首頁 >後端開發 >Python教學 >建置 C 擴充功能時如何修復「致命錯誤:Python.h:沒有這樣的檔案或目錄」?

建置 C 擴充功能時如何修復「致命錯誤:Python.h:沒有這樣的檔案或目錄」?

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamilton原創
2024-12-15 10:12:12805瀏覽

How to Fix

在建置C 擴充功能中排除「致命錯誤:Python.h:沒有這樣的檔案或目錄」

嘗試建置共用程式庫時使用C 擴充時,可能會遇到以下錯誤:

utilsmodule.c:1:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Addressing this error requires verifying the installation of Python header files and static libraries for development (dev). Depending on the operating system, the appropriate package manager should be employed for installation.

**Package Managers:**

* **apt (Ubuntu, Debian)**
  * `sudo apt-get install python-dev` (for python2.x)
  * `sudo apt-get install python3-dev` (for python3.x)

* **yum (CentOS, RHEL)**
  * `sudo yum install python-devel` (for python2.x)
  * `sudo yum install python3-devel` (for python3.x)

* **dnf (Fedora)**
  * `sudo dnf install python2-devel` (for python2.x)
  * `sudo dnf install python3-devel` (for python3.x)

* **zypper (openSUSE)**
  * `sudo zypper in python-devel` (for python2.x)
  * `sudo zypper in python3-devel` (for python3.x)

* **apk (Alpine)**
  * `sudo apk add python2-dev` (for python2.x)
  * `sudo apk add python3-dev` (for python3.x)

* **apt-cyg (Cygwin)**
  * `apt-cyg install python-devel` (for python2.x)
  * `apt-cyg install python3-devel` (for python3.x)

以上是建置 C 擴充功能時如何修復「致命錯誤:Python.h:沒有這樣的檔案或目錄」?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
