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  • /*
    | Name : NEATPIC (无数据版本)
    | Created / Modify : 2003-12-27 / 2004-4-13
    | Version : 1.2.3
    | Author : walkerlee, gouki
    | Powered by NEATSTUDIO 2002 - 2004
    | QQ : 808075
    | Email : walkerlee@163.net
    | Homepge : http://www.neatstudio.com
    | BBS : http://www.neatstudio.com/bbs/
    | Note :
    | 1.本软件对于非商业用户完全免费,如果要使用在商业用途
    | 方面,必须取得作者的授权.
    | 2.你可以任意传播以及修改本程序,但不能以任何形式删除
    | 本程序的版权.请记住,保留作者版权是对作者工作的尊敬.
    | 3.如果有问题,可以通过上面提供的方式进行解答,但作者
    | 学业繁重,如果不能及时或者不解答,请谅解.
    | 4.作者对使用该程序导致的问题,不予以负责.
    | 5.本程序版权归 NeatStudio 所有.禁止任何侵权行为!

    | Config
    | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2004-4-13

    $configAdminPass  = "neatpic";         //管理员密码 注:安全起见,默认密码不能登陆管理
    $configWantedPass  = false;          //查看相册是否需要密码 需要:true 不需要:false
    $configOpenGzip   = true;           //是否压缩页面 压缩:true 不压缩:false
    $configShowPicSize  = false;          //是否显示图片的大小 (单位:KB) 显示:true 不显示:false (注:不显示,程序运行速度将提高)
    $configExt    = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp'); //图片类型
    $strLenMax    = 25;           //文件名字限制长度 (防止撑破表格)
    $configEachPageMax  = 16;           //每页显示的图片数目
    $configEachLineMax  = 4;           //每行显示的图片数目
    $configTDWidth   = 185;           //表格宽度
    $configTDHeight   = 138;           //表格高度
    $configPageMax   = 5;           //分页前后预览数
    $configDirPasswordFile = "neatpicPassword.php";      //密码文件
    $configTilte   = "欢迎光临“开花的草”相册。设有精美小图、动态图片、人物图片、图文并茂、网页横幅、站长相关。";      //标题
    $configVer    = "1.2.3";          //程序版本号

    | Class
    | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

    Class neatpic
     var $configWantedPass;
     var $configAdminPass;
     var $configOpenGzip;
     var $configShowPicSize;
     var $configExt = array();
     var $strLenMax;
     var $configEachPageMax;
     var $configEachLineMax;
     var $configTDHeight;
     var $configTDWidth;
     var $configPageMax;
     var $configTilte;
     var $configVer;

     var $dirOptionList;
     var $timer;
     var $usedTime;
     var $pathLevelNum;
     var $nowDirNmae;
     var $dirNum;
     var $picNum;
     var $pageTotal;
     var $start;
     var $offSet;
     var $pageStart;
     var $pageMiddle;
     var $pageEnd;
     var $temp;
     var $picID;
     var $picRealSizeWidth;
     var $picRealSizeHeight;

     var $picArray = array();
     var $picFileArray = array();
     var $dirArray = array();
     var $dirNameArray = array();
     var $pathArray = array();
     var $pathError = false;

     var $page;
     var $path;
     var $style;
     var $c;

     | Constructor
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29
     function neatpic($configWantedPass, $configAdminPass, $configDirPasswordFile, $configOpenGzip, $configShowPicSize, $configExt, $strLenMax, $configEachPageMax, $configEachLineMax, $configTDHeight, $configTDWidth, $configPageMax, $configTilte, $configVer)
      $this->configWantedPass    = & $configWantedPass;
      $this->configAdminPass    = & $configAdminPass;
      $this->configDirPasswordFile  = & $configDirPasswordFile;
      $this->configOpenGzip    = & $configOpenGzip;
      $this->configShowPicSize   = & $configShowPicSize;
      $this->configExt     = & $configExt;
      $this->strLenMax     = & $strLenMax;
      $this->configEachPageMax   = & $configEachPageMax;
      $this->configEachLineMax   = & $configEachLineMax;
      $this->configTDHeight    = & $configTDHeight ;
      $this->configTDWidth    = & $configTDWidth;
      $this->configPageMax    = & $configPageMax;
      $this->configTilte     = & $configTilte;
      $this->configVer     = & $configVer;

     | Open gzip
     | C / M : 2003-12-29 / --
     function gzip()
      if ($this->configOpenGzip == true)

     | Get the querystring
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function getVars()
      $this->page = rawurldecode($_GET['page']);
      $this->path = rawurldecode($_GET['path']);
      $this->style = $_GET['style'];

      if (!$this->style) $this->style = "small";
      if (!$this->path) $this->path = ".";

     | Check error
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2004-1-1

     function checkError()
      if (preg_match("/\.\./", $this->path)) $pathError = true;
      if (!is_dir($this->path)) $pathError = true;

      if ($pathError == true)

     | Path array initialize
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function pathArrayInitialize()
      if (!$this->path) $this->path = ".";

      $this->pathArray = explode("/", $this->path);
      $this->pathLevelNum = count($this->pathArray);
      $this->nowDirName = $this->pathArray[$this->pathLevelNum - 1];
      if ($this->nowDirName == ".") $this->nowDirName = "根目录";

     | Timer
     | C / M : 2003-12-29 / --

     function timer()
      $time = explode( " ", microtime());
      $usec = (double)$time[0];
      $sec = (double)$time[1];
      $this->timer = $usec + $sec;

     | Show used time
     | C / M : 2003-12-29 / --

     function usedTime()
      $startTime = $this->timer;
      $endTime = $this->timer;
      $usedTime = $endTime - $startTime;
      $this->usedTime = sprintf("%0.4f", $usedTime);

     | Make over direct
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function makeOverdirect()
      $overPath = ".";

      for($i = 1; $i pathLevelNum - 1; $i++)
       $overPath = $overPath."/".$this->pathArray[$i];

      $this->dirArray[] = $overPath;
      $this->dirNameArray[] = "上级目录";

      for($i = 1; $i pathLevelNum; $i++)
       $this->encodePath .= rawurlencode($this->pathArray[$i])."/";

     | GetFileExt
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function getFileExt($fileName)
      $pos = strrpos($fileName, '.');
      return strtolower(substr($fileName, $pos+1, (strlen($fileName)-$pos-1)));

     | Make direct list
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function makeDirList()
      $dir = dir($this->path);

      while($file = $dir->read())
       if ($file "." and $file "..")
        $fileName = $file;
        $file = $this->path."/".$file;

        if (is_dir($file))
         $this->dirArray[] = $file;
         $this->dirNameArray[] = $fileName;
        if (in_array($this->getFileExt($file), $this->configExt))
         $this->picEncodeArray[] = "./" . $this->encodePath . rawurlencode($fileName);
         $this->picArray[] = $file;
         $this->picFileArray[] = $fileName;


     | Get each array number
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function getEachArrayNum()
      $this->dirNum = count($this->dirArray);
      $this->picNum = count($this->picArray);

     | Make page bar
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function makePageBar()

      $this->pageTotal = ceil($this->picNum / $this->configEachPageMax);

      if (!$this->page or $this->page page = 1;
      if ($this->page > $this->pageTotal) $this->page = $this->pageTotal;

      $this->offSet = $this->configEachPageMax * $this->page;
      $this->start = $this->offSet - $this->configEachPageMax;

      if ($this->start start = 0;
      if ($this->offSet > $this->picNum) $this->offSet = $this->picNum;

      $this->pageStart = $this->page - $this->configPageMax;
      if ($this->pageStart pageStart = 1;

      $this->pageMiddle = $this->page + 1;
      $this->pageEnd = $this->pageMiddle + $this->configPageMax;
      if ($this->page configPageMax) $this->pageEnd = $this->configPageMax * 2 + 1;
      if ($this->pageEnd > $this->pageTotal) $this->pageEnd = $this->pageTotal + 1;

     | Show page bar
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2003-12-29

     function showPageBar()

      print("[ path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".($this->page - 1)."\" title=\"上一页\">上一页 ] ");
      print("path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=1\"  title=\"首页\">\n");

      for ($i = $this->pageStart; $i page; $i++)
    path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".$i."\" title=\"第 ".$i." 页\">[".$i."] ");

      printf("[%s]", $this->page);

      for ($i = $this->pageMiddle; $i pageEnd; $i++)
       print("path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".$i."\" title=\"第 ".$i." 页\">[".$i."] ");

      print("...path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".$this->pageTotal."\" title=\"第 " . $this->pageTotal . " 页\">[" . $this->pageTotal . "]\n");
      print(" path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".$this->pageTotal."\" title=\"尾页\">>>\n");

      print("[ path)."&style=".$this->style."&page=".($this->page + 1)."\" title=\"下一页\">下一页 ] 共 ".$this->pageTotal." 页  当前所在第 ".$this->page." 页");



     | Set picture ID
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function setPicID($id)
      $this->picID = $id;

     | Get picture dimension
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function getPicDim()

      $picSize = GetImageSize($this->picArray[$this->picID]);
      preg_match("!width=\"(.*)\" height=\"(.*)\"!", $picSize['3'], $tempSize);

      $this->picRealSizeWidth  = $tempSize['1'];
      $this->picRealSizeHeight = $tempSize['2'];

      $tempSize['1'] configTDWidth ? $this->temp['Width'] = $tempSize['1'] : $this->temp['Width'] = $this->configTDWidth;
      $tempSize['2'] configTDHeight ? $this->temp['Height'] = $tempSize['2'] : $this->temp['Height'] = $this->configTDHeight;

      $tWidth = $this->picRealSizeWidth / $this->configTDWidth;
      $tHeight = $this->picRealSizeHeight / $this->configTDHeight;

      if ($this->picRealSizeWidth > $this->configTDWidth OR $this->picRealSizeHeight > $this->configTDHeight)
       if ($tWidth > $tHeight)
        $this->temp['Width'] = $this->configTDWidth;
        $this->temp['Height'] = number_format($this->picRealSizeHeight / $tWidth);
       elseif ($tWidth    {
        $this->temp['Height'] = $this->configTDHeight;
        $this->temp['Width'] = number_format($this->picRealSizeWidth / $tHeight);
        $this->temp['Width'] = $this->configTDWidth;
        $this->temp['Height'] = $this->configTDHeight;
       $this->temp['Width'] = $this->picRealSizeWidth;
       $this->temp['Height'] = $this->picRealSizeHeight;
     | Show the title javascript
     | C / M : 2003-12-29 / 2003-12-30

     function ShowJS()
      <script><br/> /******************************************************************************<br/> NEATPIC Show Title<br/> Modified by: walkerlee<br/> Date: 2003-12-30<br/> Based upon: Crossday Studio and http://www.cnzzz.com<br/> *******************************************************************************/</script>






      function showPopupText(){
       var o=event.srcElement;
       if(o.alt!=null && o.alt!="") { o.pop=o.alt;o.alt="" }
        if(o.title!=null && o.title!=""){ o.pop=o.title;o.title="" }
        if(o.pop) { o.pop=o.pop.replace("\n","
    "); o.pop=o.pop.replace("\n","
    "); }
       if(o.pop!=sPop) {
        if(sPop==null || sPop=="") {
        } else {
         if(o.dyclass!=null) popStyle=o.dyclass
         else popStyle="cPopText";

      function showIt() {

       if(MouseX+12+popWidth>document.body.clientWidth) popLeftAdjust=-popWidth-24
        else popLeftAdjust=0;
       if(MouseY+12+popHeight>document.body.clientHeight) popTopAdjust=-popHeight-24
        else popTopAdjust=0;

      function fadeOut(){
       if(popLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity    popLayer.filters.Alpha.opacity+=showPopStep;


     | Show css
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function showCSS()

     | Show title
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / --

     function showTitle()



     | Show state
     | C / M : 2003-12-28 / 2004-4-9

     function showState()

  • 陳述: