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Roblox:索納裡亞的生物 - 每個生物任務以及如何完成它們

Mary-Kate Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen原創
2024-11-27 17:26:12978瀏覽

Roblox 的眾多動物生存遊戲中,Creature of Sonaria 以其 300 多種獨特且豐富多彩的物種脫穎而出。你的選擇是無限的,從飛龍般的生物和深海野獸到行走的仙人掌和小毛毛蟲。這些物種中的大多數只能透過在扭蛋上花費大量蘑菇來獲得,但有些物種只需完成一些任務就可以解鎖。

Roblox: Creatures Of Sonaria - Every Creature Mission And How To Complete Them



Roblox: Creatures Of Sonaria - Every Creature Mission And How To Complete Them





Roblox: Creatures Of Sonaria - Every Creature Mission And How To Complete Them

九種 種生物,目標明確且任務相對簡單:VivoltexApofuexCavengauu、, 弗里吉博亞, ParuxPhyremiaSha'rei Yenyasha。以下是每個物種、其類型、需要哪些任務以及我們完成這些任務的任何提示的綜合表。

Species Type Missions
Vivoltex Tier 4 Semi-Aquatic Carnivore Claim 150 Death Points in total (these do not have to be completed on the same creature).
Apofuex Tier 3 Land Carnivore Experience two autumns in the Swamp Biome.
Cavengauu Tier 4 Land Photocarnivore Kill five adult Photovore creatures during autumn.
Eiroca Tier 4 Aquatic Carnivore Kill an adult medium-sized or higher aquatic creature in the Seaweeds Depth biome two times.
Frigiboa Tier 1 Semi-Aquatic Omnivore Experience winter five times.
Parux Tier 2 Land Carnivore Travel 15,000 studs in the Pride Rocks biome.
Phyremia Tier 2 Gliding Omnivore Grow a medium-sized or higher glider to age 100 three times.
Sha'rei Tier 3 Semi-Aquatic Omnivore Grow a medium-sized creature to age 100 three times.
Yenyasha Tier 2 Semi-Aquatic Herbivore Experience three thunderstorms as a non-aquatic creature (anything but a pure aquatic creature counts).


Roblox: Creatures Of Sonaria - Every Creature Mission And How To Complete Them


Species Type Missions
Aleicuda Tier 4 Aquatic Carnivore Dart 50 times as an aquatic or semi-aquatic creature.
Arsonos Tier 4 Land Carnivore Die to a meteor during a volcanic eruption as an adult creature (You will have to already have low health before being struck, as they will often not do much damage on their own).
Astrothi Tier 1 Flying Herbivore Nest five players as a flier during fall or winter.
Militrua Tier 4 Semi-Aquatic Herbivore Heal 50 points of shock damage.
Shararook Tier 4 Land Carnivore Travel 20,000 studs during nighttime as a land creature.
Vaumora Tier 3 Flying Carnivore Survive a thunderstorm for 15 minutes total.
Venuella Tier 5 Land Photocarnivore Kill five Tier 4, large-sized fliers.
Zethines Tier 3 Land Herbivore Deal 500 points of bleed total.

Roblox: Creatures Of Sonaria - Every Creature Mission And How To Complete Them

以上是Roblox:索納裡亞的生物 - 每個生物任務以及如何完成它們的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
