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2016-05-16 15:15:001682瀏覽

Recommended reading: Bootstrap introductory book: (Zero) Introduction to Bootstrap

Bootstrap uses Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial and sans-serif as its default font stack.

Using Bootstrap’s typography features, you can create headings, paragraphs, lists, and other inline elements.

1. Title

The way to use titles in Bootstrap is the same as in regular HTML: arrange the title elements from large to small from 4a249f0d628e2318394fd9b75b4636b1 to 4e9ee319e0fa4abc21ff286eeb145ecc, but the default style is reset in Bootstrap, which can be found in the source code We see the following commonalities:

The font color and font style are inherited from the parent element, the font weight is 500, and the line height is all set to 1.1 (that is, 1.1 times the font-size)

{ font-family: inherit;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 1.1;
color: inherit;

The differences between titles of different sizes are as follows:

In Bootstrap, the font sizes for different levels of titles are set to: h1=36px, h2=30px, h3=24px, h4=18px, h5=14px and h6=12px.

Reset the values ​​of margin-top and margin-bottom. The reset values ​​of h1~h3 are all 20px; the reset values ​​of h4~h6 are all 10px.

In addition, in order to use the same style for non-title elements and titles in Bootstrap, six class names .h1~.h6 are also specially defined. As shown below:

In Bootstrap, the following code displays the same effect.

<div class="h1">Bootstrap标题一</div>
<div class="h2">Bootstrap标题二</div>
<div class="h3">Bootstrap标题三</div>
<div class="h4">Bootstrap标题四</div>
<div class="h5">Bootstrap标题五</div>
<div class="h6">Bootstrap标题六</div>

Because in actual applications, we may often encounter a situation where in addition to the main title, there is a subtitle immediately afterwards. Bootstrap humanistically sets up such an effect for us. The method of use is also very simple, as follows:


Of course, this setting will work from 4a249f0d628e2318394fd9b75b4636b1 to 4e9ee319e0fa4abc21ff286eeb145ecc. The subtitle d015d241ae6d34c34210679b5204fe85 has its own unique style:

The line heights are all set to 1, the font weight is changed to regular (not bold), and the color is set to gray ( #999 ).
The size of the d015d241ae6d34c34210679b5204fe85 tag text within h1~h3 is set to 65% of the current font size; while the font size within h4~h6 is set to 75% of the current font size;

2. Main text

The global text style in Bootstrap is as follows:

Font size is 14px
The line height is 1.42867143 (approximately equal to 20px)
The font color is #333
There is a bottom margin of 10 pixels outside the p tag margin-bottom:10px;
Of course, you can set the reset style yourself. ^_^

3. Emphasis

Font style related

<p class="lead">lead</p><!-- 字体变大,行高变大,下外边距变大 -->
<i>i</i><!--无特殊意义, 斜体 -->
<small>small</small><!-- 小号字体-->
<strong>strong</strong><!-- 语气强烈的强调,粗体 -->
<em>em</em><!-- 强调,斜体 -->

Emphasis on relevant classes

A series of such classes are defined in Bootstrap, which are used in different scenarios. In addition to text, there are also bg (background color) and so on. The usage is similar, except that the previous text has been changed! so. Remember these 6 words

<p class="text-muted">提示,使用浅灰色(#999)</p>
<p class="text-primary">主要,使用蓝色(#428bca)</p>
<p class="text-success">成功,使用浅绿色(#3c763d)</p>
<p class="text-info">通知信息,使用浅蓝色(#31708f)</p>
<p class="text-warning">警告,使用黄色(#8a6d3b)</p>
<p class="text-danger">危险,使用褐色(#a94442)</p>

4. Text alignment style

<p class="text-left">我居左</p>
<p class="text-center">我居中</p>
<p class="text-right">我居右</p>
<p class="text-justify">我两端对齐</p>

In Bootstrap, in order to simplify the operation and facilitate use, the above four classes are used to correspond to the text-align we often use in CSS to set the text alignment style.

5. List

The list settings in Bootstrap are basically the same as the native HTML. Things to note are:

Have 10px bottom margin between lists

In nested lists, there is no bottom margin

Of course Bootstrap will not just make a little modification, it defines some classes about lists for us to use.

Go to list .list-unstyled

.list-unstyled {
padding-left: 0;
list-style: none;

From the source code, we can see this information. In addition to removing the item number, it also clears the default left margin.

<li class="list-unstyled">
<ul class="list-unstyled">

In such a piece of code, the three list items will be neatly arranged together, and none of them have bullets

Inline list .list-inline

In addition to removing point lists, Bootstrap can also implement inline lists by adding the class name ".list-inline". To put it simply, it is to replace the vertical list with a horizontal list, and remove the bullets (numbering), keeping Display horizontally. It can also be said that inline lists are born for making horizontal navigation.

Horizontal definition list .dl-horizontal

The existing code is as follows:

<dl class="dl-horizontal">






原来在这里添加了一个媒体查询,只有 屏幕大于768px 的时候,添加类名 .dl-horizontal 才具有水平定义列表效果。其实现主要方式:

现在再看看上面的效果是不是和这里的描述都是一样的呢?答案当然是肯定的 ^ ^

6. 代码


使用 ffbe95d20f3893062224282accb13e8f1cd55414ff5abdfea5dd958e7e547fdd 来显示单行内联代码——针对于 单个单词或单个句子 的代码
使用 e03b848252eb9375d56be284e690e873bc5574f69a0cba105bc93bd3dc13c4ec 来显示多行块代码——针对于 多行代码 (也就是成块的代码)
使用 5e4e803d53d659f332070b5d4aa430dbfef2f75ac4ec8153f0fa6efea5a0515d 来显示用户输入代码——表示 用户要通过键盘输入的内容



代码如下:(需要注意的是,**不管使用哪种代码风格,在代码中碰到小于号( 11ef5bafbf9d727d95fdee6ca9b96700 )都需要使用转义字符来替代)


<div>Bootstrap的代码风格有三种:<code><code></code>、<code><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"></code>和<code><kbd></code></div>


<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">



e03b848252eb9375d56be284e690e873 元素一般用于显示大块的代码,并保证原有格式不变。但有时候代码太多,而且不想让其占有太大的页面篇幅,就想控制代码块的大小。Bootstrap也考虑到这一点,你只需要在 pre标签 上添加类名 .pre-scrollable ,就可以控制代码块区域 最大高度为340px ,一旦超出这个高度,就会在 Y轴(纵向)出现滚动条。

当然,你也可以进行自定义配置,例如:只需要在自定义的css中,对于该类添加一个 word-wrap: normal; ,这样的话,在代码块边框横向宽度小于内部代码横向长度时,就会出现横向滚动条。

7. 表格

表格是Bootstrap的一个基础组件之一,Bootstrap为表格提供了 1种基础样式 和 4种附加样式 以及 1个支持响应式的表格 。


.table 基础表格
.table-striped 斑马线表格
.table-bordered 带边框的表格
.table-hover 鼠标悬停高亮的表格
.table-condensed 紧凑型表格
.table-responsive 响应式表格

.table 主要有三个作用:

具体大家可以在源码中查看,后几种附加的样式在这里也不多说,但是下面说一些 注意事项:

后几种表格附加样式,必须在基础样式 .table 之后,例如 01d3bef20f78e2357158e2cbb099477c
响应式表格:其原理是在表格 外部添加容器 把普通表格 包裹 起来,下面进行详细说明:

<div class="table-responsive"><!-- 关键!容器包裹后实现响应式 -->
<table class="table table-bordered"><!-- 设置表格样式,带边框的表格 -->
<thead><!-- 一个表格应该有表头,若直接写tr>td这样的结构,浏览器会自动创建一个tbody包裹 -->
<tbody><!--与上同理,即使你不创建,浏览器也会自动添加tbody包裹你的代码 -->









除此之外,透過原始碼可以看到,在這些顏色設定之外,Bootstrap還單獨設定了 hover效果(懸浮狀態) 的 顏色加深 效果(它對於不同的情況單獨進行了顏色設定)。


標籤加上一個 table-hover 的類別。 (在未對 進行情景顏色設置時,該類依然有效果,只是效果不一樣,上面已經說到了,因為它的單獨設置,具體請到源碼中查看)

也正因為這樣,如果你想自訂顏色的話, 除了修改 tr 元素的顏色樣式外,在 .table-hover 表格中也要做相應的調整!


上一篇:AngularJS 2.0新特性有哪些_AngularJS下一篇:AngularJS 2.0新特性有哪些_AngularJS

