
- Creating Streams: You can create streams from various sources, including collections (Lists, Sets, etc.), arrays, and even I/O resources. The
method is useful for creating streams from individual elements, while Arrays.stream()
converts arrays to streams. For collections, you can call the stream()
method directly.
- Intermediate Operations: These operations transform the stream without producing a final result. They include
, filter
, sorted
, distinct
, limit
, and skip
. map
applies a function to each element, filter
retains elements that satisfy a predicate, sorted
sorts the stream, distinct
removes duplicates, limit
restricts the number of elements, and skip
omits the specified number of elements.這些操作被束縛在一起以建立處理管道。
- Terminal Operations: These operations consume the stream and produce a result. Examples include
, forEach
, reduce
, min
, max
, count
, anyMatch
, allMatch
, and noneMatch
. collect
gathers the results into a collection, forEach
performs an action on each element, reduce
combines elements into a single result, and the others perform aggregate operations or checks.
- Parallel Streams: For large datasets, utilizing parallel streams can significantly speed up processing. Simply call
instead of stream()
on your collection.但是,請注意潛在的開銷,並確保您的操作是螺紋安全的。並非所有操作都受益於並行化;有些人甚至可能並行表現更糟。
Example: Let's say you have a list of numbers and you want to find the sum of the squares of even numbers greater than 10.
<code class="java">List<integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(5, 12, 8, 15, 20, 11, 2); int sum = numbers.stream() .filter(n -> n > 10) .filter(n -> n % 2 == 0) .map(n -> n * n) .reduce(0, Integer::sum); System.out.println(sum); // Output: 544 (12*12 20*20)</integer></code>
- Overuse of intermediate operations: Excessive chaining of intermediate operations can negatively impact performance, especially with large datasets.嘗試優化鏈條以最大程度地減少不必要的轉換。
- Ignoring stateful operations: Be cautious when using stateful operations within streams, as they can lead to unexpected results or concurrency issues in parallel streams.狀態操作在處理過程中維持內部狀態,這在並行環境中可能是有問題的。
- Incorrect use of parallel streams: Parallel streams can improve performance, but not always.他們引入開銷,使用不當甚至可以減慢處理。確保您的操作適合併行化,並將數據爭議最小化。 Consider using
for finer control over parallelization.
- Unnecessary object creation: Streams can generate many intermediate objects if not used carefully.請注意對象創建的成本,並嘗試通過使用有效的數據結構並避免不必要的轉換來最大程度地減少它。
- Ignoring exception handling: Streams don't automatically handle exceptions within intermediate operations. You need to explicitly handle potential exceptions using
blocks or methods like mapException
- Mutable state within lambda expressions: Avoid modifying external variables within lambda expressions used in streams, as this can lead to race conditions and unpredictable results in parallel streams.
- Choose the right operations: Select the most efficient stream operations for your specific task. For example,
can be more efficient than looping for aggregate calculations.
- Optimize intermediate operations: Minimize the number of intermediate operations and avoid unnecessary transformations.盡可能考慮將多個操作組合到單個操作中。
- Use parallel streams judiciously: Leverage parallel streams for large datasets where the overhead of parallelization is outweighed by the performance gains.介紹您的代碼以確定並行化是否真正提高了性能。
- Avoid unnecessary boxing and unboxing: When working with primitive types, use specialized stream types like
, LongStream
, and DoubleStream
to avoid the overhead of autoboxing and unboxing.
- Use appropriate data structures: Choose data structures that are optimized for the operations you're performing. For example, using a
for distinct
operations is generally faster than using a LinkedHashSet
- Profile and benchmark your code: Use profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks and measure the impact of different optimization strategies.這樣可以確保您的努力集中在提供最大績效改進的領域。
- Keep streams short and focused: Avoid excessively long or complex stream pipelines.將復雜操作分解為較小,更易於管理的流。
- Use meaningful variable names: Choose descriptive names for variables and intermediate results to enhance readability and understanding.
- Add comments where necessary: Explain the purpose and logic of complex stream operations to improve code maintainability.
- Follow consistent formatting: Maintain consistent indentation and spacing to improve code readability.
- Use static imports: Import static methods like
to reduce code verbosity.
- Favor functional programming style: Use lambda expressions and method references to keep your stream operations concise and readable.避免在lambda表達式內變異狀態。
- Test thoroughly: Write unit tests to verify the correctness of your stream operations and ensure that they behave as expected under different conditions.