in 丟失的記錄:Bloom&Rage,Swann Holloway的臥室提供了一堆懷舊時刻的寶庫,可以拍攝。 這個舒適的空間充滿了為她的回憶錄捕捉寶貴回憶的機會。 讓我們確保您不要錯過一槍!
>並非每個剪輯都會進行最終剪輯,但擁有充足的鏡頭是製作完美的家庭電影的關鍵。 這是您展示您的電影製作技巧的機會,從Swann的童年臥室開始,位於Velvet Cove。
>拍攝這本回憶錄的機會窗口在您首次獲得Swann的攝像機後立即在第三章上打開。 Swann會建議您拍攝各種物品,促使您從她的臥室裡錄製幾個場景。 如果您遇到攝錄機問題,請記住正確插入磁帶
Chapter | Subject | Location |
3 | Vivarium | A tank containing a stick bug, located on the dresser near the window. Filming this also unlocks the Critters Memoir if the stick bug is filmed separately. |
3 | Folded Boxes | Several scratched-up cardboard boxes situated between the dresser and the wall. |
3 | Swann's Bed | Swann's bed, centrally located in the room, along with the shelves behind it. |
3 | Monster Slippers | Swann's fuzzy green monster slippers near her closet. |
3 | Dusk Sisters Movie Poster | A movie poster on the back of the bedroom door. |
3 | Swann's Desk | Swann's desk against the wall. |
3 | Movie Posters | A collage of posters and pictures on the wall and ceiling near the desk. |
3 | Camp Flags | Two camp pennant flags between the desk and the door. |