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使用 HTMX 和 Django 建立待辦事項應用程序,部分無限滾動

2025-01-06 12:41:41416瀏覽

這是該系列的第 7 部分,我將在其中記錄我使用 Django 學習 HTMX 的過程,其中我們將按照 HTMX 的文檔來實現待辦事項的無限滾動功能。

如果您想查看該系列的其餘部分,請查看 dev.to/rodbv 以獲得完整清單。



Creating a To-Do app with HTMX and Django, part infinite scroll

我們想要反轉順序,讓部分圍繞 for 迴圈:

Creating a To-Do app with HTMX and Django, part infinite scroll

讓我們在範本 core/templates/index.html 中執行交換:


<p>Soon we will get back to the template to add the hx-get ... hx-trigger="revealed" bit that performs the infinite scroll, but first let's just change the view to return several items instead of  one on the toggle and create operations:<br>

<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">... previous code 

def _create_todo(request):
    title = request.POST.get("title")
    if not title:
        raise ValueError("Title is required")

    todo = Todo.objects.create(title=title, user=request.user)

    return render(
        "tasks.html#todo-items-partial", # <-- CHANGED
        {"todos": [todo]}, # <-- CHANGED

... previous code 

def toggle_todo(request, task_id):
    todo = request.user.todos.get(id=task_id)
    todo.is_completed = not todo.is_completed

    return render(
        "tasks.html#todo-items-partial",  # <-- CHANGED
            "todos": [todo], # <-- CHANGED



在模板上,我們需要向/tasks 設定一個hx-get 請求,其中hx-trigger="revealed" ,這意味著只有當元素即將進入螢幕上可見時才會觸發GET 請求;這意味著我們希望將其設定在清單中最後一個元素之後,並且我們還需要指示要載入哪個「頁面」資料。在我們的例子中,我們將一次顯示 20 個項目。

Creating a To-Do app with HTMX and Django, part infinite scroll



<p>There's an if next_page_number check around the "loading" icon at the bottom of the list, it will have two purposes: one is to indicate when we're loading more data, but more importantly, when the loader is revealed (it appears on the visible part of the page), it will trigger the hx-get call to /tasks, passing the page number to be retrieved. The attribute next_page_number will also be provided by the context</p>

<p>The directive hx-swap:outerHTML indicates that we will replace the outerHTML of this element with the set of <li>s we get from the server, which is great because not only we show the new data we got, but we also get rid of the loading icon.

<p>We can now move to the views file.</p>

<p>As a recap, here's how the GET /tasks view looks like by now; it's always returning the full template.<br>

<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">@require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])
def tasks(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        return _create_todo(request)

    # GET /tasks
    context = {
        "todos": request.user.todos.all().order_by("-created_at"),
        "fullname": request.user.get_full_name() or request.user.username,

    return render(request, "tasks.html", context)

上面的程式碼已經做了改動,就是按照最新的待辦事項優先排序;既然我們期望有一個很長的列表,那麼在底部添加新項目並將其與無限滾動混合是沒有意義的- 新項目最終將混合在清單的中間。

我們現在需要區分常規 GET 請求和 HTMX 請求,為此我們將只傳回待辦事項清單和部分範本。有一個名為django-htmx 的函式庫,它非常方便,因為它使用request.htmx 等屬性和所有hx-* 屬性的值擴展了請求參數,但目前這有點過分了;現在讓我們檢查HTMX 標頭,並使用Django 分頁器處理分頁。

# core/views.py

... previous code


...previous code

@require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])
def tasks(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        return _create_todo(request)

    page_number = int(request.GET.get("page", 1))

    all_todos = request.user.todos.all().order_by("-created_at")
    paginator = Paginator(all_todos, PAGE_SIZE)
    curr_page = paginator.get_page(page_number)

    context = {
        "todos": curr_page.object_list,
        "fullname": request.user.get_full_name() or request.user.username,
        "next_page_number": page_number + 1 if curr_page.has_next() else None,

    template_name = "tasks.html"

    if "HX-Request" in request.headers:
        template_name += "#todo-items-partial"

    return render(request, template_name, context)

我們做的第一件事是檢查頁面參數,如果不存在則將其設為 1。

我們檢查請求中的 HX-Request 標頭,這將告知我們傳入的請求是否來自 HTMX,並讓我們相應地返回部分模板或完整模板。

這段程式碼肯定需要一些測試,但在此之前讓我們先嘗試一下。看看網路工具,當頁面滾動時如何觸發請求,直到到達最後一頁。您還可以看到動畫「正在載入」圖示短暫顯示;我已將網路速度限制為 4g,以使其可見時間更長。

Creating a To-Do app with HTMX and Django, part infinite scroll




<p>Soon we will get back to the template to add the hx-get ... hx-trigger="revealed" bit that performs the infinite scroll, but first let's just change the view to return several items instead of  one on the toggle and create operations:<br>

<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">... previous code 

def _create_todo(request):
    title = request.POST.get("title")
    if not title:
        raise ValueError("Title is required")

    todo = Todo.objects.create(title=title, user=request.user)

    return render(
        "tasks.html#todo-items-partial", # <-- CHANGED
        {"todos": [todo]}, # <-- CHANGED

... previous code 

def toggle_todo(request, task_id):
    todo = request.user.todos.get(id=task_id)
    todo.is_completed = not todo.is_completed

    return render(
        "tasks.html#todo-items-partial",  # <-- CHANGED
            "todos": [todo], # <-- CHANGED

現在就這樣了!這是迄今為止我使用 HTMX 遇到的最有趣的事情。這篇文章的完整程式碼在這裡。

對於下一篇文章,我正在考慮使用 AlpineJS 新增一些客戶端狀態管理,或新增「截止日期」功能。再見!

以上是使用 HTMX 和 Django 建立待辦事項應用程序,部分無限滾動的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
