伺服器傳送事件 (SSE) 是一種 Web 技術,可讓伺服器透過 HTTP 將即時更新推送到客戶端。與 WebSocket 不同,SSE 實作起來更簡單,因為它使用從伺服器到瀏覽器的單向通訊通道,並透過常規 HTTP 連線工作。它對於需要定期更新的應用程式特別有用,例如即時比分、通知或即時監控儀表板。
此示範展示如何使用伺服器傳送事件 (SSE) 將即時更新從 API 傳送到瀏覽器。在此範例中,瀏覽器顯示伺服器發送的一系列範例訊息。該演示的簡單性使其成為了解 SSE 如何運作並將其整合到您的專案中的絕佳起點。
下面的影片示範了伺服器發送事件 (SSE) 示範如何即時運作。觀看此影片將使您更了解客戶端和伺服器如何互動以提供即時更新。
伺服器發送事件(SSE)演示的核心實作分為兩部分:前端和後端。完整的原始程式碼可在 GitHub 上找到:sse-demo 儲存庫。
前端使用 React 構建,提供啟動和停止 SSE 連接的按鈕,顯示來自伺服器的即時訊息。主要亮點如下:
連接到 SSE:handleStartConnection 函數建立一個連接到 /events 端點的 EventSource 物件。它監聽訊息、開啟事件和錯誤事件:
"use client"; import type React from "react"; import { useState } from "react"; const App: React.FC = () => { const [messages, setMessages] = useState<string[]>([]); const [eventSource, setEventSource] = useState<EventSource | null>(null); const handleStartConnection = () => { const newEventSource = new EventSource("http://localhost:8080/events"); const handleOnMessage = (event: MessageEvent) => { console.log("onmessage", event.data); setMessages((prev) => [...prev, event.data]); }; const handleOnOpen = () => { console.log("Connection established"); }; const handleOnError = (error: Event) => { console.error("onerror", error); console.log("readyState:", newEventSource.readyState); console.log("Connection error occurred."); newEventSource.close(); setEventSource(null); }; const handleOnClose = () => { console.log("Connection is being closed by the server."); newEventSource.close(); setEventSource(null); }; newEventSource.onmessage = handleOnMessage; newEventSource.onopen = handleOnOpen; newEventSource.onerror = handleOnError; newEventSource.addEventListener("close", handleOnClose); setEventSource(newEventSource); }; const handleStopConnection = () => { if (eventSource) { eventSource.close(); setEventSource(null); console.log("Connection closed"); } }; return ( <div> <h1>Server-Sent Events Demo</h1> <button type="button" onClick={handleStartConnection} disabled={!!eventSource} className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded disabled:opacity-50" > Start Connection </button> <button type="button" onClick={handleStopConnection} disabled={!eventSource} className="bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded disabled:opacity-50 ml-2" > Stop Connection </button> <ul> {messages.map((message, index) => ( <li key={`${index}-${message}`}>{message}</li> ))} </ul> </div> ); }; export default App;
後端是使用 Go 的 Gin 框架建構的,包括以下主要功能:
CORS 配置:後端使用 Gin CORS 中間件來允許調試期間的連接。
SSE 端點:/events 端點將一系列預先定義訊息串流傳輸到客戶端,每個訊息之間存在延遲。關鍵組件:
"use client"; import type React from "react"; import { useState } from "react"; const App: React.FC = () => { const [messages, setMessages] = useState<string[]>([]); const [eventSource, setEventSource] = useState<EventSource | null>(null); const handleStartConnection = () => { const newEventSource = new EventSource("http://localhost:8080/events"); const handleOnMessage = (event: MessageEvent) => { console.log("onmessage", event.data); setMessages((prev) => [...prev, event.data]); }; const handleOnOpen = () => { console.log("Connection established"); }; const handleOnError = (error: Event) => { console.error("onerror", error); console.log("readyState:", newEventSource.readyState); console.log("Connection error occurred."); newEventSource.close(); setEventSource(null); }; const handleOnClose = () => { console.log("Connection is being closed by the server."); newEventSource.close(); setEventSource(null); }; newEventSource.onmessage = handleOnMessage; newEventSource.onopen = handleOnOpen; newEventSource.onerror = handleOnError; newEventSource.addEventListener("close", handleOnClose); setEventSource(newEventSource); }; const handleStopConnection = () => { if (eventSource) { eventSource.close(); setEventSource(null); console.log("Connection closed"); } }; return ( <div> <h1>Server-Sent Events Demo</h1> <button type="button" onClick={handleStartConnection} disabled={!!eventSource} className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded disabled:opacity-50" > Start Connection </button> <button type="button" onClick={handleStopConnection} disabled={!eventSource} className="bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded disabled:opacity-50 ml-2" > Stop Connection </button> <ul> {messages.map((message, index) => ( <li key={`${index}-${message}`}>{message}</li> ))} </ul> </div> ); }; export default App;
要執行此演示,請參閱 GitHub 儲存庫中的 README.md 檔案。它包含設定和運行專案前端和後端的逐步說明。
此示範提供了對伺服器發送事件 (SSE) 的簡單而有效的介紹,示範如何將即時訊息從伺服器串流傳輸到瀏覽器。透過專注於基礎知識,它旨在幫助您快速理解核心概念並開始在自己的專案中嘗試 SSE。
如果您有興趣嘗試或基於此範例進行構建,請查看 GitHub 上的完整原始程式碼:sse-demo 儲存庫。