Fortnite第6章:《 Outlaws的搶劫指南》
在第2季的《 Outlaws Story Quests》的Fortnite第6章中啟動令人興奮的搶劫,破解保險箱和破壞發件機。 與瓦倫蒂娜(Valentina)和煎鍋(Skille)等臭名昭著的人物合作,以滲透犯罪城市,並聲稱弗萊徹·凱恩(Fletcher Kane)的隱藏財富。本指南提供了逐步的演練,以確保成功的搶劫,從而最大程度地提高XP獎勵。
>在開始高風險冒險之前,請記住位置是關鍵。 知道去哪里以及與誰交談對於完成每個目標至關重要。 高效的金條管理對於最大化您的獎勵也至關重要。
獲得主要參與者的信任是解鎖弗萊徹·凱恩(Fletcher Kane)寶藏的第一步。 請按照以下步驟完成煎鍋的任務:
Quest | How to Complete | Reward |
Collect 150 Gold Bars from Safes or Registers | Locate small gray safes at Whiffy Wharf and Hopeful Heights. Unlock them to obtain Gold Bars. | 30K XP |
Get Briefed by Skillet at His Hideout | Find Skillet at the Boom Hole Black Market near Crime City. | 30K XP |
Help Open a Bank Vault | Use Thermite or exploit weak points on Bank Vaults in Crime City, Masked Meadows, Seaport City, and Lonely Lair. | 30K XP |
Sabotage 3 Payphones for Valentina's Heist | Interact with the marked payphones at Outlaw Oasis. | 30K XP |
Help Valentina Rob Fletcher Kane's Safe | Speak to Valentina at Outlaw Oasis, follow her, and eliminate enemy NPCs. | 30K XP |
Spend 500 Gold Bars | Spend your Gold at vending machines or Black Markets. | 30K XP |
>在煎鍋的幫助下,是時候中和凱恩的安全並完成搶劫了。 這是解決Valentina的任務的方法:
Quest | How to Complete | Reward |
Give Valentina the Signal to Start Cracking the Vault | Speak to Valentina at Outlaw Oasis. | 30K XP |
Eliminate Six Fletcher Kane's Security Guards | Eliminate the NPCs that pursue you after initiating the vault heist. | 30K XP |
Return to Valentina | Speak to Valentina again after eliminating the guards and completing the heist. | 30K XP |
以上是Fortnite:第6章,第2季 - Outlaws Story Quest Guide指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!