Yii provides a straightforward way to implement database transactions using its Transaction
object.該對像管理事務生命週期,確保原子能 - 交易中的所有操作要么完全成功或完全失敗,因此數據庫處於一致的狀態。 The most common approach involves using a try-catch
block within a DbTransaction
<code class="php">use yii\db\Transaction; $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(); try { // Your database operations here. For example: $user = new User(); $user->username = 'testuser'; $user->email = 'test@example.com'; $user->save(); $profile = new Profile(); $profile->user_id = $user->id; $profile->bio = 'This is a test profile.'; $profile->save(); $transaction->commit(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); // Handle the exception appropriately, eg, log the error, display a user-friendly message. Yii::error($e, __METHOD__); throw $e; // Re-throw the exception for higher-level handling if needed. }</code>
該代碼首先開始交易。 If all save()
operations succeed, $transaction->commit()
is called, permanently saving the changes. If any operation throws an exception, $transaction->rollBack()
is called, reverting all changes made within the transaction, maintaining data integrity.錯誤處理至關重要; the catch
block ensures that even if errors occur, the database remains consistent.
block.徹底調試和監視的日誌異常。考慮針對特定方案的自定義異常處理,以向用戶提供信息性錯誤消息。As demonstrated in the first section, rolling back a transaction is handled automatically by the catch
block of a try-catch
statement. If an exception is thrown during the transaction, $transaction->rollBack()
is automatically called, undoing any changes made within the transaction.至關重要的是要確保您的異常處理機制始終包括此回滾,以確保數據一致性。 No explicit rollback is necessary beyond calling $transaction->rollBack()
within the catch
YII支持不同的數據庫交易隔離水平,該水平控制並發交易之間的隔離程度。 These levels are set using the isolationLevel
property of the DbTransaction
隔離級別的選擇取決於您的應用程序要求。 If data consistency is paramount and concurrency is less critical, SERIALIZABLE
might be appropriate. For most applications, READ COMMITTED
offers a good balance between consistency and performance.您可以在開始交易時指定隔離級別:
<code class="php">$transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(Transaction::SERIALIZABLE); // Or another level // ... your transaction code ...</code>