本文是我關於使用 React 進行 SSR 的系列文章的繼續。在基礎知識文章中,我們探索了生產就緒的配置,而在先進技術中,我們解決了水合錯誤等挑戰。現在,我們將更進一步,實施與 SSR 無縫整合的強大主題支援。
本質上,主題只是改變 CSS 變數。在大多數情況下,您將使用三個主題:
預設情況下,伺服器會渲染淺色主題的 HTML 並將其傳送到瀏覽器。如果用戶更喜歡深色主題,他們會在第一頁載入時看到明顯的主題更改,這會破壞用戶體驗。
第一個解決方案是下一個主題包的工作原理(2025 年 1 月)。在本文中,您將實現基於 cookie 的方法,以確保 SSR 應用程式中的無縫主題處理。
要實現主題,您將使用兩個 cookie:
客戶端始終設定這兩個 cookie,確保伺服器可以在下一個請求時正確呈現適當的主題。
本指南是基於上一篇文章中介紹的概念,建立生產就緒的 SSR React 應用程式,您可以在底部找到連結。為簡單起見,此處未建立共享常數和類型,但您可以在範例儲存庫中找到它們的實作。
安裝 cookie 處理所需的軟體套件:
pnpm add cookie js-cookie
js-cookie 的安裝類型:
pnpm add -D @types/js-cookie
更新你的 tsup 設定檔:
// ./tsup.config.ts import { defineConfig } from 'tsup' export default defineConfig({ entry: ['server'], outDir: 'dist/server', target: 'node22', format: ['cjs'], clean: true, minify: true, external: ['lightningcss', 'esbuild', 'vite'], noExternal: [ 'express', 'sirv', 'compression', 'cookie', // Include the cookie in the server build ], })
// ./server/constants.ts export const CLIENT_THEME_COOKIE_KEY = 'clientTheme' export const SERVER_THEME_COOKIE_KEY = 'serverTheme' export enum Theme { Light = 'light', Dark = 'dark', System = 'system' }
建立一個實用函數以將正確的主題類別應用到 中基於伺服器主題 cookie 的標籤:
// ./server/lib/applyServerTheme.ts import { parse } from 'cookie' import { Request } from 'express' import { SERVER_THEME_COOKIE_KEY, Theme } from '../constants' export function applyServerTheme(req: Request, html: string): string { const cookies = parse(req.headers.cookie || '') const theme = cookies?.[SERVER_THEME_COOKIE_KEY] if (theme === Theme.Dark) { return html.replace('<html lang="en">', `<html lang="en"> <h4> Retrieve the Client Theme Cookie </h4> <p>Create a utility function to retrieve the clientTheme cookie<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">// ./server/getClientTheme.ts import { parse } from 'cookie' import { Request } from 'express' import { CLIENT_THEME_COOKIE_KEY, Theme } from '../constants' export function getClientTheme(req: Request) { const cookies = parse(req.headers.cookie || '') return cookies?.[CLIENT_THEME_COOKIE_KEY] as Theme | undefined }
// ./server/dev.ts import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { Application } from 'express' import { HTML_KEY } from './constants' import { applyServerTheme } from './lib/applyServerTheme' import { getClientTheme } from './lib/getClientTheme' const HTML_PATH = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'index.html') const ENTRY_SERVER_PATH = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'src/entry-server.tsx') export async function setupDev(app: Application) { const vite = await ( await import('vite') ).createServer({ root: process.cwd(), server: { middlewareMode: true }, appType: 'custom', }) app.use(vite.middlewares) app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => { try { let html = fs.readFileSync(HTML_PATH, 'utf-8') html = await vite.transformIndexHtml(req.originalUrl, html) const { render } = await vite.ssrLoadModule(ENTRY_SERVER_PATH) // send Client Theme from cookie to render const appHtml = await render(getClientTheme(req)) // Apply Server theme on template html html = applyServerTheme(req, html) html = html.replace(HTML_KEY, appHtml) res.status(200).set({ 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }).end(html) } catch (e) { vite.ssrFixStacktrace(e as Error) console.error((e as Error).stack) next(e) } }) }
// ./server/prod.ts import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import compression from 'compression' import { Application } from 'express' import sirv from 'sirv' import { HTML_KEY } from './constants' import { applyServerTheme } from './lib/applyServerTheme' import { getClientTheme } from './lib/getClientTheme' const CLIENT_PATH = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'dist/client') const HTML_PATH = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'dist/client/index.html') const ENTRY_SERVER_PATH = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'dist/ssr/entry-server.js') export async function setupProd(app: Application) { app.use(compression()) app.use(sirv(CLIENT_PATH, { extensions: [] })) app.get('*', async (req, res, next) => { try { let html = fs.readFileSync(HTML_PATH, 'utf-8') const { render } = await import(ENTRY_SERVER_PATH) // send Client Theme from cookie to render const appHtml = await render(getClientTheme(req)) // Apply Server theme on template html html = applyServerTheme(req, html) html = html.replace(HTML_KEY, appHtml) res.status(200).set({ 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }).end(html) } catch (e) { console.error((e as Error).stack) next(e) } }) }
// ./src/constants.ts export const SSR = import.meta.env.SSR export const CLIENT_THEME_COOKIE_KEY = 'clientTheme' export const SERVER_THEME_COOKIE_KEY = 'serverTheme' export enum Theme { Light = 'light', Dark = 'dark', System = 'system', }
// ./src/theme/context.ts import { createContext, useContext } from 'react' import { Theme } from '../constants' export type ThemeContextState = { theme: Theme setTheme: (theme: Theme) => void } export const ThemeContext = createContext<ThemeContextState>({ theme: Theme.System, setTheme: () => null, }) export const useThemeContext = () => useContext(ThemeContext)
// ./src/theme/lib.ts import Cookies from 'js-cookie' import { CLIENT_THEME_COOKIE_KEY, SERVER_THEME_COOKIE_KEY, SSR, Theme } from '../constants' // Resolve the system theme using the `prefers-color-scheme` media query export function resolveSystemTheme() { if (SSR) return Theme.Light return window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? Theme.Dark : Theme.Light } // Update the theme cookies and set appropriate class to <html> export function updateTheme(theme: Theme) { if (SSR) return const resolvedTheme = theme === Theme.System ? resolveSystemTheme() : theme Cookies.set(CLIENT_THEME_COOKIE_KEY, theme) Cookies.set(SERVER_THEME_COOKIE_KEY, resolvedTheme) window.document.documentElement.classList.toggle('dark', resolvedTheme === Theme.Dark) } // Get the default theme from cookies export function getDefaultTheme(): Theme { if (SSR) return Theme.System const theme = (Cookies.get(CLIENT_THEME_COOKIE_KEY) as Theme) || Theme.System updateTheme(theme) return theme }
// ./src/theme/Provider.tsx import { PropsWithChildren, useState } from 'react' import { Theme } from '../constants' import { ThemeContext } from './context' import { getDefaultTheme, updateTheme } from './lib' type Props = PropsWithChildren & { defaultTheme?: Theme // Handle theme for SSR } export function ThemeProvider({ children, defaultTheme }: Props) { const [theme, setTheme] = useState<Theme>(defaultTheme || getDefaultTheme()) const handleSetTheme = (theme: Theme) => { setTheme(theme) updateTheme(theme) } return <ThemeContext value={{ theme, setTheme: handleSetTheme }}>{children}</ThemeContext> }
// ./src/theme/index.ts export { ThemeProvider } from './Provider' export { useThemeContext } from './context'
// ./src/App.tsx import reactLogo from './assets/react.svg' import viteLogo from '/vite.svg' import Card from './Card' import { Theme } from './constants' import { ThemeProvider } from './theme' import './App.css' // Theme from Server Entry type AppProps = { theme?: Theme } function App({ theme }: AppProps) { return ( <ThemeProvider defaultTheme={theme}> <div> <a href="https://vite.dev" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> <img src={viteLogo} className="logo" alt="Vite logo" /> </a> <a href="https://react.dev" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> <img src={reactLogo} className="logo react" alt="React logo" /> </a> </div> <h1>Vite + React</h1> <Card /> <p className="read-the-docs">Click on the Vite and React logos to learn more</p> </ThemeProvider> ) } export default App
// ./src/Card.tsx import { useState } from 'react' import { Theme } from './constants' import { useThemeContext } from './theme' function Card() { const { theme, setTheme } = useThemeContext() const [count, setCount] = useState(0) return ( <div className='card'> <button onClick={() => setCount((count) => count + 1)}>count is {count}</button> <p> Edit <code>src/App.tsx</code> and save to test HMR </p> <div> Themes:{' '} <select value={theme} onChange={(event) => setTheme(event.target.value as Theme)}> <option value={Theme.System}>System</option> <option value={Theme.Light}>Light</option> <option value={Theme.Dark}>Dark</option> </select> </div> </div> ) } export default Card
將主題傳遞給伺服器渲染方法,以確保伺服器產生的 HTML 與客戶端渲染相符:
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server' import App from './App' import { Theme } from './constants' export function render(theme: Theme) { return renderToString(<App theme={theme} />) }
:root { color: #242424; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); } :root.dark { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87); background-color: #242424; }
在本文中,我們解決了在 SSR React 應用程式中實現無縫主題的挑戰。透過使用 cookie 並整合客戶端和伺服器端邏輯,我們創建了一個強大的系統,支援淺色、深色和基於系統的主題,而不會出現水合作用錯誤或使用者體驗中斷。
這是我的 React SSR 系列的一部分。更多文章敬請期待!
我總是樂於接受回饋、合作或討論技術想法 - 請隨時與我們聯繫!
以上是在 SSR React 應用程式中設定主題的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!