Can Python Variables Swap Their Values in a Standardized Way?
Python's versatile synt, allows to varges allowodues v. there a commonly accepted standard?
The "Simultaneous Assignment" Method
One prevalent approach is the ultaneous assignment syntax, where 區line:
left, right = right, left
This works because Python evaluates expressions left to right and performs assignments from right to left. The右端表達式("右, 左")首先被評估,創建一個包含兩個元素的元組。然後,該元組被拆包並分配給左端變數。
Exploring the Working Mechanism
Diving deeper into the evaluation process:
Standard or Convention?
This simultaneous assignment method has become the "standard) and clarity. While there are no explicit rules in Python, community usage and documentation establish this syntax as the preferred approach for variable swapping.