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在 Python 中產生 N 以下素數列表的最快方法是什麼?

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原創
2024-12-29 15:46:15823瀏覽

What's the Fastest Way to Generate a List of Prime Numbers Below N in Python?

列出 N 以下所有素數的最快方法


def get_primes(n):
    numbers = set(range(n, 1, -1))
    primes = []
    while numbers:
        p = numbers.pop()
        numbers.difference_update(set(range(p*2, n+1, p)))
    return primes

>>> timeit.Timer(stmt='get_primes.get_primes(1000000)', setup='import   get_primes').timeit(1)

Of the plain Python methods tested, **with psyco**, for n=1000000, rwh_primes1 was the fastest tested.

| Method              | ms    |
| rwh_primes1         | 43.0  |
| sieveOfAtkin        | 46.4  |
| rwh_primes          | 57.4  |
| sieve_wheel_30      | 63.0  |
| rwh_primes2         | 67.8  |    
| sieveOfEratosthenes | 147.0 |
| ambi_sieve_plain    | 152.0 |
| sundaram3           | 194.0 |

Of the plain Python methods tested, **without psyco**, for n=1000000, rwh_primes2 was the fastest.

| Method              | ms    |
| rwh_primes2         | 68.1  |
| rwh_primes1         | 93.7  |
| rwh_primes          | 94.6  |
| sieve_wheel_30      | 97.4  |
| sieveOfEratosthenes | 178.0 |
| ambi_sieve_plain    | 286.0 |
| sieveOfAtkin        | 314.0 |
| sundaram3           | 416.0 |

Of all the methods tested, allowing numpy, for n=1000000, primesfrom2to was the fastest tested.

| Method              | ms    |
| primesfrom2to       | 15.9  |
| primesfrom3to       | 18.4  |
| ambi_sieve          | 29.3  |

以上是在 Python 中產生 N 以下素數列表的最快方法是什麼?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
