崩壞:星穹鐵道 3.0 更新引入了廣闊的安弗洛厄斯地區,充滿了任務、秘密和眾多提供星玉和珍貴材料的獎勵箱。 本指南的重點是找到初始可進入區域 Okhema 內的所有箱子。
Marmoreal 市場寶箱地點(共 12 個)
Okhema 擁有 36 個寶箱和 3 個盜靈者,總共可產出 300 顆星玉(180 個來自寶箱,120 個來自盜靈者),以及額外的潮汐賞金獎勵。 Marmoreal 市場擁有 12 個箱子,主要位於底層(F1),部分位於屋頂。
寶箱號碼 | 地點 |
1 | 通往「命運深淵」賈努索波利斯入口的長長的走道(第一個十字路口的東側,靠近 NPC Trago、Pello 和 Thessane)。 |
2 | 市場十字路口以北的休息區(區域內有藍色布料和搖鈴;可從 Kephale 廣場空間錨點進入)。 |
3 | Kephale Plaza 空間錨旁邊,兩根柱子之間。 |
4 | 凱法萊廣場空間錨以北的走廊(房間右側,靠近儲藏箱)。 |
5 | 凱法萊廣場空間錨以北的 Droma 攤位和餵食區(左下角,靠近紅土)。 |
6 | 馬爾莫雷爾市場右下角,查托努斯鐵匠鋪以南,頭盔下。 |
7 | 查托努斯鐵匠鋪以北(芝諾和巴門尼德左邊)的藍色和紅色地毯休息區。 |
8 | 隱藏通道傳送器以南的東樓梯頂部。 |
9 | 馬爾莫雷爾市場的西南邊緣,懸挑下方,可破壞的紅色盾牌後面。 |
10 | 市場屋頂(東側,靠近藍色布罩;盜魂者寶箱)。 |
11 | 在板條箱和甕中,盜靈者箱子以東(穿過藍布橋)。 |
12 | 市場屋頂的東北邊緣(11號寶箱以北,靠近俯瞰凱法勒雕像的弧形屋頂)。 |
馬莫雷爾宮(南室和浴場)寶箱位置(共 12 個)
南宮區域,包括浴室,包含 12 個箱子。
Chest Number | Location |
1 | North side of the transition hall (left of the northern room door, opposite Golden Short Spear). |
2 | Smaller room south of the transition hall (south wall, atop crates). |
3 | North side of the main bath chamber (left of the doorway to side rooms). |
4 | Northwest section of the baths (left of the droma, near a side pool). |
5 | Right-hand side pool (near Peleus). |
6 | First room south of the main bath chamber (northwest corner). |
7 | Room outside the private bath chamber (next to the Hall of Respite Space Anchor, behind a red shield). |
8 | Private bath chamber (left side of the balcony; Spirithief chest). |
9 | Room west of the private chambers (southeastern corner, behind a table). |
10 | Large library chamber (corner beneath the eastern stairs). |
11 | Open-air gathering place southwest of the Palace (right of the eastern bath, near a box and chair). |
12 | South of the staircase to the main Palace entrance (behind a blue shield, next to a bench). |
Marmoreal Palace(北區和生命花園)寶箱位置(共 12 個)
最後 12 個寶箱位於北部宮殿部分和上層,包括生命花園。
Chest Number | Location |
1 | North of the main Palace entrance (behind Stagira). |
2 | Small pasture with a droma (near boxes). |
3 | Room west of the Court of Seasons Space Anchor (behind a blue shield). |
4 | Northern edge of the Palace (hallway beside stairs leading to the upper level; Spirithief chest). |
5 | Behind the elevator to the Garden of Life. |
6 | Blue-lit bathing area north of the Court of Seasons (near a potted plant). |
7 | Thin hallway east of the Court of Seasons (right turn toward the main bath chamber). |
8 | Orange-lit sauna room (southwest side, among stone beds). |
9 | Towel room (against a shelf with towels). |
10 | Garden of Life (south of the Garmentmaker doll or west of the Garden of Life Space Anchor). |
11 | Small alcove east of the Garden of Life (near a staircase and centurion construct). |
12 | Upper level of the main bath chamber (northeast of the Hero's Bath Space Anchor, in the northernmost golden bath). |
以上是崩壞:星穹鐵道 - 安菲勒斯永恆聖城奧赫瑪的所有寶箱位置的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!