如何在 Qt、GCD 風格的給定執行緒中執行函子或 lambda?
在具有 GCD 的 ObjC 中,您可以在任何使用dispatch_sync或dispatch_async函數旋轉事件循環的執行緒。它在主執行緒佇列中執行某些操作(相當於 C 中的 [] { /* do sth */ } ),可以是阻塞的,也可以是非同步的。如何在 Qt 中執行相同的操作?
在Qt 中,您可以透過傳遞將仿函數包裝到消費者物件的事件來實現類似的行為駐留在所需的線程中,這個過程稱為元呼叫發布。具體操作方法如下:
Qt 5.10 及更高版本 TL;DR
// invoke on the main thread QMetaObject::invokeMethod(qApp, []{ ... }); // invoke on an object's thread QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, []{ ... }); // invoke on a particular thread QMetaObject::invokeMethod(QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(thread), []{ ... });
TL;DR 用於函子 Qt 5.10及up
// https://github.com/KubaO/stackoverflown/tree/master/questions/metacall-21646467 // Qt 5.10 & up - it's all done template <typename F> static void postToObject(F &&fun, QObject *obj = qApp) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, std::forward<F>(fun)); } template <typename F> static void postToThread(F && fun, QThread *thread = qApp->thread()) { auto *obj = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(thread); Q_ASSERT(obj); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, std::forward<F>(fun)); }
TL;DR 用於Qt 5.10 以上版本的方法/槽
// Qt 5/4 template <typename T, typename R> static void postToObject(T * obj, R(T::* method)()) { struct Event : public QEvent { T * obj; R(T::* method)(); Event(T * obj, R(T::*method)()): QEvent(QEvent::None), obj(obj), method(method) {} ~Event() { (obj->*method)(); } }; if (qobject_cast<QThread*>(obj)) qWarning() << "posting a call to a thread object - this may be a bug"; QCoreApplication::postEvent(obj, new Event(obj, method)); }
Qt 及以上TL;DR:單拍怎麼辦計時器?
template <typename F> static void postToObject(F && fun, QObject * obj = qApp) { if (qobject_cast<QThread*>(obj)) qWarning() << "posting a call to a thread object - consider using postToThread"; QTimer::singleShot(0, obj, std::forward<F>(fun)); }
通用代碼 Qt 5.10 及更高版本
#ifndef HAS_FUNCTORCALLCONSUMER namespace FunctorCallConsumer { bool needsRunningThread() { return true; } QObject * forThread(QThread * thread) { Q_ASSERT(thread); QObject * target = thread == qApp->thread() ? static_cast<QObject*>(qApp) : QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(thread); Q_ASSERT_X(target, "postMetaCall", "the receiver thread must have an event loop"); return target; } } #endif
使用臨時物件作為訊號的 Qt 4/5解決方案來源
#include <QtCore> #include <functional> namespace FunctorCallConsumer { QObject * forThread(QThread*); } #define HAS_POSTMETACALL void postMetaCall(QThread * thread, const std::function<void()> & fun) { QObject signalSource; QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed, FunctorCallConsumer::forThread(thread), [=](QObject*){ fun(); }); } #ifdef __cpp_init_captures void postMetaCall(QThread * thread, std::function<void()> && fun) { QObject signalSource; QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed, FunctorCallConsumer::forThread(thread), [fun(std::move(fun))](QObject*){ fun(); }); } #endif
使用QEvent 析構函數的Qt 4/5 解決方案
#include <QtCore> #include <functional> class FunctorCallEvent : public QEvent { std::function<void()> m_fun; QThread * m_thread; public: FunctorCallEvent(const std::function<void()> & fun, QObject * receiver) : QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(fun), m_thread(receiver->thread()) {} FunctorCallEvent(std::function<void()> && fun, QObject * receiver) : QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(std::move(fun)), m_thread(receiver->thread()) { qDebug() << "move semantics"; } ~FunctorCallEvent() { if (QThread::currentThread() == m_thread) m_fun(); else qWarning() << "Dropping a functor call destined for thread" << m_thread; } };
使用私有製QMetaCallall 5 解決方案
#include <QtCore> #include <private/qobject_p.h> #include <functional> class FunctorCallEvent : public QMetaCallEvent { public: template <typename Functor> FunctorCallEvent(Functor && fun, QObject * receiver) : QMetaCallEvent(new QtPrivate::QFunctorSlotObject<Functor, 0, typename QtPrivate::List_Left<void, 0>::Value, void> (std::forward<Functor>(fun)), receiver, 0, 0, 0, (void**)malloc(sizeof(void*))) {} };
Qt 4/5 使用自訂事件和消費者的解決方案
#include <QtCore> #include <functional> class FunctorCallEvent : public QEvent { std::function<void()> m_fun; public: FunctorCallEvent(const std::function<void()> & fun, QObject *) : QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(fun) {} FunctorCallEvent(std::function<void()> && fun, QObject *) : QEvent(QEvent::None), m_fun(std::move(fun)) { qDebug() << "move semantics"; } void call() { m_fun(); } }; #define HAS_FUNCTORCALLCONSUMER class FunctorCallConsumer : public QObject { typedef QMap<QThread*, FunctorCallConsumer*> Map; static QObject * m_appThreadObject; static QMutex m_threadObjectMutex; static Map m_threadObjects; bool event(QEvent * ev) { if (!dynamic_cast<FunctorCallEvent*>(ev)) return QObject::event(ev); static_cast<FunctorCallEvent*>(ev)->call(); return true; } };
以上是如何在特定的 Qt 執行緒中執行函子或 Lambda?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!