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在 Python 中建立 Stripe 測試數據

Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原創
2024-12-28 10:37:10784瀏覽

我們一直在致力於一門新的AI 數據課程,向您展示如何透過將電子商務數據從Stripe 移動到在Supabase 上運行的PGVector 來構建AI 聊天機器人,透過Airbyte PGVector 連接器創建OpenAI 嵌入,使用OpenAI 用戶端程式庫將自然語言支援新增至應用程式。這是我們的許多客戶正在實施的一種非常常見的「智慧資料堆疊」應用程式模式。來源和目的地可能會發生變化,但模式(資料來源 > 行動資料並建立嵌入 > 支援向量的資料儲存 > 使用 OpenAI 的 Web 應用程式)保持不變。

Creating Stripe Test Data in Python

由於我們正在開發旨在讓人們上手的課程,因此我們希望讓設定盡可能簡單。其中很大一部分是在 Stripe 中創建足夠的測試數據,這樣就有一個合理的數據集供聊天機器人與之互動。如果您以前使用過 Stripe,您就會知道他們有一個很棒的沙盒,您可以在其中進行試驗。唯一的問題是它沒有預先載入範例資料。

您可以透過 CLI 裝置指令載入一些範例資料集。但是,對於我們的使用來說,這些都不符合需求。我們想要一個更大的數據集,並且由於這些材料將在線上和研討會中使用,因此要求學習者在他們的本地電腦上安裝一些東西,例如CLI,會讓你面臨一大堆複雜的處理。您永遠不知道用戶正在運行什麼作業系統版本,他們是否擁有正確的安裝權限等等。我已經被燒傷太多次了,無法走這條路。

值得慶幸的是,Stripe 還擁有出色的 API 和出色的 Python 客戶端,這意味著我們可以快速創建協作筆記本,供學習者運行和插入我們想要的資料。

透過 !pip install stripe 安裝 stripe 庫並使用 Google Collab 金鑰傳遞測試金鑰後,我們必須為客戶和產品設定一些隨機名稱。目標是插入隨機集合的客戶、不同價格的產品和購買情況。這樣,當我們向聊天機器人詢問諸如“誰購買的商品最便宜?他們支付了多少錢?他們買了什麼?”之類的問題時,就會這樣。有足夠的數據。

import stripe
import random
from google.colab import userdata

stripe.api_key = userdata.get('STRIPE_TEST_KEY')

# Sample data for generating random names
first_names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Diana", "Eve", "Frank", "Grace", "Hank", "Ivy", "Jack", "Quinton", "Akriti", "Justin", "Marcos"]
last_names = ["Smith", "Johnson", "Williams", "Jones", "Brown", "Davis", "Miller", "Wilson", "Moore", "Taylor", "Wall", "Chau", "Keswani", "Marx"]
# Sample clothing product names
clothing_names = [
    "T-Shirt", "Jeans", "Jacket", "Sweater", "Hoodie",
    "Shorts", "Dress", "Blouse", "Skirt", "Pants",
    "Shoes", "Sandals", "Sneakers", "Socks", "Hat",
    "Scarf", "Gloves", "Coat", "Belt", "Tie",
    "Tank Top", "Cardigan", "Overalls", "Tracksuit", "Polo Shirt",
    "Cargo Pants", "Capris", "Dungarees", "Boots", "Cufflinks",
    "Raincoat", "Peacoat", "Blazer", "Slippers", "Underwear",
    "Leggings", "Windbreaker", "Tracksuit Bottoms", "Beanie", "Bikini"
# List of random colors
colors = [
    "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Black", "White", "Gray",
    "Pink", "Purple", "Orange", "Brown", "Teal", "Navy", "Maroon",
    "Gold", "Silver", "Beige", "Lavender", "Turquoise", "Coral"

接下來,是時候為我們需要的 Stripe 中的每種資料類型添加函數了。

# Function to create sample customers with random names
def create_customers(count=5):
    customers = []
    for _ in range(count):
        first_name = random.choice(first_names)
        last_name = random.choice(last_names)
        name = f"{first_name} {last_name}"
        email = f"{first_name.lower()}.{last_name.lower()}@example.com"

        customer = stripe.Customer.create(
            description="Sample customer for testing"
        print(f"Created Customer: {customer['name']} (ID: {customer['id']})")
    return customers

# Function to create sample products with random clothing names and colors
def create_products(count=3):
    products = []
    for _ in range(count):
        color = random.choice(colors)
        product_name = random.choice(clothing_names)
        full_name = f"{color} {product_name}"
        product = stripe.Product.create(
            description=f"This is a {color.lower()} {product_name.lower()}"
        print(f"Created Product: {product['name']} (ID: {product['id']})")
    return products

# Function to create prices for the products with random unit_amount
def create_prices(products, min_price=500, max_price=5000):
    prices = []
    for product in products:
        unit_amount = random.randint(min_price, max_price)  # Random amount in cents
        price = stripe.Price.create(
        print(f"Created Price: ${unit_amount / 100:.2f} for Product {product['name']} (ID: {price['id']})")
    return prices

# Function to create random purchases for each customer
def create_purchases(customers, prices, max_purchases_per_customer=5):
    purchases = []
    for customer in customers:
        num_purchases = random.randint(1, max_purchases_per_customer)  # Random number of purchases per customer
        for _ in range(num_purchases):
            price = random.choice(prices)  # Randomly select a product's price
            purchase = stripe.PaymentIntent.create(
                amount=price['unit_amount'],  # Amount in cents
                payment_method_types=["card"],  # Simulate card payment
                description=f"Purchase of {price['product']} by {customer['name']}"
            print(f"Created Purchase for Customer {customer['name']} (Amount: ${price['unit_amount'] / 100:.2f})")
    return purchases


# Main function to create sample data
def main():
    print("Creating sample customers with random names...")
    customers = create_customers(count=20)

    print("\nCreating sample products with random clothing names and colors...")
    products = create_products(count=30)

    print("\nCreating prices for products with random amounts...")
    prices = create_prices(products, min_price=500, max_price=5000)

    print("\nCreating random purchases for each customer...")
    purchases = create_purchases(customers, prices, max_purchases_per_customer=10)

    print("\nSample data creation complete!")
    print(f"Created {len(customers)} customers, {len(products)} products, and {len(purchases)} purchases.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

將資料載入到我們的 Stripe Sandbox 後,透過使用 Connector Builder 將 API 端點對應到每種資料類型的串流並設定同步作業,將其連接到 Airbyte 只需幾分鐘。

Creating Stripe Test Data in Python

問題解決了!我們的 Collab Python 腳本對於學習者來說非常容易將測試資料插入 Stripe 中。希望對其他進行類似測試的人有所幫助。

以上是在 Python 中建立 Stripe 測試數據的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
