live()

.on() is the latest version 1.9 that integrates the previous three methods of new event binding mechanism

Additional: The difference between bind and live

There are three ways to bind events in jQuery: take the click event as an example




The first method is easy to understand. In fact, it is similar to the usage of ordinary JS, except that one is missing

The second and third methods are all binding events, but they are very different. Let’s focus on explaining them below, because this is used a lot if you use the jQuery framework. Pay special attention to the two the difference between.

【The difference between bind and live】

The live method is actually a variant of the bind method. Its basic function is the same as the bind method. They both bind an event to an element, but the bind method can only bind events to the currently existing element. It is invalid for newly generated elements using JS and other methods afterwards. The live method just makes up for this flaw of the bind method. It can also bind corresponding events to the elements generated later. So how is this feature of the live method implemented? Let’s discuss its implementation principle below.

The reason why the live method can also bind corresponding events to later-generated elements is attributed to "event delegation". The so-called "event delegation" means that events bound to ancestor elements can be bound to descendant elements. for use. The processing mechanism of the live method is to bind the event to the root node of the DOM tree instead of directly binding it to an element. Give an example to illustrate:

$("body").append("<div class='clickMe'>测试live方法的步骤</div>");

When we click on this new element, the following steps will occur:

(1) Generate a click event and pass it to the div for processing

(2) Since no event is directly bound to the div, the event bubbles up directly to the DOM tree

(3) Events continue to bubble up to the root node of the DOM tree. By default, the click event is bound to the root node

(4) Execute the click event bound by live

(5) Detect whether the object bound to the event exists, and determine whether it is necessary to continue executing the bound event. Detecting event objects is done by detecting

Copy code The code is as follows:




(1)bind方法可以綁定任何JavaScript的事件,而live方法在jQuery1.3的時候只支援click, dblclick, keydown, keypress, keyup,mousedown, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, 和mouseup.在jQuery 1.4.1中,甚至也支援focus 和blue事件了(映射到更合適,並且可以冒泡的focusin和focusout上)。另外,在jQuery 1.4.1中,也能支援hover(映射到"mouseenter mouseleave")。

(2)live() 並不完全支援透過DOM遍歷的方法找到的元素。取而代之的是,應當總是在一個選擇器後面直接使用 .live()方法。

(3)當一個元素採用live方法進行事件的綁定的時候,如果想阻止事件的傳遞或冒泡,就要在函數中return false,僅僅調用stopPropagation()是無法實現阻止事件的傳遞或冒泡的


