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如何有效地將 XML 直接解組到 Go Map ?

Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand原創
2024-12-18 01:53:10365瀏覽

How Can I Efficiently Unmarshal XML Directly into a Go Map?

將XML 直接解組為映射

將XML 資料解組為中間結構,然後將其轉換為映射,對於大型資料集來說可能非常耗時。在這種情況下,直接解組到映射中是一種更有效的方法。

要將 XML 直接解組到映射中,您可以建立一個實作 xml.Unmarshaler 介面的自訂類型。此類型將處理解群組程序並將資料儲存在映射[string]字串中。


type classAccessesMap struct {
    m map[string]string

// UnmarshalXML implements the xml.Unmarshaler interface to unmarshal XML directly into the map.
func (c *classAccessesMap) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
    c.m = map[string]string{}

    key := ""
    val := ""

    // Iteratively parse XML tokens.
    for {
        t, _ := d.Token()
        switch tt := t.(type) {

        // TODO: Handle the inner structure parsing here.

        case xml.StartElement:
            key = tt.Name.Local

        case xml.EndElement:
            // Store the key-value pair in the map when the end of the "enabled" element is reached.
            if tt.Name.Local == "enabled" {
                c.m[key] = val

            // Return nil when the end of the "classAccesses" element is reached.
            if tt.Name == start.Name {
                return nil


// Unmarshal the XML into the custom classAccessesMap type.
var classAccessesMap classAccessesMap
if err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(xmlData), &classAccessesMap); err != nil {
    // Handle error

fmt.Println(classAccessesMap.m) // Prints the map containing the parsed data.

以上是如何有效地將 XML 直接解組到 Go Map ?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
