Database: Store the hex color codes and their corresponding country URLs. jQuery:
jquery(document).ready(function($){$('#theworldmapimage')。on('click' - = 5;如果(鼠標> 500){鼠標= 13; y =“鼠標); $ y = $ _request ['y']; $ im = imagecreatefrompng($域。“/images/worldmap-coloured.png”); $ rgb = imageColorat($ im,$ x,$ y); $ r =($ rgb>> 16)& 0xff; $ g =($ rgb>> 8)& 0xff; $ b = $ rgb& 0xff;功能RGB2HTML($ r,$ g = -1,$ b = -1){// ...(函數保持不變)...} $ hex = rgb2html($ r,$ r,$ g,$ b); $ debug =(“ r”。$ r。“ g”。$ g。“ b”。$ b。“ hex =#”。$ hex); $ html =“”; $ qry =“從``shex_colour =''''select ofert country。$ hex。 if(mysqli_query($ conn,$ qry)){//使用mysqli代替不棄用的mysql $ result = mysqli_query($ conn,$ conn,$ qry); while($ row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ result)){$ country_filename = converttofileName($ row ['country']); $ html = $ domain。“/”。$ country_filename。“/”; $ debug。=“”。 $ country_filename; }} mysqli_close($ conn); //關閉MySQLI連接迴聲$ html; }?>
注意: PHP代碼已更新以使用 mysqli
進行數據庫交互,替換了已棄用的 mysql
函數。確保您建立了數據庫連接( $ conn
See a demo (Click on the “Show world map” to show the dynamic image map, then click on any country).
This approach offers benefits for responsive design, SEO (through alt text and title attributes), and performance optimization (caching and image compression). FAQ部分提供了有關錯誤處理和優化技術的更多詳細信息。