在不斷發展的 JavaScript 執行環境中,Node.js 和 Deno 作為建立伺服器端應用程式的強大平台脫穎而出。雖然兩者有相似之處,但他們的績效衡量和基準測試方法卻截然不同。讓我們深入了解這兩個運行時的基準測試功能。
性能很重要。無論您是要建立高流量 Web 服務、複雜的後端應用程序,還是只是探索程式碼的局限性,了解不同實現的執行方式都至關重要。基準測試可以幫助開發人員:
在 Node.js 中,沒有內建的基準測試框架,這導致開發人員創建自訂解決方案。提供的範例示範了一種複雜的基準測試方法:
class Benchmark { constructor(name, fn, options = {}) { this.name = name; this.fn = fn; this.options = options; this.results = []; } async run() { const { async = false, iterations = 1000 } = this.options; const results = []; // Warmup for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { async ? await this.fn() : this.fn(); } // Main benchmark for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { const start = process.hrtime.bigint(); async ? await this.fn() : this.fn(); const end = process.hrtime.bigint(); results.push(Number(end - start)); // Nanoseconds } // Sort results to calculate metrics results.sort((a, b) => a - b); this.results = { avg: results.reduce((sum, time) => sum + time, 0) / iterations, min: results[0], max: results[results.length - 1], p75: results[Math.ceil(iterations * 0.75) - 1], p99: results[Math.ceil(iterations * 0.99) - 1], p995: results[Math.ceil(iterations * 0.995) - 1], iterPerSec: Math.round( 1e9 / (results.reduce((sum, time) => sum + time, 0) / iterations) ), }; } getReportObject() { const { avg, min, max, p75, p99, p995, iterPerSec } = this.results; return { Benchmark: this.name, "time/iter (avg)": `${(avg / 1e3).toFixed(1)} ns`, "iter/s": iterPerSec, "(min … max)": `${(min / 1e3).toFixed(1)} ns … ${(max / 1e3).toFixed( 1 )} ns`, p75: `${(p75 / 1e3).toFixed(1)} ns`, p99: `${(p99 / 1e3).toFixed(1)} ns`, p995: `${(p995 / 1e3).toFixed(1)} ns`, }; } } class BenchmarkSuite { constructor() { this.benchmarks = []; } add(name, fn, options = {}) { const benchmark = new Benchmark(name, fn, options); this.benchmarks.push(benchmark); } async run() { const reports = []; for (const benchmark of this.benchmarks) { await benchmark.run(); reports.push(benchmark.getReportObject()); } console.log(`\nBenchmark Results:\n`); console.table(reports); // Optionally, add summaries for grouped benchmarks this.printSummary(); } printSummary() { const groups = this.benchmarks.reduce((acc, benchmark) => { const group = benchmark.options.group; if (group) { if (!acc[group]) acc[group] = []; acc[group].push(benchmark); } return acc; }, {}); for (const [group, benchmarks] of Object.entries(groups)) { console.log(`\nGroup Summary: ${group}`); const baseline = benchmarks.find((b) => b.options.baseline); if (baseline) { for (const benchmark of benchmarks) { if (benchmark !== baseline) { const factor = ( baseline.results.avg / benchmark.results.avg ).toFixed(2); console.log( ` ${baseline.name} is ${factor}x faster than ${benchmark.name}` ); } } } } } } const suite = new BenchmarkSuite(); // Add benchmarks suite.add("URL parsing", () => new URL("https://nodejs.org")); suite.add( "Async method", async () => await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])), { async: true } ); suite.add("Long form", () => new URL("https://nodejs.org")); suite.add("Date.now()", () => Date.now(), { group: "timing", baseline: true }); suite.add("performance.now()", () => performance.now(), { group: "timing" }); // Run benchmarks suite.run();
node bench.js
Deno 透過其內建的 Deno.bench() 方法採用了不同的方法:
Deno.bench("URL parsing", () => { new URL("https://deno.land"); }); Deno.bench("Async method", async () => { await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])); }); Deno.bench({ name: "Long form", fn: () => { new URL("https://deno.land"); }, }); Deno.bench({ name: "Date.now()", group: "timing", baseline: true, fn: () => { Date.now(); }, }); Deno.bench({ name: "performance.now()", group: "timing", fn: () => { performance.now(); }, });
deno bench bench.ts
在下列情況下使用 Node.js 自訂基準測試:
在下列情況下使用 Deno 基準測試:
雖然 Node.js 要求開發人員建立自己的全面基準測試解決方案,但 Deno 提供了一種包含電池的方法。您的選擇取決於您的特定需求、專案複雜性和個人喜好。
JavaScript 運行時的未來令人興奮,Node.js 和 Deno 都在推動效能測量和最佳化的界限。
基準測試快樂! ??
以上是Node.js 與 Deno 的基準測試:全面比較的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!