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Fortnite:第6章,第2季 - 每週任務指南

Lisa Kudrow
Lisa Kudrow原創
2025-02-22 10:33:11597瀏覽

Fortnite第6章,第2季:犯罪城搶劫指南 - 週零任務

在Fortnite的新季節,犯罪城市規則! 隨著戰利品的溢出,金庫溢出,銀行搶劫是一天的命令。 不過,在成為大師罪犯之前,零週的任務將幫助您學習本賽季激動人心的機制的繩索。

Fortnite: Chapter 6, Season 2 - Weekly Quest Guide

無論您是要破解保險箱,收集恩賜還是與老闆作鬥爭,這些任務為成功鋪平了道路。需要一個開始嗎?本指南提供了您在不被空手而歸的情況下統治Fortnite的最新賽季所需的一切。 我們將每週更新本指南!


Fortnite: Chapter 6, Season 2 - Weekly Quest Guide


Quest Completion Guide Reward
Collect 800 Bars inside a Bank Vault Bank Vaults are marked on your map with vault icons. Use Thermite to breach them and collect the gold Bars. 30K XP
Receive two gifts from characters in a single match Interact with NPCs to receive gifts, or hire them. 30K XP
Eliminate three opponents outside Named Locations Named Locations are labeled on the map. Eliminate opponents outside these areas. 30K XP
Deal 500 damage to bosses Bosses are frequently found at vault locations. 30K XP
Collect ten Boons or Medallions Purchase Boons at the Black Market; Medallions are boss drops. 30K XP

以上是Fortnite:第6章,第2季 - 每週任務指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
