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Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原創
2025-02-05 04:02:09763瀏覽

>在 的《模擬人生2

》中,您的青少年模擬人生可以在著名的大學接受高等教育,經歷了年輕的成年,成人責任較少。 這為畢業後的新職業機會打開了大門。 這是指導您的SIM達到學術成功的方法:

> The Sims 2: How To Attend University


  • SIM州立大學
  • 在PleasantView的社區大學式環境,提供出色的教育。
  • 學院le tour: Veronaville的著名大學,缺乏兄弟會/戀愛。
  • La Fiesta Tech:在沙漠中一所充滿活力的大學,以希臘的生活而聞名。 >


>您的SIM卡成為青少年,他們可以通過電話或計算機申請大學。 這是免費的,但建議事先獲得獎學金。另外,您可以使用“創建學生”選項直接在大學社區內創建年輕的成人模擬。 缺少青少年申請窗口意味著失去機會。




Scholarship Requirements Award
Hogan Award for Athletics Body skill of 8 or higher 750 Simoleons
Bain-Gordon Communication Fellowship Charisma skill of 8 or higher 750 Simoleons
Kim Metro Prize for Hygenics Cleaning skill of 8 or higher 750 Simoleons
London Culinary Arts Scholarship Cooking skill of 8 or higher 750 Simoleons
Will Wright Genius Grant Logic skill of 8 or higher 750 Simoleons
Bui Engineering Award Mechanical skill of 8 or higher 750 Simoleons
Quigley Visual Arts Grant Creativity skill of 8 or higher 750 Simoleons
Young Entrepreneurs Award Teen at career level 3 750 Simoleons
SimCity Scholar's Grant A- or above grades 1,000 Simoleons
Phelps-Wilsonoff Billiards Prize High pool skill 1,000 Simoleons
Tsang Footwork Award High dancing skill 1,000 Simoleons
Undead Educational Scholarship Vampirism or Zombie status 1,500 Simoleons
Orphaned Sims Assistance Fund No living parents 1,500 Simoleons
Extraterrestrial Reparation Grant Previous alien abduction 1,500 Simoleons


> domm vs.租賃

大學生活選擇包括宿舍(免費的,共享設施,可用的自助餐廳工作,凌亂的室友的潛力)和租金(昂貴,私人,需要更多的自給自足)。 加入兄弟會後,希臘人的生活提供了更多的社交機會。


The Sims 2: How To Attend University


畢業需要完成四年(72小時)的大學。 受課堂出勤,作業和學期論文影響的成績確定考試成績。 聲明一台主要(通過計算機)以集中技能開發。 未宣稱的模擬人生默認為哲學。 可能發生重大變化。

The Sims 2: How To Attend University

Major Occupations
Undeclared None
Art Culinary, Slacker, Artist, Journalism, Architecture
Biology Law Enforcement, Medicine, Natural Science, Education, Oceanography
Drama Athletics, Politics, Show Business, Dance, Entertainment
Economics Business, Politics, Show Business, Music, Intelligence
History Military, Politics, Artist, Law
Literature Criminal, Slacker, Show Business, Adventurer, Music, Entertainment
Mathematics Criminal, Science, Natural Science, Gamer, Architecture
Philosophy Culinary, Slacker, Paranormal, Journalism
Physics Medicine, Science, Paranormal, Gamer
Political Science Politics, Military, Show Business, Law, Intelligence
Psychology Business, Law Enforcement, Paranormal, Education, Law, Intelligence

The Sims 2: How To Attend University

