自從我開始使用 Golang 開發以來,我並沒有真正使用過調試器。相反,我天真地在各處添加 fmt.Print 語句來驗證我的程式碼?雖然列印語句和日誌可能也是您的第一個調試本能,但在處理大型且複雜的程式碼庫、複雜的運行時行為以及(當然!)似乎無法重現的複雜並發問題時,它們通常會出現不足。
開始處理更複雜的專案(例如這個:https://github.com/cloudoperators/heureka)後,我必須強迫自己更深入地了解delve(Golang 偵錯器)並了解Emacs 提供的功能與它互動。雖然 Go 生態系統提供了出色的調試工具,但將它們整合到舒適的開發工作流程中可能具有挑戰性。
在這篇文章中,我將詳細闡述 Emacs、Delve 和 dape 的強大組合。這些工具共同創造了模仿(並且常常超越)傳統 IDE 的調試體驗,同時保留了 Emacs 聞名的靈活性和可擴展性。
在這篇文章中,我假設您已經有一些 Emacs 經驗,現在了解如何配置套件和編寫小的 Elisp 片段。我個人使用Straight.el 作為套件管理器,minimal-emacs.d 作為最小的普通Emacs 配置(以及我自己的自訂),dape 作為調試適配器客戶端,eglot 作為我的LSP 客戶端。
對於 Emacs 29 用戶,eglot 是內建的。看看為 gopls 設定 eglot 和一些更進階的 gopls 設定。我們先加入 dape:
(use-package dape :straight t :config ;; Pulse source line (performance hit) (add-hook 'dape-display-source-hook 'pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line) ;; To not display info and/or buffers on startup ;; (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-info) (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-repl))
(use-package go-mode :straight t :mode "\.go\'" :hook ((before-save . gofmt-before-save)) :bind (:map go-mode-map ("M-?" . godoc-at-point) ("M-." . xref-find-definitions) ("M-_" . xref-find-references) ;; ("M-*" . pop-tag-mark) ;; Jump back after godef-jump ("C-c m r" . go-run)) :custom (gofmt-command "goimports"))
安裝 Delve 和 gopls(LSP 伺服器):
# Install Delve go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@latest # Install gopls go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@latest go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest go install -v github.com/stamblerre/gocode@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gorename@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru@latest go install -v github.com/cweill/gotests/...@latest go install -v github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/cmd/fillstruct@latest go install -v github.com/fatih/gomodifytags@latest go install -v github.com/godoctor/godoctor@latest go install -v github.com/haya14busa/gopkgs/cmd/gopkgs@latest go install -v github.com/josharian/impl@latest go install -v github.com/rogpeppe/godef@latest
(use-package ginkgo :straight (:type git :host github :repo "garslo/ginkgo-mode") :init (setq ginkgo-use-pwd-as-test-dir t ginkgo-use-default-keys t)) (use-package gotest :straight t :after go-mode :bind (:map go-mode-map ("C-c t f" . go-test-current-file) ("C-c t t" . go-test-current-test) ("C-c t j" . go-test-current-project) ("C-c t b" . go-test-current-benchmark) ("C-c t c" . go-test-current-coverage) ("C-c t x" . go-run))) (use-package go-guru :straight t :hook (go-mode . go-guru-hl-identifier-mode)) (use-package go-projectile :straight t :after (projectile go-mode)) (use-package flycheck-golangci-lint :straight t :hook (go-mode . flycheck-golangci-lint-setup)) (use-package go-eldoc :straight t :hook (go-mode . go-eldoc-setup)) (use-package go-tag :straight t :bind (:map go-mode-map ("C-c t a" . go-tag-add) ("C-c t r" . go-tag-remove)) :init (setq go-tag-args (list "-transform" "camelcase"))) (use-package go-fill-struct :straight t) (use-package go-impl :straight t) (use-package go-playground :straight t)
我使用 dape 而不是 dap 沒有什麼特別的原因。當我還在使用 MinEmacs 時,它就是其中的一部分,我只是習慣了它。如文件所述:
- Dape 不支援 launch.json 文件,如果需要每個項目配置,請使用 dir-locals 和 dape-command。
- Dape 允許使用者使用選項修改或新增 PLIST 條目到現有配置,從而增強了迷你緩衝區內的人體工學。
- 沒有魔法,沒有像 ${workspaceFolder} 這樣的特殊變數。相反,函數和變數會在開始新會話之前解析。
- 試著設想如果 vscode 不存在,如何在 Emacs 中實現偵錯適配器配置。
如果您曾經使用過 VSCode,您已經知道它使用 launch.json 來儲存不同的偵錯設定檔:
(use-package dape :straight t :config ;; Pulse source line (performance hit) (add-hook 'dape-display-source-hook 'pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line) ;; To not display info and/or buffers on startup ;; (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-info) (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-repl))
Property | Description |
name | Name for your configuration that appears in the drop down in the Debug viewlet |
type | Always set to "go". This is used by VS Code to figure out which extension should be used for debugging your code |
request | Either of launch or attach. Use attach when you want to attach to an already running process |
mode | For launch requests, either of auto, debug, remote, test, exec. For attach requests, use either local or remote |
program | Absolute path to the package or file to debug when in debug & test mode, or to the pre-built binary file to debug in exec mode |
env | Environment variables to use when debugging. Example: { "ENVNAME": "ENVVALUE" } |
envFile | Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions |
args | Array of command line arguments that will be passed to the program being debugged |
showLog | Boolean indicating if logs from delve should be printed in the debug console |
logOutput | Comma separated list of delve components for debug output |
buildFlags | Build flags to be passed to the Go compiler |
remotePath | Absolute path to the file being debugged on the remote machine |
processId | ID of the process that needs debugging (for attach request with local mode) |
現在讓我們透過調試實作 REST API 的真實應用程式來將我們的知識付諸實踐。
我們的範例是用於任務管理的 REST API,其架構如下:
(use-package dape :straight t :config ;; Pulse source line (performance hit) (add-hook 'dape-display-source-hook 'pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line) ;; To not display info and/or buffers on startup ;; (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-info) (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-repl))
(use-package go-mode :straight t :mode "\.go\'" :hook ((before-save . gofmt-before-save)) :bind (:map go-mode-map ("M-?" . godoc-at-point) ("M-." . xref-find-definitions) ("M-_" . xref-find-references) ;; ("M-*" . pop-tag-mark) ;; Jump back after godef-jump ("C-c m r" . go-run)) :custom (gofmt-command "goimports"))
TaskStore 處理我們的記憶體資料操作:
# Install Delve go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@latest # Install gopls go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
API 公開以下端點:
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@latest go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest go install -v github.com/stamblerre/gocode@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gorename@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru@latest go install -v github.com/cweill/gotests/...@latest go install -v github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/cmd/fillstruct@latest go install -v github.com/fatih/gomodifytags@latest go install -v github.com/godoctor/godoctor@latest go install -v github.com/haya14busa/gopkgs/cmd/gopkgs@latest go install -v github.com/josharian/impl@latest go install -v github.com/rogpeppe/godef@latest
(use-package ginkgo :straight (:type git :host github :repo "garslo/ginkgo-mode") :init (setq ginkgo-use-pwd-as-test-dir t ginkgo-use-default-keys t)) (use-package gotest :straight t :after go-mode :bind (:map go-mode-map ("C-c t f" . go-test-current-file) ("C-c t t" . go-test-current-test) ("C-c t j" . go-test-current-project) ("C-c t b" . go-test-current-benchmark) ("C-c t c" . go-test-current-coverage) ("C-c t x" . go-run))) (use-package go-guru :straight t :hook (go-mode . go-guru-hl-identifier-mode)) (use-package go-projectile :straight t :after (projectile go-mode)) (use-package flycheck-golangci-lint :straight t :hook (go-mode . flycheck-golangci-lint-setup)) (use-package go-eldoc :straight t :hook (go-mode . go-eldoc-setup)) (use-package go-tag :straight t :bind (:map go-mode-map ("C-c t a" . go-tag-add) ("C-c t r" . go-tag-remove)) :init (setq go-tag-args (list "-transform" "camelcase"))) (use-package go-fill-struct :straight t) (use-package go-impl :straight t) (use-package go-playground :straight t)
{ "name": "Launch file", "type": "go", "request": "launch", "mode": "auto", "program": "${file}" }
taskapi/ ├── go.mod ├── go.sum ├── main.go ├── task_store.go └── task_test.go
import ( "fmt" ) type Task struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` Done bool `json:"done"` }
type TaskStore struct { tasks map[int]Task nextID int } func NewTaskStore() *TaskStore { return &TaskStore{ tasks: make(map[int]Task), nextID: 1, } }
// CreateTask stores a given Task internally func (ts *TaskStore) CreateTask(task Task) Task { task.ID = ts.nextID ts.tasks[task.ID] = task ts.nextID++ return task } // GetTask retrieves a Task by ID func (ts *TaskStore) GetTask(id int) (Task, error) { task, exists := ts.tasks[id] if !exists { return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("task with id %d not found", id) } return task, nil } // UpdateTask updates task ID with a new Task object func (ts *TaskStore) UpdateTask(id int, task Task) error { if _, exists := ts.tasks[id]; !exists { return fmt.Errorf("task with id %d not found", id) } task.ID = id ts.tasks[id] = task return nil }
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" ) // Server implements a web application for managing tasks type Server struct { store *TaskStore } func (s *Server) handleCreateTask(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != http.MethodPost { http.Error(w, "Method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } var task Task if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&task); err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } createdTask := s.store.CreateTask(task) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(createdTask) } func (s *Server) handleGetTask(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != http.MethodGet { http.Error(w, "Method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed) return } id := 0 fmt.Sscanf(r.URL.Query().Get("id"), "%d", &id) task, err := s.store.GetTask(id) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound) return } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(task) }
以下是 TaskStore 的一些單元測試(用 Ginkgo 寫):
package main import ( "log" "net/http" ) func main() { store := NewTaskStore() server := &Server{store: store} http.HandleFunc("/task/create", server.handleCreateTask) http.HandleFunc("/task/get", server.handleGetTask) log.Printf("Starting server on :8080") log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)) }
go build -o taskapi *.go ./taskapi 2024/11/14 07:03:48 Starting server on :8080
在 Emacs 中,我將呼叫 ginkgo-run-this-container,如以下螢幕截圖所示:
為了除錯我們的任務 API,我們有以下方法:
request | mode | required | optional |
launch | debug | program | dlvCwd, env, backend, args, cwd, buildFlags, output, noDebug |
test | program | dlvCwd, env, backend, args, cwd, buildFlags, output, noDebug | |
exec | program | dlvCwd, env, backend, args, cwd, noDebug | |
core | program, corefilePath | dlvCwd, env | |
replay | traceDirPath | dlvCwd, env | |
attach | local | processId | backend |
remote |
這是我們的第一個 .dir-locals.el 偵錯設定檔:
(use-package dape :straight t :config ;; Pulse source line (performance hit) (add-hook 'dape-display-source-hook 'pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line) ;; To not display info and/or buffers on startup ;; (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-info) (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-repl))
?您可能希望對 command-cwd 使用不同的值。就我而言,我想在目前不是專案的目錄中啟動調試器。 default-directory 是一個變量,它保存目前所在緩衝區的工作目錄。
使用此設定檔啟動偵錯器後,您應該在 dape-repl 緩衝區中看到:
(use-package go-mode :straight t :mode "\.go\'" :hook ((before-save . gofmt-before-save)) :bind (:map go-mode-map ("M-?" . godoc-at-point) ("M-." . xref-find-definitions) ("M-_" . xref-find-references) ;; ("M-*" . pop-tag-mark) ;; Jump back after godef-jump ("C-c m r" . go-run)) :custom (gofmt-command "goimports"))
請注意,我們沒有指定任何要偵錯的二進位檔案/檔案(我們在 .dir-locals.el 中有 :program ".")。 delve 將在啟動應用程式之前自動建置二進位檔案:
# Install Delve go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@latest # Install gopls go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@latest go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest go install -v github.com/stamblerre/gocode@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gorename@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru@latest go install -v github.com/cweill/gotests/...@latest go install -v github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/cmd/fillstruct@latest go install -v github.com/fatih/gomodifytags@latest go install -v github.com/godoctor/godoctor@latest go install -v github.com/haya14busa/gopkgs/cmd/gopkgs@latest go install -v github.com/josharian/impl@latest go install -v github.com/rogpeppe/godef@latest
現在讓我們在 CLI 上啟動 偵錯器:
(use-package ginkgo :straight (:type git :host github :repo "garslo/ginkgo-mode") :init (setq ginkgo-use-pwd-as-test-dir t ginkgo-use-default-keys t)) (use-package gotest :straight t :after go-mode :bind (:map go-mode-map ("C-c t f" . go-test-current-file) ("C-c t t" . go-test-current-test) ("C-c t j" . go-test-current-project) ("C-c t b" . go-test-current-benchmark) ("C-c t c" . go-test-current-coverage) ("C-c t x" . go-run))) (use-package go-guru :straight t :hook (go-mode . go-guru-hl-identifier-mode)) (use-package go-projectile :straight t :after (projectile go-mode)) (use-package flycheck-golangci-lint :straight t :hook (go-mode . flycheck-golangci-lint-setup)) (use-package go-eldoc :straight t :hook (go-mode . go-eldoc-setup)) (use-package go-tag :straight t :bind (:map go-mode-map ("C-c t a" . go-tag-add) ("C-c t r" . go-tag-remove)) :init (setq go-tag-args (list "-transform" "camelcase"))) (use-package go-fill-struct :straight t) (use-package go-impl :straight t) (use-package go-playground :straight t)
現在在 Emacs 中,您可以啟動 dape 並選擇 go-attach-taskapi 設定檔:
{ "name": "Launch file", "type": "go", "request": "launch", "mode": "auto", "program": "${file}" }
找出其進程ID (PID):
taskapi/ ├── go.mod ├── go.sum ├── main.go ├── task_store.go └── task_test.go
import ( "fmt" ) type Task struct { ID int `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` Done bool `json:"done"` }
type TaskStore struct { tasks map[int]Task nextID int } func NewTaskStore() *TaskStore { return &TaskStore{ tasks: make(map[int]Task), nextID: 1, } }
如果我現在發送像這樣的 POST 請求:
// CreateTask stores a given Task internally func (ts *TaskStore) CreateTask(task Task) Task { task.ID = ts.nextID ts.tasks[task.ID] = task ts.nextID++ return task } // GetTask retrieves a Task by ID func (ts *TaskStore) GetTask(id int) (Task, error) { task, exists := ts.tasks[id] if !exists { return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("task with id %d not found", id) } return task, nil } // UpdateTask updates task ID with a new Task object func (ts *TaskStore) UpdateTask(id int, task Task) error { if _, exists := ts.tasks[id]; !exists { return fmt.Errorf("task with id %d not found", id) } task.ID = id ts.tasks[id] = task return nil }
能夠在 Golang 中除錯測試至關重要。為了執行 ginkgo 測試,我使用 ginkgo-mode,它具有以下功能:
(use-package dape :straight t :config ;; Pulse source line (performance hit) (add-hook 'dape-display-source-hook 'pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line) ;; To not display info and/or buffers on startup ;; (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-info) (remove-hook 'dape-start-hook 'dape-repl))
這是調試 Ginkgo 測試的基本配置:
(use-package go-mode :straight t :mode "\.go\'" :hook ((before-save . gofmt-before-save)) :bind (:map go-mode-map ("M-?" . godoc-at-point) ("M-." . xref-find-definitions) ("M-_" . xref-find-references) ;; ("M-*" . pop-tag-mark) ;; Jump back after godef-jump ("C-c m r" . go-run)) :custom (gofmt-command "goimports"))
如果我選擇 go-test-ginkgo 調試配置文件,我應該能夠調試測試:
現在配置非常靜態,因此您無法預先選擇單元測試/容器。我們需要以某種方式讓參數 -ginkgo.focus 動態化:
# Install Delve go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv@latest # Install gopls go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
之後,如果我查看 dape-configs 變量,我應該會看到這個值:
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@latest go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest go install -v github.com/stamblerre/gocode@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gorename@latest go install -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru@latest go install -v github.com/cweill/gotests/...@latest go install -v github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/cmd/fillstruct@latest go install -v github.com/fatih/gomodifytags@latest go install -v github.com/godoctor/godoctor@latest go install -v github.com/haya14busa/gopkgs/cmd/gopkgs@latest go install -v github.com/josharian/impl@latest go install -v github.com/rogpeppe/godef@latest
在 dape-repl 緩衝區中啟動偵錯器(使用以偵錯為中心的測試設定檔)後,我得到:
(use-package ginkgo :straight (:type git :host github :repo "garslo/ginkgo-mode") :init (setq ginkgo-use-pwd-as-test-dir t ginkgo-use-default-keys t)) (use-package gotest :straight t :after go-mode :bind (:map go-mode-map ("C-c t f" . go-test-current-file) ("C-c t t" . go-test-current-test) ("C-c t j" . go-test-current-project) ("C-c t b" . go-test-current-benchmark) ("C-c t c" . go-test-current-coverage) ("C-c t x" . go-run))) (use-package go-guru :straight t :hook (go-mode . go-guru-hl-identifier-mode)) (use-package go-projectile :straight t :after (projectile go-mode)) (use-package flycheck-golangci-lint :straight t :hook (go-mode . flycheck-golangci-lint-setup)) (use-package go-eldoc :straight t :hook (go-mode . go-eldoc-setup)) (use-package go-tag :straight t :bind (:map go-mode-map ("C-c t a" . go-tag-add) ("C-c t r" . go-tag-remove)) :init (setq go-tag-args (list "-transform" "camelcase"))) (use-package go-fill-struct :straight t) (use-package go-impl :straight t) (use-package go-playground :straight t)
?請注意,僅運行了「5 個規格中的 1 個」(❶),這表示 ginkgo 只專注於我們指定的容器 (❷)。
以上是掌握 Emacs 中的 Golang 調試的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!