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如何使用 PDO 將陣列值正確綁定到 MySQL IN 語句?

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原創
2024-12-30 12:10:09555瀏覽

How Can I Properly Bind Array Values to a MySQL IN Statement Using PDO?

MySQL IN 語句的 PDO 綁定值

當使用 PDO 將值數組綁定到 MySQL IN語句時,預設行為是將綁定值視為單一字串,包含數組中的所有元素而不是所需的單一元素




* Construct the IN clause within the query string, directly including the values instead of binding them. This method avoids the binding issue but requires hard-coding the values in the query.

2. find_in_set 函數:

* Utilize the find_in_set function to search for values in a comma-separated string. Modify the query as follows:
SELECT users.id
FROM users
JOIN products
ON products.user_id = users.id
WHERE find_in_set(cast(products.id as char), :products)
Note that this approach may impact performance for large datasets.


* Create a user-defined function that splits the comma-separated values. This function can be used in the IN clause to convert the string to individual values.

建議經常依賴IN 子句的查詢使用最後一種方法,因為它提供了通用的解決方案。

以上是如何使用 PDO 將陣列值正確綁定到 MySQL IN 語句?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
