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Roblox:元素地下城 - 元素等級列表

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Roblox: Elemental Dungeons - Elements Tier List



Roblox: Elemental Dungeons - Elements Tier List


  • 元素的能力能造成多少傷害
  • 該元素是否具有實用性與移動能力
  • 該元素與其他相同稀有度的元素相比是否公平?






Roblox: Elemental Dungeons - Elements Tier List



S Tier For the best elements in the game, S-Tier elements have the hardest-hitting abilities and can be used in any situation.
A Tier This tier is for great choices that can compete with S-Tier elements, though they are more situational.
B Tier Good choices that can work if mastered, but shouldn't be focused on as much go in B-Tier.
C Tier Elements in this tier should only be used if you're upgrading from D-Tier ones.
D Tier Beginner elements that only really work for the first few dungeons occupy this tier.
A 層 此等級適用於可以與S級元素競爭的絕佳選擇,儘管它們更具情境性。
B 級 如果掌握了就可以發揮作用的好選擇,但不應過多關注 B 級。
C 級 此層中的元素應僅在您從 D 層 元素升級時使用。
D 層 初學者元素僅真正適用於前幾個地下城,佔據這一層。
Element Rarity Description
Solar Mythic / Limited The most consistent damage across the board, with Reaper very closely behind it. It works with most builds, isn't difficult to pick up and learn, and has mobility that other elements lack. All of these factors put it comfortably at the top of S-Tier.
Reaper Mythic Arguably the highest damage in the game, Reaper requires a very specific build to clean dungeons. We recommend this for very high-level players, as the awakened move-set puts it over the edge of other elements, but it does lack mobility.
Kitsune Mythic The best Mythical element for lower-level players, Kitsune will carry you through most of the game easily. It's easy to use, has mobility, and is one of the strongest M1 attacks in the game.
Phantom Mythic / Limited Unique move-set, with high damage. This element is best suited for players with high-tier weapons, as its abilities consider weapon damage.
Galaxy Mythic The best AoE and mobility in the game, with good damage. Others in this tier out-damage this element for bosses, but otherwise it's a great choice for new and experienced players alike.
Dragon Legendary With an awakened move-set, this ability out-damages even Mythical elements below it. As far as Legendary elements go, it is the best, and it deserves a spot in the S-Tier.


Roblox: Elemental Dungeons - Elements Tier List





天使 傳奇 憑藉其治療能力,天使在困難的 Raid boss 任務中幾乎是強制性的。它的傷害對於治療職業來說是令人印象深刻的,甚至對於單人玩家來說也是可行的,而且它的覺醒移動設置也可以讓你嘗試混合構建,因為它也會隨著劍傷害而縮放
無限 神話/限定 無限具有其神話般的稀有性所帶來的傷害,但它的動作設定還有很多不足之處。 它沒有移動能力,所以你將依靠它的 AoE 攻擊來保護你免受傷害。作為神話,它默認在 A 級中佔有一席之地。
坎普斯 神話/限定 與《無限》非常相似,與其他相同稀有度的相比,坎卜斯有所不足。儘管如此,它仍然是遊戲中造成傷害最高的元素之一,排在《無限》之後。
黑暗 傳奇 傷害很高,但遺憾的是沒有機動性或實用性。它依賴高傷害但難以擊中的能力,使其難以學習和掌握。然而,如果你能做到這一點,希望這個元素不會讓你在地下城中失望。
兔子 獨家 遊戲中為數不多的獨家元素之一,它的傷害不會令人失望。愛好者們已經將其提升到與傳奇級相當的水平,所以我們認為它可以輕鬆地躋身A級,即使勉強能達到。

B 級元素

Roblox: Elemental Dungeons - Elements Tier List





Lava Legendary Decent damage, but just not up to snuff for the rarity. It's generally easy and fun to use, but when looking at what other Legendaries can do, maybe wait for the banner to turn its eye to them instead.
Gravity Legendary Strangely underpowered abilities for the rarity, with frequent cases of them missing entirely, without it ever really feeling like it was your fault. For such a cool class, it's disappointing to see it this low on the list, but sadly, its damage just can't let it go any higher.
Light Epic Peeking its head it to B-Tier, this element deals great amounts of damage with abilities that have very short cooldowns. For the Epic element that it is, Light is the best of that rarity.
元素 稀有度 描述 熔岩 傳奇 傷害不錯,但只是不符合稀有度。一般來說,它使用起來既簡單又有趣,但是當看看其他傳奇人物可以做什麼時,也許等待橫幅將目光轉向他們。 重力 傳奇 奇怪的是動力不足因為稀有,經常會出現它們完全缺失的情況,但從來沒有真正感覺這是你的錯。對於如此酷的職業,看到它在列表中排名如此之低令人失望,但可悲的是,它的傷害不能讓它再更高。 輕 史詩 從 B 級來看,此元素會造成大量傷害,其技能冷卻時間非常短。對於史詩元素來說,光是稀有度中最好的。 表>

C 級元素

Roblox: Elemental Dungeons - Elements Tier List

此層中的元素僅應在 當您稍微熱身於遊戲時 並準備好從初學者元素繼續前進時才應關注。如果您負擔得起,我們建議您轉向清單中更高的位置。




Lightning Epic Decent damage, decent mobility, and decent AoE. It's a good all-rounder element, so if you see it on the banner, it's not a bad choice to try getting it.
Ice Epic Ice focuses on AoE and hard-hitting single attacks. It doesn't have mobility, but, from what it does offer, you can make it pretty far with this element.
Smoke Epic Very long-ranged attacks make this element unique for what it does. Out of the Epic elements, its damage is rather disappointing, but an upgrade over any Rare element.
Nature Rare The best Rare element, and one that competes heavily with Epic elements. Mastery on this isn't recommended, as that time is better spent on Legendary or rarer elements, but it may be tempting as this element can make you breeze through the first few areas.
元素 稀有度 描述 閃電 史詩 不錯的傷害、不錯的機動性和不錯的 AoE。 這是一個很好的全能元素,所以如果你在橫幅上看到它,嘗試獲得它也是一個不錯的選擇。 冰 史詩 冰專注於 AoE 和強力單次攻擊。它沒有移動性,但是,從它所提供的功能來看,您可以使用此元素走得很遠。 煙霧 史詩 非常遠距離的攻擊使這個元素的作用獨一無二。在史詩元素中,它的傷害相當令人失望,但比任何稀有元素都有升級。 自然 罕見 最好的稀有元素,並且與史詩元素競爭激烈。不建議精通此內容,因為時間最好花在傳奇或稀有元素上,但這可能很誘人,因為此元素可以讓你輕鬆通過前幾個區域。 表>


Roblox: Elemental Dungeons - Elements Tier List





罕見 緊跟著大自然,就稀有元素而言,它是最好的選擇之一。 AoE 傷害高且稀有,使用火焰不會出錯。
地球 罕見 該類別中不錯的選擇,不過你很快就會發現它在戰鬥中的局限性,因為它對於技能的冷卻時間來說不會造成很高的傷害。
罕見 AoE 高,但傷害低。這不是一個壞元素,但是當你可以的時候一定要放棄它。 古墓不耐水,所以請保留它直到你離開那裡。
沙子 罕見 古墓以沙元素為主題,所以這個元素在對抗方面落後了。它主要針對單一目標,但其傷害並不能彌補這一點。
空氣 罕見 遊戲中最糟糕的元素;它確實具有移動性,但沒有其他任何實質內容可提供。這是唯一的元素我們建議您更改如果您有足夠的資金。
愚者幻影 獨家 作為愚人節的玩笑元素,它的能力不適合戰鬥。話雖這麼說,讓一隻逼真的手跟著你走來走去會給它一些風格加分。

Roblox: Elemental Dungeons - Elements Tier List

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