征服皇家動物園:《最終幻想 XIV 風暴之血》試煉綜合指南
皇家動物園是《最終幻想 XIV》中具有挑戰性的 70 級試煉,標誌著《風暴之血》主場景的高潮戰鬥。 擁護無節制暴力的芝諾斯與復仇的化身神龍融合,威脅要毀滅阿拉米戈和世界本身。 你的任務:阻止芝諾斯和神龍並拯救阿拉米戈。本指南詳細介紹了克服 Shinryu 的攻擊和機制的策略。
完成阿拉米戈地牢之後的最後一個 4.0 主要場景任務“暴風血”後,即可進入皇家動物園。
戰斗在一個不穩定、無軌的方形平台上展開,增加了墜落的風險。 仔細定位對於生存至關重要。
Attack Name | Type | Details |
Corrupted Aether | Special | Shinryu's Corrupted Aether steadily increases. At 100%, a Primal-themed elemental attack is unleashed: Tidal Wave, Aerial Blast, Hellfire, Judgment Bolt, Earthen Fury, or Diamond Dust. |
Tidal Wave | Roomwide AoE/Knockback | A water spout appears on the east or west arena edge. Upon impact, the party is knocked back the arena's length. Stay near the spout to avoid falling. |
Hellfire | Roomwide AoE | Inflicts Burns DoT (damage over time), un-cleansable. Healers must maintain party health. |
Judgment Bolt | Roomwide AoE | Increased damage in water puddles; avoid them. |
兩次元素攻擊後,Shinryu 撤退,開始第二階段。
此階段涉及三波小怪,每一波都會產生一個鄰近 AoE。 戰略行動是最大限度減少損害的關鍵:
在添加波之後,Shinryu 施放 Protostar(通過添加殺傷時間縮放傷害),然後是需要按下按鈕才能逃脫鎖鏈的主動時間機動(ATM)。這將過渡到第 3 階段。
Shinryu 的尾巴猛擊平台,使藍色瓷磚破裂。兩次擊中可摧毀一塊瓷磚。 當尾部受到嚴重損壞時,優先損壞尾部。 其他攻擊包括:
Attack Name | Type | Details |
Left Wing - Ice Storm | Roomwide AoE | AoE damage; use AoE heals. |
Left Wing - Spikesicle | Line AoE | Icicles create alternating line AoEs; avoid both. |
Right Wing - Levinbolt | AoE Markers | AoE markers on random players; spread out and avoid water puddles. |
Akh Morn | Tankbuster | Multiple hits on the main tank; use defensive cooldowns and heals. |
Burning Chains | Chains | Tethers two players; move in opposite directions to break the chains. |
Dragonfist | Circle AoE | Large circular AoE in the center, inflicting a stun; move out of the AoE. |
Earth Breath | Conal AoE | Conal AoE on a targeted player inflicting Sludge DoT; the targeted player should move away from the group. |
重複這些攻擊,直到 Shinryu 被擊敗。 請記住優先考慮尾巴以獲得最大傷害。 保持對競技場邊緣的意識以避免擊退。 擊敗 Shinryu 後,欣賞《暴風之血》結局過場動畫!