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暗黑破壞神4:巫術季節 - 戰鬥通行證挑戰指南

Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan原創
2025-01-24 22:13:11887瀏覽


本賽季的暗黑破壞神戰役提供令人興奮的化妝品獎勵和季節性的祝福。 季節的旅程為解鎖這些方面提供了最快的途徑,提供了分層的挑戰,可以獎勵青睞和傳奇的裝備。雖然本賽季的挑戰更加艱難,但本指南可以幫助您制定快速進步的完成。 [2 [2 [2

暗黑破壞神IV戰鬥通行證透過XP部分獲​​得了青睞。 但是,季節的旅程大大加快了進步,給予了更多的青睞和傳奇的戰利品。 這一系列的挑戰分佈在七個層次上,每個階段都在完成大多數挑戰後獎勵了快取。 季節旅程是平衡戰鬥通行證並同時增強角色設備的理想方式。 所有進度和獎勵都在整個帳戶中。

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在11個挑戰中完成了9個挑戰。 Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


報酬Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide



較小的青睞Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide

在地獄中打開一個折磨的禮物胸部。 較小的青睞野外問題完成5個世界活動。 較小的青睞一個女巫的債務將您的盟約的排名提高到R1。 [2 較小的青睞收集50個rawhide。 較小的青睞勘探者收集100個鐵塊。 較小的青睞較小的青睞只是一個sip 將藥水升級到任何煉金術士。 較小的青睞在後口袋發現軍械庫。 較小的青睞



Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide



Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide




Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


嵌套的小飾品 在呼尾期間從烏鴉中獲取緩存。 較小的青睞
震耳欲聾的耳語 完成10個竊竊私語。
Challenge Name Challenge Description Reward
In The EYes Of The Coven Increase your Coven standing to R8. Smaller Favor
Power Primordial Upgrade 5 Witchcraft powers to R10. Smaller Favor
Damnation's Downfall Defeat a Helltide Commander in Helltide. Smaller Favor
Third Eye Open Consume 5 Draught of Whispers. Smaller Favor
Penitential Path Defeat 666 monsters in Penitent or higher. Smaller Favor
Endless Nightmares Complete 10 Nightmare Dungeons. Smaller Favor
Gifts of The Tree Obtain 10 caches from the Tree of Whispers. Smaller Favor
Form And Function Add 5 sockets to your gear at a Jeweler. Smaller Favor
Forged In Blood Craft 5 Blacksmith Caches at the Blacksmith after reaching Level 60. Smaller Favor
Ceremonial Smoke Craft Incense at the Alchemist. Smaller Favor
Strength In Numbers Complete a Legion Event while in a party. Smaller Favor
Born In Torment Defeat 10 Hellborne spawned by reaching Max Threat Level during Helltide. Smaller Favor


Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide


Challenge Name Challenge Description Reward
Rite Keeper Increase your Coven standing to R15. Favor
A Tortured Gamble Open a Tortured Gift of Mysteries in a Helltide. Favor
Shards Of The Fiends Collect 5 Scattered Prisms. Favor
The Hordes Falter Defeat the Fell Council in the Infernal Hordes on Torment 1 or Higher. Favor
Finder Of Secrets Find a Forgotten Altar. Favor
Headhunter Collect 8 Fugitive Heads during Headhunts. Favor
Cultivate Fear Collect 100 Obducite. Favor
Lucid Nightmare Complete 5 Nightmare Dungeons in Torment 1 or higher. Favor
No Mere Mortal Unlock a Legendary Paragon node after reaching Level 60. Favor
Precious Shards Salvage 100 Ancestral Legendary items. Favor
Transfer Of Power Imprint 8 Aspects onto gear at the Occultist. Favor
Preamble Complete Artificer's T20 or higher in The Pit of the Artificer. Favor
Guilt Defeat Tormented Echo of Varshan. Favor
Shock And Awe Defeat Tormented Echo of Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint. Favor


在13個挑戰中,Diablo 4: Season Of Witchcraft - Battle Pass Challenges Guide十一個。


以上是暗黑破壞神4:巫術季節 - 戰鬥通行證挑戰指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
