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2016-06-13 11:58:17890瀏覽


  • php版照片按拍照日期归类整理源码 
  • 以年-月为目录进行归类
  • 跳过重复文件
  • 视频文件、非图片文件单独归类
  • 读不到日期的照片单独归类

<?php /*	2014/4/1 17:27 klggg 照片按拍照日期整理	依赖 php_exif 扩展	 win下打开扩展	   extension=php_exif.dll      ; 注,这段必须放在 extension=php_mbstring.dll 下面*/date_default_timezone_set(&#39;PRC&#39;);//require dirname(__FILE__).&#39;/vendor/autoload.php&#39;;$curr_dir_path = dirname(__FILE__); //要处理的照片来源路径  * 需要针对自己的情况做下修改$photo_source_path = &#39;K:/家庭照片&#39;;$config =  array(	&#39;fileExtension&#39; => array(		//图片的扩展名		'pic' => array('jpg','png','gif','bmp'),		//视频的扩展名		'movies' => array('mov','3gp','mp4')	),	'path'  => array(		//所有新目录产生的根目录,* 注意修改成自己的路径		'root' => $curr_dir_path.'/pic_new_month'		));$config['path']['pic'] = $config['path']['root'].'/pic';	//照片移到哪个目录$config['path']['movies'] = $config['path']['root'].'/movies';	//视频移到哪个目录$config['path']['unkown'] = $config['path']['root'].'/unkown';	//非照片文件移到哪个目录//初始化log相关$log_path = $config['path']['root'].'/log/';if(!is_dir($log_path))        mkdir($log_path, 0755, true); $log_file = $log_path.'/'.date('Y-m-d').'.log';$log_category = 'PhotoMove';$log =null;$log_config = array('locking' => 1,'buffering' => true, 'lineFormat' =>'%1$s %2$s [%3$s] %8$s->%7$s  %6$s  %4$s');if(!defined('PEAR_LOG_DEBUG')){	define('PEAR_LOG_EMERG',    0);     /* System is unusable */	define('PEAR_LOG_ALERT',    1);     /* Immediate action required */	define('PEAR_LOG_CRIT',     2);     /* Critical conditions */	define('PEAR_LOG_ERR',      3);     /* Error conditions */	define('PEAR_LOG_WARNING',  4);     /* Warning conditions */	define('PEAR_LOG_NOTICE',   5);     /* Normal but significant */	define('PEAR_LOG_INFO',     6);     /* Informational */	define('PEAR_LOG_DEBUG',    7);     /* Debug-level messages */	$log = DefaultLog::singleton("file" 			, $log_file,$log_category			, $log_config			,PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);}else{	$log = Log::singleton("file" 			, $log_file,$log_category			, $log_config			,PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);}$PhotoMove_obj=  new PhotoMove($config,$log);$PhotoMove_obj->run($photo_source_path);echo "done";class PhotoMove {	private $mRootPath= './tmp';	private $logger= null;	private $mConfig= Array();	public function  __construct($config,$logger) {		$this->mConfig = $config;		$this->mRootPath = $config['path']['root'];		foreach($config['path'] as $tmp_path)		{			if(!is_dir($tmp_path))				mkdir($tmp_path, 0755, true); 		}		$this->logger = $logger;	}	/**	 * 运行脚本入口	 * @param string $srcPath 照片来源目录	 *	 */	public function  run($srcPath) {		$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($srcPath);		foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, 2) as $file_path) {			if ($file_path->isDir()) 				continue;			$file_path_name = $file_path->__toString();			$this->logger->info('file_path_name: '.$file_path_name);			$file_info =	pathinfo($file_path_name);			if('thumbs.db' == strtolower($file_info['basename']))				continue;			if(!isset($file_info['extension']))			{				$this->logger->notice('no extension : '.$file_path_name);				$file_info['extension'] = '';			}			$file_info['extension'] = strtolower($file_info['extension']);			//找到图片			if(in_array($file_info['extension'],$this->mConfig['fileExtension']['pic']))			{				$tmp_timestamp = $this->getDateTimeOriginal($file_path_name);				//移到新目录				$new_dir = $this->mConfig['path']['pic'].'/'.date('Y-m',$tmp_timestamp);				if(!is_dir($new_dir))					mkdir($new_dir, 0755, true); 				$tmp_new_file_path = $new_dir.'/'.$file_info['basename'];				$this->move($file_path_name,$tmp_new_file_path);			}			else if(in_array($file_info['extension'],$this->mConfig['fileExtension']['movies']))			{				$tmp_new_file_path = $this->mConfig['path']['movies'].'/'.$file_info['basename'];				$this->move($file_path_name,$tmp_new_file_path);			}			else			{				//非图片文件处理				$this->logger->notice('not image file : '.$file_path_name);				$tmp_new_file_path = $this->mConfig['path']['unkown'].'/'.$file_info['basename'];				$this->move($file_path_name, $tmp_new_file_path);			}		}	}	/**	 * 取拍照日期	 * @param string $filePathName 照片完整路径	 * @param string $defaultDateTime 取不到拍照时间时的默认时间	 * @return  int 返回时间戳	 *	 */	public function  getDateTimeOriginal($filePathName,$defaultDateTime='1970:01:01 01:01:01') {		$exif = exif_read_data($filePathName, 0, true);		$date_time_original = $defaultDateTime;		if(empty($exif['EXIF']) || empty($exif['EXIF']['DateTimeOriginal']))		{			$this->logger->warning("empty DateTimeOriginal");		}		else			$date_time_original = $exif['EXIF']['DateTimeOriginal']; 	   //string(19) "2011:03:13 10:23:09"		$this->logger->info('DateTimeOriginal: '.$date_time_original);		$tmp_timestamp  = strtotime($date_time_original);		return $tmp_timestamp;	}	/**	 * 移动文件	 * @param string $oldFilePath 原文件完整路径	 * @param string $newFilePath 目标文件完整路径	 * @return  bool	 *	 */	public function  move($oldFilePath,$newFilePath) {		//针对已存在的文件		if(file_exists($newFilePath))		{			$this->logger->notice("file_exists ".$newFilePath);			return false;		}		$result = false;//		if($result == copy($oldFilePath, $newFilePath))		if($result == rename($oldFilePath, $newFilePath))			$this->logger->err("rename false, to  ".$newFilePath );		else			$this->logger->info('[ok] move  '.$oldFilePath.' to '.$newFilePath);		return $result;	}}class DefaultLog {    var $_formatMap = array('%{timestamp}'  => '%1$s',                            '%{ident}'      => '%2$s',                            '%{priority}'   => '%3$s',                            '%{message}'    => '%4$s',                            '%{file}'       => '%5$s',                            '%{line}'       => '%6$s',                            '%{function}'   => '%7$s',                            '%{class}'      => '%8$s',                            '%\{'           => '%%{');    var $_lineFormat = '%1$s %2$s [%3$s] %4$s';    var $_timeFormat = '%b %d %H:%M:%S';    var $_eol = "\n";    var $_dirmode = 0755;	private $_filename= './tmp';    var $_backtrace_depth = 0;	public function  __construct($name, $ident, $conf, $level='') {        $this->_filename = $name;        $this->_ident = $ident;        if (!empty($conf['lineFormat'])) {            $this->_lineFormat = str_replace(array_keys($this->_formatMap),                                             array_values($this->_formatMap),                                             $conf['lineFormat']);        }				if (!is_dir(dirname($this->_filename))) {			mkdir(dirname($this->_filename, $this->_dirmode,true));		}	}    public static function singleton($handler, $name = '', $ident = '',                                     $conf = array(), $level = PEAR_LOG_DEBUG)    {        static $instances;        if (!isset($instances)) $instances = array();        $signature = serialize(array($handler, $name, $ident, $conf, $level));        if (!isset($instances[$signature])) {			 $instances[$signature] =  new self($name, $ident, $conf, $level);        }        return $instances[$signature];    }    function log($message, $priority = null)    {		/* Extract the string representation of the message. */        $message = $this->_extractMessage($message);        /* Build the string containing the complete log line. */        $line = $this->_format($this->_lineFormat,                               strftime($this->_timeFormat),                               $priority, $message) . $this->_eol;		error_log($line, 3,$this->_filename);echo $line;    }    function emerg($message)    {        return $this->log($message, PEAR_LOG_EMERG);    }    function alert($message)    {        return $this->log($message, PEAR_LOG_ALERT);    }    function crit($message)    {        return $this->log($message, PEAR_LOG_CRIT);    }    function err($message)    {        return $this->log($message, PEAR_LOG_ERR);    }    function warning($message)    {        return $this->log($message, PEAR_LOG_WARNING);    }    function notice($message)    {        return $this->log($message, PEAR_LOG_NOTICE);    }    function info($message)    {        return $this->log($message, PEAR_LOG_INFO);    }    function debug($message)    {        return $this->log($message, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);    }    function _extractMessage($message)    {        /*         * If we've been given an object, attempt to extract the message using         * a known method.  If we can't find such a method, default to the         * "human-readable" version of the object.         *         * We also use the human-readable format for arrays.         */        if (is_object($message)) {            if (method_exists($message, 'getmessage')) {                $message = $message->getMessage();            } else if (method_exists($message, 'tostring')) {                $message = $message->toString();            } else if (method_exists($message, '__tostring')) {                $message = (string)$message;            } else {                $message = var_export($message, true);            }        } else if (is_array($message)) {            if (isset($message['message'])) {                if (is_scalar($message['message'])) {                    $message = $message['message'];                } else {                    $message = var_export($message['message'], true);                }            } else {                $message = var_export($message, true);            }        } else if (is_bool($message) || $message === NULL) {            $message = var_export($message, true);        }        /* Otherwise, we assume the message is a string. */        return $message;    }    function _format($format, $timestamp, $priority, $message)    {        /*         * If the format string references any of the backtrace-driven         * variables (%5 %6,%7,%8), generate the backtrace and fetch them.         */        if (preg_match('/%[5678]/', $format)) {            /* Plus 2 to account for our internal function calls. */            $d = $this->_backtrace_depth + 2;            list($file, $line, $func, $class) = $this->_getBacktraceVars($d);        }        /*         * Build the formatted string.  We use the sprintf() function's         * "argument swapping" capability to dynamically select and position         * the variables which will ultimately appear in the log string.         */        return sprintf($format,                       $timestamp,                       $this->_ident,                       $this->priorityToString($priority),                       $message,                       isset($file) ? $file : '',                       isset($line) ? $line : '',                       isset($func) ? $func : '',                       isset($class) ? $class : '');    }    function priorityToString($priority)    {        $levels = array(            PEAR_LOG_EMERG   => 'emergency',            PEAR_LOG_ALERT   => 'alert',            PEAR_LOG_CRIT    => 'critical',            PEAR_LOG_ERR     => 'error',            PEAR_LOG_WARNING => 'warning',            PEAR_LOG_NOTICE  => 'notice',            PEAR_LOG_INFO    => 'info',            PEAR_LOG_DEBUG   => 'debug'        );        return $levels[$priority];    }    function _getBacktraceVars($depth)    {        /* Start by generating a backtrace from the current call (here). */        $bt = debug_backtrace();        /* Store some handy shortcuts to our previous frames. */        $bt0 = isset($bt[$depth]) ? $bt[$depth] : null;        $bt1 = isset($bt[$depth + 1]) ? $bt[$depth + 1] : null;        /*         * If we were ultimately invoked by the composite handler, we need to         * increase our depth one additional level to compensate.         */        $class = isset($bt1['class']) ? $bt1['class'] : null;        if ($class !== null && strcasecmp($class, 'Log_composite') == 0) {            $depth++;            $bt0 = isset($bt[$depth]) ? $bt[$depth] : null;            $bt1 = isset($bt[$depth + 1]) ? $bt[$depth + 1] : null;            $class = isset($bt1['class']) ? $bt1['class'] : null;        }        /*         * We're interested in the frame which invoked the log() function, so         * we need to walk back some number of frames into the backtrace.  The         * $depth parameter tells us where to start looking.   We go one step         * further back to find the name of the encapsulating function from         * which log() was called.         */        $file = isset($bt0) ? $bt0['file'] : null;        $line = isset($bt0) ? $bt0['line'] : 0;        $func = isset($bt1) ? $bt1['function'] : null;        /*         * However, if log() was called from one of our "shortcut" functions,         * we're going to need to go back an additional step.         */        if (in_array($func, array('emerg', 'alert', 'crit', 'err', 'warning',                                  'notice', 'info', 'debug'))) {            $bt2 = isset($bt[$depth + 2]) ? $bt[$depth + 2] : null;            $file = is_array($bt1) ? $bt1['file'] : null;            $line = is_array($bt1) ? $bt1['line'] : 0;            $func = is_array($bt2) ? $bt2['function'] : null;            $class = isset($bt2['class']) ? $bt2['class'] : null;        }        /*         * If we couldn't extract a function name (perhaps because we were         * executed from the "main" context), provide a default value.         */        if ($func === null) {            $func = '(none)';        }        /* Return a 4-tuple containing (file, line, function, class). */        return array($file, $line, $func, $class);    }	}
