在生存遊戲Aloft的廣闊天空中,你是一名冒險家,肩負著恢復生態系統並消除一系列浮島的腐敗的任務。 每個島嶼都有獨特的動植物和潛在的敵對生物。 你的生存不僅取決於你的技能,還取決於管理角色的身體狀況。
環境因素和食物消耗會顯著影響角色的狀態。 某些條件可以增強探索和戰鬥,而另一些條件則會帶來嚴重的風險。
Aloft 中的狀態效果分為正、負或中性。 積極效果提供增益,增強戰鬥能力和資源收集。負面影響會阻礙績效,增加脆弱性。中性效果只是告訴您角色的當前狀態(例如,正在消化)。
Status Effect | Effect | Acquisition Method |
Well-Rested | Increased movement speed. | Sleeping in a bed. |
Hydrated | Increased attack speed. | Drinking water or specific recipes. |
Efficient | Increased attack damage. | Consuming various food recipes. |
Zippy | Doubled momentum gain. | Drinking a cup of coffee. |
Energetic | Reduced movement combo duration. | Consuming various food recipes. |
Productive | Increased resource yield when gathering. | Consuming various food recipes. |
At Peace | Slow health regeneration. | Resting for a short period. |
At Home | Doubles the duration of positive status effects. | Being on your home island. |
Enthusiastic | Increased damage, movement speed, attack speed, and momentum. | Restoring an island's ecosystem. |
Heat Protection | Temporary protection from heat. | Wearing linen clothing. |
Status Effect | Description | Acquisition Method |
Wet | Rapid glider exhaustion and reduced momentum. | Entering water. |
Terrified | Gradual depletion of active buffs. | Proximity to a Shrieker's high-pitched scream. |
Parched | Decreased attack speed. | Sun exposure in the third biome. |
有關詳細信息,請訪問菜單中的“條件”選項卡(屏幕頂部的心臟圖標)。 此頁面列出了所有主動效果,它們的描述和剩餘持續時間。懸停在每種效果上以獲得完整的描述和獲取細節。
大多數效果的持續時間有限,並且自然過期。 儘管負面影響需要等待,但您可以抵消食物消費的積極影響。 您只能在達到飽滿之前就食用兩種食品,從而一次限制了活躍的基於食物的增益的數量。 消化茶(用一隻乾淨的水和烹飪盤上的兩葉製成)清除了所有基於食物的效果。