要成為Fisch、 最好的釣魚者,您將需要很多不同的釣竿。他們不僅擁有不同的屬性,而且還擁有特殊的能力。您可以透過對它們進行附魔來使它們更加有效。但由於並非所有這些都同樣有用,因此我們將它們全部排在這個 Fisch 附魔等級列表中。
附魔可以施加各種效果,從統計數據增加到全新的能力。因此,將它們放在正確的桿上是值得的。然而,要準備好花費大量時間來獲得想要的效果,因為附魔完全取決於 RNG。
Fisch 中的幾乎每一次重大更新都會在遊戲中添加新的釣魚竿。同時,附魔列表很少更新。因此,在撰寫本文時,您有 22 種獨特的附魔可用。然而,這並不意味著為您的工具選擇最佳效果很容易。
根據您使用的釣竿和用途,適當的附魔會有所不同。但為了讓您的遊戲更輕鬆,我們對等級列表中的所有 Fisch 附魔進行了從最好到最不有用的排名。
等級 |
附魔 |
原因 |
S |
質量 | 品質一次增加三項屬性,分別是誘餌速度提高15%、運氣增加15%、韌性提高5%。它適用於大多數魚竿,尤其是那些已經具有高屬性的魚竿。 |
神聖 | 如果您在捕捉神話或傳說中的魚時遇到困難,Divine 就是您所需要的,因為它將運氣提高 45%。 | |
有彈性 | 與神聖一樣,彈性附魔非常適合稀有捕獲。它將復原力提高了 35%,使捲軸小遊戲變得更加容易。 | |
深淵 | 深淵附魔是快速賺錢的最佳選擇。除了增加捕獲深淵變異魚的幾率之外,還可以增加捕獲的重量。 | |
穩定 | 穩定將幫助您幾乎用手中的任何魚竿捕獲神話般的稀有魚,因為它將進度損失減少了 25%。 | |
聰明 | 巧妙的附魔使獲得的經驗值提升兩倍,適合想要在短時間內達到最高等級並獲得所有等級頭銜的玩家。 |
Tier |
Enchants |
Reason |
A |
Hasty | Hasty increases the Lure Speed stat by 55 percent, which saves a lot of time. Great for fast farming, as well as using rods with negative Lure Speed stat. |
Controlled | This enchant increases the size of the control bar making the reeling mini-game easier, so it fits literally any of the rods in Fisch. | |
Sea King | With Sea King, all your catches will have a ten percent larger size. In combination with the King's Rod, you can catch large catches and earn a lot of money accordingly. | |
Mutated | Mutated enchant slightly boosts your chance of catching fish with mutation. Potentially fits most rods and works best during the Mutation Surge event. | |
Noir | Noir is a fairly niche enchant, so it's only great for farming Darkened or Albino catch. | |
Swift | Swift, like Hasty, affects the Lure Speed stat but gives a smaller effect, namely 30 percent. However, it is a good alternative if you are unlucky enough to get Hasty enchant. |
Tier |
Enchants |
Reason |
B |
Scrapper | Having a Scrapper on your rod gives you a 60 percent chance of not consuming your bait, which is great for beginners. |
Storming | Storming is another niche enchant suitable only for fishing for fish that prefer rain, such as Glacierfish. In rainy weather, you get a 95 percent Luck bonus. | |
Ghastly | If you missed the Halloween event and didn't claim Haunted Rod, then Ghastly enchant is what you need, as it allows you to catch fish with Translucent mutation. | |
Breezed | Breezed provides a similar bonus to Storming but increases Luck by 65 percent in windy weather. It is a useful enchant for catching fish like the Obsidian Swordfish. | |
Lucky | Lucky is suitable for beginner rods as it only increases Luck by 20 percent. But most baits can give better bonuses. | |
Insight | Insight is good for farming Exp, but only in the early game. | |
Blessed | Shiny and Sparkling mutations are among the most desirable in Fisch, and Blessed increases the chance of catching them, albeit by two percent. |
Tier |
Enchants |
Reason |
C |
Wormhole | Wormhole gives you a 45 percent chance to catch a random fish in any location. But in reality, it's almost a useless enchant, since most of the time you'll be catching common fish. |
Unbreakable | Unbreakable increases the Rod's Strength by 10 Tons, which is only suitable for cheap starting rods. | |
Long | This enchant extends your fishing rod line by 50 studs. This allows you to fish from higher places, which does not affect your catch in any way, so it is one of the most useless enchants. |
以上是Roblox:Fisch - 附魔等級列表的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!