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為什麼在 Go 介面實作中使用指標接收器需要返回指標?

2024-12-12 11:35:11825瀏覽

Why Does Using Pointer Receivers in Go Interface Implementations Require Returning Pointers?

Golang 中的指標接收器和介面實作

在 Go 中,接收器函數允許方法對特定類型進行操作。當方法具有指標接收器時,它可以修改結構體的實際實例。



type IFace interface {
    SetSomeField(newValue string)
    GetSomeField() string

type Implementation struct {
    someField string

// Method with non-pointer receiver
func (i Implementation) GetSomeField() string {
    return i.someField

// Method with non-pointer receiver
func (i Implementation) SetSomeField(newValue string) {
    i.someField = newValue

在此程式碼中,兩種方法都有非指標接收器。這意味著當呼叫 SetSomeField 時,它會建立該結構的副本並修改該副本。原始實例保持不變。


要更改實際實例,SetSomeField 方法應該有一個指標接收器:

// Method with pointer receiver
func (i *Implementation) SetSomeField(newValue string) {
    i.someField = newValue

現在,SetSomeField 可以修改原始實例了。然而,這在實作 IFace 介面時會引發一個問題:

package main

import (

type IFace interface {
    SetSomeField(newValue string)
    GetSomeField() string

type Implementation struct {
    someField string

// Method with pointer receiver
func (i *Implementation) GetSomeField() string {
    return i.someField

// Method with pointer receiver
func (i *Implementation) SetSomeField(newValue string) {
    i.someField = newValue

func Create() IFace {
    obj := Implementation{someField: "Hello"}
    return obj // Offending line

func main() {
    a := Create() // Assigning an Implementation value to an IFace variable
    a.SetSomeField("World") // Will panic because a is an Implementation value, not a pointer

編譯此程式碼會導致恐慌,因為 Create 傳回一個 Implement 值,而不是指向它的指標。若要使用指標接收器實作接口,必須將方法宣告為指標接收器,且 Create 函數必須傳回指向 Implements 的指標。

type IFace interface {
    SetSomeField(newValue string)
    GetSomeField() string

type Implementation struct {
    someField string

// Method with pointer receiver
func (i *Implementation) GetSomeField() string {
    return i.someField

// Method with pointer receiver
func (i *Implementation) SetSomeField(newValue string) {
    i.someField = newValue

func Create() *Implementation {
    obj := Implementation{someField: "Hello"}
    return &obj

func main() {
    var a IFace
    a = Create() // Now assigning a pointer to Implementation to an IFace variable

現在,a 是指向 Implements 值的指針,它使用指針接收器實作 IFace。透過 SetSomeField 所做的變更將影響原始實例。

以上是為什麼在 Go 介面實作中使用指標接收器需要返回指標?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
