《荒野大鏢客:救贖》中狂野西部時代的真實性是獨一無二的;遊戲本身就是一種獨特的體驗。遊戲的 100% 運行非常具有挑戰性,同時又充滿回報,為此,你必須克服所有障礙並獲得約翰·馬斯頓的一切,包括眾多服裝。
與主遊戲到 Undead Nightmare DLC 不同,
。大多數服裝都需要你將衣服碎片拼湊起來,形成一套完整的套裝,讓約翰在遊戲中穿著。 牛仔裝
細節 |
這是約翰·馬斯頓的標準服裝。 |
福利 |
沒有福利。 |
如何找到 |
該服裝將在遊戲開始時提供。 |
細節 |
與約翰·馬斯頓的榮譽排名相關的長外套。 |
福利 |
沒有福利。 |
如何找到 |
您必須達到「和平締造者」榮譽等級才能獲得Achieve防塵外套。 |
Details |
A classic outfit representing the Walton's Gang |
Perks |
Walton's gang will not attack unless you provoke them. |
How To Find |
A series of requirements has to be fulfilled to retrieve this outfit: find all the scraps. |
Search around Solomon's Folly. | |
Complete Ridgewood Farm housebreaking. | |
In Armadillo, defeat everyone in a game of poker. | |
Return with Walton's Gang Bounty (alive). | |
Defend Cholla Springs when Walton's Gang attacks it. | |
With all the scraps, purchase the outfit from the tailor in Thieves Landing. |
Details |
A set of souvenirs that John bought from his trip to Mexico |
Perks |
No perks. |
How To Find |
Purchase a safe house in Nuevo Paraiso. |
Details |
An outfit to disguise John as an active member of the Bollard Twins' gang. |
Perks |
The Bollard Twins' gang will not attack unless you provoke them. |
How To Find |
Complete all the steps below: |
Search around Thieves Landing. | |
MacFarlane Ranch night watch. | |
Win Horseshoe minigame at McFarlane Ranch. | |
Bollard Twins Bounty (alive). | |
Beat Hennigan's Stead and buy from the tailor at Thieves Landing. |
Details |
John can disguise as a Treasure Hunter gang member. |
Perks |
The Treasure Hunter gang will not attack unless you provoke them. |
How To Find |
Complete all the steps below: |
Search around Silent Stead. | |
Complete "California" mission. | |
Win Blackjack at Rathskeller Fort. | |
Treasure Hunter bounty (alive). | |
Lastly, complete Gaptooth Breach Hideout and buy the outfit from the tailor at Thieves Landing. |
Details |
The Bandito Gang outfit to blend in. |
Perks |
The Bandito gang will not attack unless you provoke them. |
How To Find |
Complete all the steps below: |
Search around Sidewincher Gulch. | |
Chuparosa Nightwatch. | |
Win a free-for-all Liar's Dice at Casa Madrugada. | |
Bandito Bounty (alive). | |
Defeat Banditos' residents and buy the suit from the general store in Chuparosa. |
Details |
The Reyes' Rebels Outfit for John Marston. |
Perks |
The Mexican Army will not attack unless you provoke them. |
How To Find |
Complete all the steps below: |
Search around Sepulcro. | |
Complete 'Poppycock' mission. | |
Complete 'Love is The Opiate' mission. | |
Chuparosa Horsebreaking. | |
Win a game of Five Finger Fillet at Torquemada. | |
Lastly, buy the outfit from the General Store in Escalera. |
細節 |
為約翰準備了一套縫製精美的西裝。 |
福利 |
允許約翰在撲克遊戲中作弊。 |
如何找到 |
在他們的第一場撲克遊戲後,這套服裝可以在 Thieves Landing 的裁縫店購買。 |
細節 |
這讓約翰看起來像聯邦局特工。 |
福利 |
約翰不受執法部門的製裁,約翰不受通緝等級的影響。 |
如何找到 |
請您 Achieve遊戲100%完成。 |
Details |
Somehow, John looks like a US Marshal. |
Perks |
US Marshals and Army will never look for John again. |
How To Find |
It would help if you were a little hasty with this one: Defeat all US gang hideouts within 24 hours in-game time and It becomes unavailable after completing the game. |
Details |
Makes John look like an enlisted man. |
Perks |
Normal citizens treat John with respect, but the residents of Thieves Landing become significantly aggressive toward him. |
How To Find |
Complete all the steps below: |
Search around the Aurora Basin. | |
Win an Arm Wrestling minigame at Pacific Railroad Camp. | |
In Blackwater, defeat all players in poker. | |
Complete the "Lights, Camera, Action" mission. | |
Nightwatch job at Blackwater. | |
Lastly, purchase it from the tailor at Blackwater. |
Details |
You become a legend with insane reflexes. |
Perks |
Increases Dead-Eye's Maximum Capacity. |
How To Find |
You must complete these ambient challenges: Sharpshooter, Master Hunter, Survivalist, and Treasure Hunter. |
Details |
This is typical attire for John when he's at the ranch. |
Perks |
No perks. |
How To Find |
This outfit can be obtained through the main story after completing the mission "The Outlaw's Return." |
這是約翰在牧場時的典型服裝。 | |||||||||||
沒有福利。 | |||||||||||
這套服裝可以在完成任務「亡命徒歸來」後透過主線劇情獲得。 |
Details |
The classy, high-class attire |
Perks |
John can now attend high-stakes poker games. |
How To Find |
Originally retrievable by connecting to Rockstar's Social Club account, this outfit is now available to everyone for free. |
細節 |
約翰打扮得像個經驗豐富的獵人。 |
福利 |
狩獵動物所獲得的獸皮數量加倍。 |
如何找到 |
完成下面的所有步驟: |
透過狩獵收集5,000磅肉。 | |
使用炸藥獵殺美洲獅。 | |
完成「代達羅斯與兒子」任務。 | |
找到皮膚Eight響尾蛇。 | |
最後,狩獵傳奇鹿角兔。 |
Details |
Dress like the most badass gunslinger. |
Perks |
John's Dead-Eye recharges faster. |
How To Find |
Complete all the steps below: |
For the first scrap, search Coot's Chapel. | |
In Armadillo, win a duel. | |
Complete the "American Appetites" mission. | |
Mo van Barr Bounty works both dead and alive. | |
Successfully invade Twin Rocks Hideout. |
Details |
The final outfit in the main game is a normal but reputable dockworker's outfit. |
Perks |
Every gun and ammo type's cost is reduced by half. |
How To Find |
Complete all the steps below: |
Hunt and execute 20 NPCs. | |
Complete "The Prohibitionist" mission. | |
Visit every Gunsmith and sell or buy something. | |
Gamble and win over ,000. | |
Lastly, collect herbs worth 0. |
細節 |
Undead Nightmare DLC 中約翰的標準服裝。 |
福利 |
沒有福利。 |
如何找到 |
從一開始就可使用。 |
細節 |
一套服裝TORN在世界的盡頭分開。 |
福利 |
約翰每天都會再生彈藥和可用物品。 |
如何找到 |
完成下面的所有步驟: |
找到埃爾普雷西迪奧,失蹤者之一。 | |
完成「污穢和其他娛樂」、「保護時刻的誕生」和「失蹤靈魂」倖存者任務。 | |
最後,你必須找到並打破獨角獸,一種傳奇的野獸。 |
Details |
A body, visually falling apart slowly. |
Perks |
John becomes a zombie, a sane zombie. |
How To Find |
Available after completing the DLC story mission "On a Pale Horse." |
Details |
The final outfit is a sassy zombie. |
Perks |
The effect of Phosphorus bullets increases significantly. |
How To Find |
Complete the Undead Nightmare challenges: Undead Treasure Hunter, Tomohawk Mastery, Explosive Rifle Mastery, Finding all four horses of the apocalypse, Undead Sharpshooter, and Undead Hunter. |
最後的服裝是時髦的殭屍。 |
磷彈的效果顯著增強。 |
完成亡靈噩夢挑戰:亡靈寶藏獵人、戰斧精通、爆炸步槍精通、找到天啟的全部四匹馬、亡靈神槍手和亡靈獵人。 |
以上是Red Dead Redemption:如何解鎖每件服裝的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!