Border Pioneer is a charming adventure filled with pixelated troops at your command, tiny buildings that serve as resource centers, and different kinds of enemies you must save your people from.這次多層旅程很容易進入,但很難脫穎而出,尤其是對於新手而言。
一旦您掌握了教程和世界命運,就可以隨著進步的方式獲得許多選擇。這些選擇之一是基於您從包裝中獲得的卡的類型。 Usually, it's either a Development Pack or a Battle Pack .
During the early hours of the game, focus on Development Packs as they give you cards that are focused on improving the kingdom's resources and population growth.您將從此包中獲得農田,房屋和其他有價值的卡片。
Unlocking more packs becomes simpler as you progress, and once you're comfortable, you can keep switching between different packs to make the most of a balanced gameplay experience.
從勇敢的士兵到迷人的巫師,隨著您通過不同的戰鬥,您將獲得各種戰鬥機。但是,簡單地裝備或放置它們還不夠。 You'll have to be mindful of where they are during a battle .
Be aware of where your enemies are, and based on that knowledge, assign troops to defend specific areas.儘管這是完全可選的,但養成在戰鬥中改變部隊的習慣是很好的。
This helps them adapt to the fight easily, and no troops will be left standing still .您想要的最後一件事是一個完全靜止的單位,無法做出決定。
有時,強有力的防守是最佳進攻形式。在結束轉彎之前,請密切關注傳入的攻擊。 When you hover on these prompts (edges of the screen), you'll see a marked path .
這表明敵人產卵後將移動的方向。 With this knowledge, you can also place certain important structures (such as Houses) away from the path to prevent any major harm as the enemies start moving toward the kingdom.
Additionally, once you're aware of this, simply place your strongest troops wherever they are needed .這將使您更輕鬆地戰鬥。具有強大近戰攻擊力量的警衛在捍衛牆壁方面非常出色。
放置建築物似乎是一項巨大的承諾,但事實並非如此。 Fortunately, you have the option to move them around at the cost of a few resources .突出顯示特定建築物後,您將在屏幕的底部看到此選項。
Always make it a point to know which buildings complement each other , and place them accordingly.例如,農場通常與周圍的其他農場做得很好。當您將建築物放下時,就可以使用此信息。
As far as weapon-based buildings go, place them according to their radius of attack .確保將至少兩座建築物放在王國的相對側,靠近敵人的產卵區。
一旦解鎖了放置牆壁的選項,您將很容易放置盡可能多的東西來確保王國安全。 While this can work, a better option is to limit the number of walls you place based on your environment.
Notice carefully, and you'll find different tiles where you can place a single wall that connects to another , without having to always build a rectangle or square to enclose a space.如果它阻止了敵人的道路,那就值得。
Rather, use the map to your advantage to place as few walls as possible while protecting your territory.這是一個整潔的技巧,一旦您在不同的地圖上玩了幾圈,就可以掌握它。
就像其他卡片一樣,咒語是您可以從甲板上使用的物品形式。 However, instead of placing it like a building or troop before a battle, you have to use these cards when the enemies are coming in to fight you .
Fire spells are highly effective as they can cause massive area-of-effect damage, while something like a tornado can displace enemies for a few seconds.這將基於您的策略,以及如何克服傳入的對手。
Ideally, you can keep these for emergencies when troops aren't able to defend themselves.或者,一旦敵人產卵,您就可以作為第一次重大攻擊。
雖然任務並沒有佔用大部分遊戲玩法,但它們對您來說很重要。每一兩個轉彎之後,您會遇到一個故事提示,王國發生了什麼事。 Here, you'll need to make a choice or two .
有時,您會被要求派遣士兵來幫助一些東西。 Most of the time, you'll need to spend money and resources on discovery.您如何處理這些決定取決於您。
If you wish to keep a balanced approach, there's usually an option that lets you spend fewer resources and gain the favor of the person in question .儘管這可能是一種外交方法,但它可能不會為您帶來重大回報。
遊戲中的商店裡有一些驚人的物品。 Before purchasing something, ask yourself this: are you battle-ready, or do you need more resources at the moment?這個問題的答案將決定您應該如何花錢。
Usually, it's a good idea to buy a card that you've been looking for the last few turns.例如,在比賽的早期,您想獲得可以為王國安全而保護的遠程部隊(例如弓箭手)。
Other times, try spending on buildings like Markets or Houses that can help the kingdom grow.請記住,您總是可以賣出當時對您不重要的卡片,從長遠來看將更重要。