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如何在 Go 中解析文字檔案中的 HTTP 請求和回應?

Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原創
2025-01-03 04:35:39839瀏覽

How Can I Parse HTTP Requests and Responses from a Text File in Go?

在Go 中解析來自文字檔案的HTTP 請求和回應

在Go 中,解析來自文字檔案的HTTP 請求和回應涉及利用內建的-HTTP 解析函數。為此,可以採用以下方法:

func ReadHTTPFromFile(r io.Reader) ([]Connection, error) {
    // Establish a new buffered reader to process the input.
    buf := bufio.NewReader(r)

    // Define a slice that will store HTTP connection information.
    stream := make([]Connection, 0)

    // Loop indefinitely to parse request and response pairs until we reach the end of the file.
    for {
        // Attempt to parse an HTTP request using ReadRequest.
        req, err := http.ReadRequest(buf)

        // Check if we have reached the end of the file or an error occurred.
        if err == io.EOF {
            // Break out of the loop since we have reached the end of the file.
        } else if err != nil {
            // Log the error and return the partially parsed stream.
            log.Println("Error parsing HTTP request:", err)
            return stream, err

        // Now that we have a request, we need to parse the corresponding HTTP response.
        resp, err := http.ReadResponse(buf, req)

        // Check for any errors while parsing the response.
        if err != nil {
            // Log the error and return the partially parsed stream.
            log.Println("Error parsing HTTP response:", err)
            return stream, err

        // Copy the response body to a new buffer to preserve it.
        var b bytes.Buffer
        io.Copy(&b, resp.Body)

        // Close the original response body and replace it with a new, non-closing one.
        resp.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(&b)

        // Add the connection to our stream.
        stream = append(stream, Connection{Request: req, Response: resp})

    // Return the parsed stream.
    return stream, nil

使用此函數,您可以開啟包含 HTTP 請求和回應的檔案並解析它們。例如:

func main() {
    // Open a file for reading.
    file, err := os.Open("http.txt")
    if err != nil {

    // Parse the HTTP requests and responses from the file.
    stream, err := ReadHTTPFromFile(file)
    if err != nil {

    // Dump a representation of the parsed requests and responses for inspection.
    for _, c := range stream {
        reqDump, err := httputil.DumpRequest(c.Request, true)
        if err != nil {
        respDump, err := httputil.DumpResponse(c.Response, true)
        if err != nil {

此程式碼將讀取「http.txt」檔案的內容,解析 HTTP 請求和回應,並轉儲它們的表示形式以供檢查。 Go 標準函式庫提供的 HTTP 解析函數可讓您從文字檔案流中提取和操作請求和回應。

以上是如何在 Go 中解析文字檔案中的 HTTP 請求和回應?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
