王國來:Deliverance 2的骰子遊戲:獲勝的指南
骰子,也被稱為Farkle,在王國返回Come:Deliverance 2,提供營地和小酒館的賭博機會。 甚至牧師也參與! 雖然似乎是基於運氣的,但戰略會極大地影響您的成功。掌握主導骰子的規則和策略。
Dice Rolled | Score |
One | 100 |
Five | 50 |
One, Two, Three, Four, Five | 500 |
Two, Three, Four, Five, Six | 750 |
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six | 1500 |
Three of a Kind (e.g., three twos) | 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 (depending on number) |
Three Ones | 1000 |
Devil's Head | 1 to any combination |
>多個相同的數字增加了分數(例如,四個Twos = 400,五個Twos = 800)。 選擇得分骰子,繼續滾動或通過輪迴。第一個達到目標得分的勝利。 滾動所有六個得分骰子都會給予額外的擲骰。
Opponent | Wager |
Farmers | 5 |
Miners | 15 |
Novices | 25 Badge |
Soldiers | 40 |
Priests | 70 |
Knights | 110 Badge |
Cardinals | 95 |
Lords | 150 |
Kings | 180 Badge |
Emperors | 300 Badge |
>不同的骰子提供獨特的效果,通常在使用倍數時會更具影響力。 在比賽前交換它們。
通過搶劫敵人或從商人購買徽章。Badge Name | Effect |
Tin Doppelganger's Badge | Doubles points of last throw (once per game) |
Tin Badge of Headstart | Small point headstart |
Tin Badge of Defense | Cancels opponent's tin badges |
Tin Badge of Fortune | Roll one die again (once per game) |
Tin Badge of Might | Add one extra die (once per game) |
Tin Badge of Transmutation | Change one die to a three (once per game) |
Carpenter's Badge of Advantage | Three and five become a new formation ("Cut") (repeatedly usable) |
Tin Warlord's Badge | 25% more points this turn (once per game) |
Tin Badge of Resurrection | Throw again after an unlucky roll (once per game) |
... (Silver and Gold badges follow a similar pattern with increased effects) ... | ... |
Golden Wedding Badge | Roll up to three dice again (once per game) |
以上是王國來:Deliverance 2-骰子遊戲指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!