javascript: (function () { s = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT'); tx = ''; sr = []; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i) { with(s.item(i)) { t = text; if (t) { tx = t; } else { sr.push(src) }; } }; with( { document.write('<textarea>' (sr.join("n"))"nn-----nn" </textarea><textarea> tx '<script></script><script>with(document.getElementById("t")){value=js_beautify(value);with(style){width="99%";height="99%";borderStyle="none";}};</script>'); </textarea><textarea> document.close(); </textarea><textarea> } </textarea><textarea>})(); </textarea>安裝Firefox附加組件。
Creating your own bookmarklet involves writing a small piece of JavaScript code, wrapping it in a self-invoking function, and then storing it as a URL within a bookmark in your browser.該代碼應旨在執行所需的任務,例如在頁面上列出所有JavaScript文件。我們的文章提供了有關如何創建此類書籤的詳細指南。 >
>我可以使用書籤來顯示javascript在頁面上的javascript中的任何瀏覽器中的javascript,browser browsers browser?野生動物園和邊緣。但是,在書籤中添加書籤的過程可能會因瀏覽器到瀏覽器而略有不同。
>>您可以在瀏覽器中使用開發人員工具以檢查您的JavaScript文件是否正確加載。在“網絡”選項卡中,您可以看到頁面上加載的所有文件,包括JavaScript文件。 If a file has failed to load, it will be marked with a red circle.
Common issues that can prevent JavaScript files from loading include syntax errors in the code, the file not being found at the specified URL, the file being blocked by a browser’s security settings, or the file being too large and taking too long to load.
You can troubleshoot issues with JavaScript files not loading by checking the console in your browser’s developer tools for error messages, ensuring that the file is located at the correct URL, checking your browser’s security settings, and optimizing the file size if it is too large.
是的,您可以在移動設備上使用書籤,儘管將書籤添加到您的書籤上的過程可能與桌面瀏覽器上的書籤不同。 You will need to create the bookmarklet on a desktop browser first, then sync your bookmarks to your mobile device.
You can optimize the loading of JavaScript files by minifying your JavaScript code, which removes unnecessary characters and spaces, combining multiple JavaScript files into one file to reduce the number http請求,並使用異步加載來允許瀏覽器在加載JavaScript文件時繼續呈現頁面。