首頁 >web前端 >js教程 >杜絕延遲:為高需求系統實施高級且安全的緩存


Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原創
2024-11-24 02:20:09264瀏覽

Putting an End to Delays: Implementing Advanced and Secure Caching for High-Demand Systems



本文討論如何實現高階快取系統,該系統利用雜湊圖和 AVL 樹的組合來實現更快的資料存取。此外,它還採用 TTL(生存時間)機制進行資料過期管理和自動資料刪除,以及輸入驗證以增強安全性。這種智慧、安全的快取系統滿足大型專案的基本需求,為提高使用者的服務速度和效率提供了強大的解決方案。

1. 用TTL實現AVL樹

為了管理資料過期,我們使用 TTL 欄位擴充 AVL 類別。此欄位指定每個資料項目的過期時間,並自動刪除過期資料。

// src/utils/avltree.ts

class AVLNode {
  key: string;
  value: any;
  ttl: number; // Time to live
  height: number;
  left: AVLNode | null;
  right: AVLNode | null;

  constructor(key: string, value: any, ttl: number) {
    this.key = key;
    this.value = value;
    this.ttl = Date.now() + ttl; // Expiry time
    this.height = 1;
    this.left = null;
    this.right = null;

  isExpired(): boolean {
    return Date.now() > this.ttl;

export class AVLTree {
  private root: AVLNode | null;

  constructor() {
    this.root = null;

  private getHeight(node: AVLNode | null): number {
    return node ? node.height : 0;

  private updateHeight(node: AVLNode): void {
    node.height = 1 + Math.max(this.getHeight(node.left), this.getHeight(node.right));

  private rotateRight(y: AVLNode): AVLNode {
    const x = y.left!;
    y.left = x.right;
    x.right = y;
    return x;

  private rotateLeft(x: AVLNode): AVLNode {
    const y = x.right!;
    x.right = y.left;
    y.left = x;
    return y;

  private getBalance(node: AVLNode): number {
    return node ? this.getHeight(node.left) - this.getHeight(node.right) : 0;

  insert(key: string, value: any, ttl: number): void {
    this.root = this.insertNode(this.root, key, value, ttl);

  private insertNode(node: AVLNode | null, key: string, value: any, ttl: number): AVLNode {
    if (!node) return new AVLNode(key, value, ttl);

    if (key < node.key) {
      node.left = this.insertNode(node.left, key, value, ttl);
    } else if (key > node.key) {
      node.right = this.insertNode(node.right, key, value, ttl);
    } else {
      node.value = value;
      node.ttl = Date.now() + ttl;
      return node;

    const balance = this.getBalance(node);

    if (balance > 1 && key < node.left!.key) return this.rotateRight(node);
    if (balance < -1 && key > node.right!.key) return this.rotateLeft(node);
    if (balance > 1 && key > node.left!.key) {
      node.left = this.rotateLeft(node.left!);
      return this.rotateRight(node);
    if (balance < -1 && key < node.right!.key) {
      node.right = this.rotateRight(node.right!);
      return this.rotateLeft(node);
    return node;

  search(key: string): any {
    let node = this.root;
    while (node) {
      if (node.isExpired()) {
        return null;
      if (key === node.key) return node.value;
      node = key < node.key ? node.left : node.right;
    return null;

  delete(key: string): void {
    this.root = this.deleteNode(this.root, key);

  private deleteNode(node: AVLNode | null, key: string): AVLNode | null {
    if (!node) return null;

    if (key < node.key) {
      node.left = this.deleteNode(node.left, key);
    } else if (key > node.key) {
      node.right = this.deleteNode(node.right, key);
    } else {
      if (!node.left || !node.right) return node.left || node.right;
      let minLargerNode = node.right;
      while (minLargerNode.left) minLargerNode = minLargerNode.left;
      node.key = minLargerNode.key;
      node.value = minLargerNode.value;
      node.ttl = minLargerNode.ttl;
      node.right = this.deleteNode(node.right, minLargerNode.key);
    const balance = this.getBalance(node);

    if (balance > 1 && this.getBalance(node.left!) >= 0) return this.rotateRight(node);
    if (balance < -1 && this.getBalance(node.right!) <= 0) return this.rotateLeft(node);
    if (balance > 1 && this.getBalance(node.left!) < 0) {
      node.left = this.rotateLeft(node.left!);
      return this.rotateRight(node);
    if (balance < -1 && this.getBalance(node.right!) > 0) {
      node.right = this.rotateRight(node.right!);
      return this.rotateLeft(node);
    return node;

2. 具有TTL和安全機制的增強型快取服務

此服務使用 AVLTree 類別來有效率且安全地管理資料。它包括一個基本的資料安全驗證機制。

// src/cache/cache.service.ts

import { Injectable, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AVLTree } from '../utils/avltree';

export class CacheService {
  private avlTree: AVLTree;
  private authorizedTokens: Set<string> = new Set(['your_authorized_token']); // Simple validation example

  constructor() {
    this.avlTree = new AVLTree();

  validateToken(token: string): void {
    if (!this.authorizedTokens.has(token)) {
      throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid access token');

  set(key: string, value: any, ttl: number, token: string): void {
    this.avlTree.insert(key, value, ttl);

  get(key: string, token: string): any {
    return this.avlTree.search(key);

  delete(key: string, token: string): void {

3. 帶有驗證和TTL的控制器

API 控制器使用 set、get 和 delete 方法來安全地儲存和檢索資料。

// src/cache/cache.controller.ts

import { Controller, Get, Post, Delete, Body, Param, Query } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CacheService } from './cache.service';

export class CacheController {
  constructor(private readonly cacheService: CacheService) {}

  setCache(@Body() body: { key: string; value: any; ttl: number; token: string }) {
    this.cacheService.set(body.key, body.value, body.ttl, body.token);
    return { message: 'Data cached successfully' };

  getCache(@Param('key') key: string, @Query('token') token: string) {
    const value = this.cacheService.get(key, token);
    return value ? { value } : { message: 'Key not found or expired' };

  deleteCache(@Param('key') key: string, @Query('token') token: string) {
    return { message: 'Key deleted successfully' };


  1. 驗證系統的會話管理:


  2. 用於減少請求負載的 API 快取:


  3. 線上平台即時使用者狀態儲存:

    範例:WhatsApp 或 Telegram 等訊息應用程式。

  4. 線上商店中的產品資料儲存:




在本文中,我們設計並實現了一個先進的快取系統,該系統結合了 AVL 樹和雜湊圖,以實現快速資料存取和伺服器效能最佳化。 TTL機制提供自動資料過期管理,而令牌驗證則確保足夠的安全性。


