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2016-06-13 10:27:03834瀏覽

如果不含圖檔: $mail = new html_mime_mail(); $html ="HTML內容"; $mail->add_html($html, $text); $mail->build_message(); $mail->send(收信人,收信Email,發信人,發信Email,標題,額外Header);

如果含圖檔: $url="www.cuti.com.my/AD/"; //圖檔位?FONT color="#007700">} ?FONT color="#007700">}頭無http:// 結尾有斜線 $path="/MAIL/AD/"; //圖檔路徑 結尾有斜線 $filename1 = a.jpg; $backgrnd1 = fread($fp = fopen($path.$filename1, r), filesize($path.$filename1)); fclose($fp); ...依此類推... $filename6 = f.gif; $backgrnd6 = fread($fp = fopen($path.$filename6, r), filesize($path.$filename6)); fclose($fp); $mail->add_html_image($backgrnd1,$filename1,image/jpeg,http://.$url.$filename1); ...依此類推... $mail->add_html_image($backgrnd6,$filename6,image/gif,http://.$url.$filename6); $mail = new html_mime_mail(); $html ="HTML含圖內容"; $mail->add_html($html, $text); $mail->build_message(); $mail->send(收信人,收信Email,發信人,發信Email,標題,額外Header); "; } /*************************************** ** Title.........: HTML Mime Mail class ** Version.......: 1.26 ** Author........: Richard Heyes ** Filename......: html_mime_mail.class ** Last changed..: 25/06/2000 ** Notes.........: Based upon mime_mail.class ** by Tobias Ratschiller ** and Sascha Schumann . ** - Thanks to Thomas Flemming for supplying a fix ** for Win32. ** - Made headers terminated by CRLF instead of LF, now ** compliant with RFC822. Thanks to Pao-Hsi Huang. ** - Fixed bug; certain mail systems (gmx.net in particular) ** were rejecting mail because of a space character either ** side of the equal sign on the boundary line. Thanks to ** Peter Holm for notifying me. ** - Fixed bug; $html_images was tested to be an array or not ** but was set to be an array during object creation, so the ** test always returned true. Thanks to Bob Silva for ** notifying me. ** - Fixed bug; when looping with $obj->send(), From: headers ** were accumulating. Bummer. Thanks to Lance Rasmussen for ** notifying me. ** - See http://www.heyes-computing.net/scripts/ for a zip/tar ** containing an example script. ***************************************/ class html_mime_mail{ var $headers; var $body; var $multipart; var $mime; var $html; var $html_text; var $html_images = array(); var $cids = array(); var $do_html; var $parts = array(); /*************************************** ** Constructor function. Sets the headers ** if supplied. ***************************************/ function html_mime_mail($headers = ){ $this->headers = $headers; } /*************************************** ** Adds a html part to the mail. ** Also replaces image names with ** content-ids. ***************************************/ function add_html($html, $text){ $this->do_html = 1; $this->html = $html; $this->html_text = $text; if(is_array($this->html_images) AND count($this->html_images) > 0){ /* for($i=0; $ihtml_images); $i++){ $this->html = ereg_replace($this->html_images[$i][name], cid:.$this->html_images[$i][cid], $this->html); } */ } } /*************************************** ** Builds html part of email. ***************************************/ function build_html($orig_boundary){ $sec_boundary = =_.md5(uniqid(time())); $thr_boundary = =_.md5(uniqid(time())); if(count($this->html_images) == 0){ $this->multipart.= --.$orig_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: multipart/alternative;.chr(10).chr(9). boundary=".$sec_boundary. "" "; // ttj added below $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: text/plain. " "; $this->multipart.= $this->html_text. " "; $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. "-- "; // ttj added above $this->multipart.= --.$sec_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: text/plain. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64. " "; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html_text)). " "; // ttj added below $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: text/html. " "; $this->multipart.= $this->html. " "; $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. "-- "; // ttj added above $this->multipart.= --.$sec_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: text/html. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64. " "; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html)). " "; $this->multipart.= --.$sec_boundary. "-- "; }else{ $this->multipart.= --.$orig_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: multipart/related;.chr(10).chr(9). boundary=".$sec_boundary. "" "; $this->multipart.= --.$sec_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: multipart/alternative;.chr(10).chr(9). boundary=".$thr_boundary. "" "; $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: text/plain. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64. " "; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html_text)). " "; // ttj added below $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: text/html. " "; $this->multipart.= $this->html. " "; $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. "-- "; // ttj added above $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Type: text/html. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64. " "; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html)). " "; $this->multipart.= --.$thr_boundary. "-- "; for($i=0; $ihtml_images); $i++){ $this->multipart.= --.$sec_boundary. " "; $this->build_html_image($i); } $this->multipart.= "--".$sec_boundary. "-- "; } } /*************************************** ** Adds an image to the list of embedded ** images. ***************************************/ function add_html_image($file, $name = , $c_type= application/octet-stream, $location= ){ $this->html_images[] = array( body => $file, name => $name, c_type => $c_type, location => $location, cid => md5(uniqid(time())) ); } /*************************************** ** Adds a file to the list of attachments. ***************************************/ function add_attachment($file, $name = , $c_type= application/octet-stream){ $this->parts[] = array( body => $file, name => $name, c_type => $c_type ); } /*************************************** ** Builds an embedded image part of an ** html mail. ***************************************/ function build_html_image($i){ $this->multipart.= Content-Type: .$this->html_images[$i][ c_type]; if($this->html_images[$i][ name] != ) $this->multipart .= ; name=".$this->html_images[$i][ name]. "" "; else $this->multipart .= " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-Location:.$this->html_images[$i][ location]. " "; $this->multipart.= Content-ID: <.>html_images[$i][ cid]. "> "; $this->multipart.= chunk_split(base64_encode($this->html_images[$i][ body])). " "; } /*************************************** ** Builds a single part of a multipart ** message. ***************************************/ function build_part($i){ $message_part = ; $message_par