首頁 >後端開發 >Golang >使用 Go 建置基於 OTP 的身份驗證伺服器:部分檔案上傳和正常關閉

使用 Go 建置基於 OTP 的身份驗證伺服器:部分檔案上傳和正常關閉

Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon原創
2025-01-17 18:03:14949瀏覽

Build an OTP-Based Authentication Server with Go: Part  File Uploads and Graceful Shutdown

本期透過新增檔案上傳功能、使用 Makefile 簡化開發以及實現優雅的伺服器關閉來完善我們的 Go 驗證伺服器。 這可以防止突然終止並確保所有正在進行的任務在伺服器停止之前完成。


新的cmd/api/server.go 檔案集中了伺服器管理。 Goroutine 監視終止訊號(SIGINT、SIGTERM)。收到信號後,它會正常關閉伺服器。 評論闡明了每個步驟。

<code class="language-go">package main

import (

// ... (Existing application code) ...

func (app *application) serve(router http.Handler) error {
    // Server initialization with timeouts for idle, read, and write operations.
    srv := &http.Server{
        Addr:         fmt.Sprintf(":%d", app.config.port),
        Handler:      app.recoverPanic(app.authenticate(router)),
        IdleTimeout:  time.Minute,
        ReadTimeout:  10 * time.Second,
        WriteTimeout: 30 * time.Second,

    // Channel to manage errors during shutdown.
    shutdownError := make(chan error)

    // Goroutine to listen for termination signals and initiate graceful shutdown.
    go func() {
        quit := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
        signal.Notify(quit, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
        s := <-quit // Wait for signal
        fmt.Println("Shutting down server...")

        // Context with timeout for graceful shutdown.
        ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
        defer cancel()

        // Attempt graceful shutdown.
        shutdownError <- srv.Shutdown(ctx)

    // Start the server and report any errors.
    fmt.Printf("Starting server on port %d\n", app.config.port)
    err := srv.ListenAndServe()
    if !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
        return fmt.Errorf("server error: %w", err)
    return <-shutdownError

// ... (Rest of application code) ...</code>

main.go 中,將 srv.ListenAndServe() 區塊替換為 err = app.serve(router); if err != nil { logger.Fatal(err, nil) }。 測試涉及使用重試機制(刪除連續重試的憑證)並使用 Ctrl C 中斷伺服器;它應該等待重試完成後再關閉。

使用 Makefile 自動化任務

A Makefile 自動執行重複指令。 將以下內容加入項目的 Makefile 中:

<code class="language-makefile"># Include variables from the .envrc file
include .envrc

## help: print this help message
.PHONY: help
    @echo 'Usage:'
    @sed -n 's/^##//p' ${MAKEFILE_LIST} | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /'

.PHONY: confirm
    @echo -n 'Are you sure? [y/N] ' && read ans && [ $${ans:-N} = y ]

## run/api: run the cmd/api application
.PHONY: run/api
    go run ./cmd/api

## db/psql: connect to the database using psql
.PHONY: db/psql

## db/migrations/new name=: create a new database migration
.PHONY: db/migrations/new
    @echo "Migrating ${name}"
    migrate create -seq -ext=.sql -dir=./migrations ${name}

## db/migrations/up: apply all up database migrations
.PHONY: db/migrations/up
db/migrations/up: confirm
    @echo "Running migrations"
    migrate -path=./migrations -database=${GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN} up

## audit: tidy and vendor dependencies and format, vet and test all code
.PHONY: audit
audit: vendor
    @echo 'Formatting code...'
    go fmt ./...
    @echo 'Vetting code...'
    go vet ./...
    staticcheck ./...
    @echo 'Running tests...'
    go test -race -vet=off ./...

## vendor: tidy and vendor dependencies
.PHONY: vendor
    @echo 'Tidying and verifying module dependencies...'
    go mod tidy
    go mod verify
    @echo 'Vendoring dependencies...'
    go mod vendor

## build/api: build the cmd/api application
.PHONY: build/api
    @echo 'Building cmd/api...'
    go build -o=./bin/api ./cmd/api
    GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o=./bin/linux_amd64/api ./cmd/api</code>

運行 make helpmake run/apimake db/migrations/new name=my_migrationmake db/migrations/upmake auditmake build/api 等指令。 可以按照此結構添加其他命令。



建立遷移make db/migrations/new name=create-creatives.


<code class="language-sql">CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS creatives (
    id bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
    creative_url text NOT NULL,
    scheduled_at DATE NOT NULL,
    created_at timestamp(0) with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW()


<code class="language-sql">DROP TABLE IF EXISTS creatives;</code>


<code class="language-go">package data

import (


// ... (Creative struct and CreativeModel struct) ...

func (c *CreativeModel) Insert(creative *Creative) error {
    query := `INSERT INTO creatives (user_id, creative_url, scheduled_at)
            VALUES (, , )
            RETURNING id, created_at`

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
    defer cancel()

    args := []interface{}{creative.UserID, creative.CreativeURL, creative.ScheduledAt}
    return c.DB.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...).Scan(&creative.ID, &creative.CreatedAt)

func (c *CreativeModel) GetScheduledCreatives() (map[string][]Creative, error) {
    query := `
        SELECT id, user_id, creative_url, scheduled_at, created_at 
        FROM creatives 
        WHERE scheduled_at = ANY()

    dates := []time.Time{
        time.Now().Truncate(24 * time.Hour),
        time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 1).Truncate(24 * time.Hour),

    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
    defer cancel()

    rows, err := c.DB.QueryContext(ctx, query, pq.Array(dates))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer rows.Close()

    creatives := map[string][]Creative{
        "today":    {},
        "tomorrow": {},

    for rows.Next() {
        var creative Creative
        err := rows.Scan(&creative.ID, &creative.UserID, &creative.CreativeURL, &creative.ScheduledAt, &creative.CreatedAt)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if creative.ScheduledAt.Equal(dates[0]) {
            creatives["today"] = append(creatives["today"], creative)
        } else if creative.ScheduledAt.Equal(dates[1]) {
            creatives["tomorrow"] = append(creatives["tomorrow"], creative)

    return creatives, rows.Err()


<code class="language-go">package main

import (


const MaxFileSize = 10 << 20 // 10MB

// ... (Existing code) ...

func (app *application) uploadCreativeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // ... (File upload handling logic) ...

func (app *application) getScheduledCreativesHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // ... (Retrieve scheduled creatives logic) ...

將以下內容新增至您的 main.go 或伺服器初始化中以建立上傳目錄(如果不存在):

<code class="language-go">uploadDir := "./uploads"
if _, err := os.Stat(uploadDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
    err := os.MkdirAll(uploadDir, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Unable to create uploads directory:", err)

router.HandlerFunc(http.MethodPost, "/upload-creative", app.requireAuthenticatedUser(app.uploadCreativeHandler))
router.HandlerFunc(http.MethodGet, "/scheduled", app.requireAuthenticatedUser(app.getScheduledCreativesHandler))

請記得將佔位符註解替換為處理程序中文件處理和錯誤管理的實際實作細節。 這完成了核心功能,不包括支付處理(將在未來的更新中涵蓋)。 所提供的第 3 部分連結將被保留。

以上是使用 Go 建置基於 OTP 的身份驗證伺服器:部分檔案上傳和正常關閉的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
