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戰鎚 40,000:泰倫虫族軍隊指南

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare原創
2025-01-22 04:34:21244瀏覽

在遙遠未來的嚴酷黑暗中,《戰鎚 40,000》中,星際衝突佔據主導地位。 帝國與異形作戰,異形相互衝突,而混沌就是……好吧,混沌。然而,在這種普遍的敵意之中,有一個共同的敵人:泰倫虫族。 如果不加以控制,這些貪婪的生物將吞噬銀河系,無一倖免。

Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide



Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide

在桌面上,泰倫虫族是一支多才多藝的群體軍隊,擅長近距離戰鬥並利用強大的跨單位協同作用。 讓你的角色處於最前沿,利用他們的突觸光環來支持關鍵單位並減輕他們的領導缺陷。




  • 突觸:突觸模型附近的友方單位可以獲得戰鬥衝擊測試的好處並增加力量。
  • 亞空間之影: 每場戰鬥一次,釋放蟲巢心靈的靈能力量。在命令階段,如果存在符合此規則的友方模型,則所有敵方單位都必須進行戰鬥衝擊測試,如果靠近突觸模型,則會受到懲罰。


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide

不斷進化的泰倫蟲巢艦隊擁有一系列可怕的生物形態。 雖然缺乏載具或騎乘單位,但他們在怪物和步兵方面佔據主導地位。


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide


**Deathleaper** A genetically-engineered assassin, the Deathleaper is a superior Lictor, reducing enemy Leadership. Its Invulnerable Save enhances survivability, but it cannot be your Warlord.
**Old One Eye** A veteran Carnifex, repeatedly "killed" yet resurrected. Its regenerative carapace aids survival, but it lacks ranged weapons, instead providing re-rolls for its Carnifex pack.
**The Swarmlord** The ultimate Hive Tyrant, boasting enhanced auras, generating Command Points, and increasing enemy expenditure.


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide

Star-Spawn 傳遞蜂巢思維的意志,產生突觸場並提供關鍵的增益。

**Hive Tyrant** A versatile Character/Monster, saving Command Points, enhancing ranged attacks, and wielding diverse weaponry.
**Broodlord** A powerful Genestealer, significantly boosting its pack's lethality, providing Devastating Wounds and reducing enemy attack rolls in melee.
**Neurotyrant** A potent Psyker, projecting Synapse over long distances and enhancing unit reliability, especially against Battle-shocked foes.
**Parasite of Mortrex** A Vanguard Organism, sowing terror and generating bioforms. It can Deep Strike, possesses Lone Operative, and benefits from Stealth.
**Tervigon** A living factory replenishing Termagants and enhancing their lethality. Protecting this unit is crucial for its ongoing support.


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide


**Termagants** Classic units holding Objectives and controlling board space. Their Skulking Horrors rule allows strategic retreats.
**Gargoyles** Flying Termagants with Deep Strike, excelling at space control and chip damage. They can move after shooting.
**Hormagaunts** Cheap melee units with high Movement, charging after advancing. Their lack of individual power is compensated by speed and buffs.


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide


**Barbgaunts** Powerful anti-Infantry units slowing down enemies they hit.
**Biovores** Living artillery platforms, deploying Spore Mines or using Indirect Fire for Mortal Wounds.
**Genestealers** Elite shock troops excelling at taking heavily defended Objectives, especially with a Broodlord.
**Lictor/Neurolictor/Von Ryan’s Leapers** Assassin units eliminating isolated targets and claiming Objectives.
**Raveners** Melee shock troops with Deep Strike, returning to Reserves after a turn if not in combat.
**Tyranid Warriors** Mini Hive Tyrants with Synapse and diverse weapon options.
**Tyrant Guard** Exceptional bodyguard units, soaking damage and providing Feel No Pain.
**Venomthropes** Mobile cover generators providing Stealth to nearby Infantry.
**Zoanthropes** Psychic damage dealers providing a light Invulnerable Save and healing themselves.


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide


**Ripper Swarms** Weak units reducing enemy Objective Control but unable to hold Objectives.
**Mucolid Spores and Spore Mines** Living roadblocks dealing Mortal Wounds on death, generally outclassed by other options.


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide


**Carnifex/Screamer-Killer** Versatile Monsters with numerous weapon and upgrade options, using Blistering Assault to move freely after being shot.
**Exocrine** Anti-tank unit increasing the accuracy of nearby units shooting at its target.
**Haruspex** The strongest melee Monster.
**Maleceptor** A psychic Carnifex, weakening nearby enemies, especially those below half strength.
**Tyrannofex** A powerful behemoth equivalent to a heavy tank.


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide


**Tyrannocyte** A transport deploying units directly into combat.
**Harpy/Hive Crone** Hovering aircraft; the Harpy is a bomber deploying Spore Mines.


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide


Detachment Description Suggested Units
**Invasion Fleet** Focuses on Synapse and army-wide buffs. Neurotyrants, Tervigons, Maleceptors
**Crusher Stampede** Ideal for Monster-heavy armies, buffing Monsters upon taking damage. Hive Tyrants, Carnifexes, Maleceptors
**Unending Swarm** Emphasizes cheap, self-replenishing Infantry. Termagants, Hormagaunts, Gargoyles
**Assimilation Swarm** Versatile, featuring units with the HARVESTER Keyword, providing buffs and self-healing. Haruspexes, Psychophages, Ripper Swarms
**Vanguard Onslaught** Utilizes high-mobility units with Infiltrate and Deep Strike. Lictors, Genestealers, Tyranid Warriors
**Synaptic Nexus** Similar to Invasion Fleet, providing temporary Synapse-based buffs. Neurotyrants, Tyranid Warriors, Zoanthropes
**Warrior Bioform Onslaught** Centers around Tyranid Warriors, making them Battleline units with enhanced stats. Tyranid Warriors, Winged Tyranid Primes, Gargoyles


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide



Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide

  • 神經暴君
  • 神經鎮痛劑 x2
  • 火獸x2
  • 獸人
  • 外分泌
  • 男性受體
  • Haruspex



Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide

  • 死亡跳躍者
  • Neurotyrant(增強:自然化迷彩)
  • 特爾維貢
  • 石像鬼
  • 猛虎x2
  • 暴君守衛
  • 劇毒人
  • 外分泌



Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide

  • 巢穴領主(增強:潛行者)
  • 石像鬼 x2
  • 生物食者
  • 基因竊取者
  • 利克托
  • 神經藥
  • 攜帶遠程武器的泰倫戰士
  • 馮瑞安的跳躍者
  • 暴龍


Warhammer 40,000: Tyranids Army Guide

以上是戰鎚 40,000:泰倫虫族軍隊指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
