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Planet Coaster 2:如何使用交通工具

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare原創
2024-11-16 06:03:03970瀏覽

雖然過山車是過山車之星 2 中最有趣的部分,但您需要的遊樂設施更多的是功能性而非娛樂性。這就是運送遊樂設施的用武之地。它們用於將遊客從公園的一個地方帶到另一個地方,您甚至可以沿途停靠連接公園的各個地方。

Planet Coaster 2: How To Use Transport Rides



Planet Coaster 2: How To Use Transport Rides

如果您正在玩職業模式,則需要從研究樹中解鎖它們,但是《過山車之星 2》中總共有五種交通工具。他們是:


  • 纜車
  • 單軌電車
  • 單層巴士
  • 汽船
  • 蒸氣火車鐵路



Planet Coaster 2: How To Use Transport Rides

  1. 打開建置選單並選擇 Tracked Rides。
  2. 由於沒有任何藍圖運輸遊樂設施可供您添加到您的公園,您需要選擇「建立自訂」按鈕來製作自己的
  3. 選擇您想要的行程後,請設定您的出發站。
  4. 將軌道從車站放置到您想要交通工具停靠的位置 - 沿途可以有多個車站,總共至少有兩個
  5. 在您的路徑中新增每個車站的入口和出口。
  6. 為交通工具分配一名乘車服務員,並根據需要連接電源。
  7. 然後就可以打開騎行了。

如果您設定的每個站點都有足夠的景點,您的客人就應該開始搭乘交通工具。 免費是他們的最優惠價格


Planet Coaster 2: How To Use Transport Rides


Transport Ride Strengths and Weaknesses
Cable Car The Cable Car is great for a few park designs. First, it's great for climbing hills and getting over tricky terrain. The fact that its tracks are above ground also allow you to maximise space and build below it. The continuous flow of pods also allows Cable Cars to transport groups of guests in regular intervals.
Monorail Also moving in the sky, albeit not as high as the Cable Car, the Monorail is the most expensive transport ride option. However, it's also the fastest, getting guests around your park quicker than any other option. The Monorail is perfect for large parks.
Single-Decker Bus The single-decker bus does take up a lot of space on the ground, but it does transport guests in large quantities, so it's perfect for very busy parks. Also, it's the cheapest of all transport rides and perfect for smaller parks.
Steam Boat The Steam Boat is perfect for water-themed parks. You don't need existing water to run it, as building the ride places its own water channel. While it's great for aquatic aesthetic, it's not a cheap option, cannot go up or down, and doesn't carry many guests.
Steam Train Railroad While it can only drop or climb by 12 degrees, the Steam Train is a well-rounded transport ride option. It's quite quick and carries a good number of guests, but it's expensive and the track isn't pretty.

Planet Coaster 2: How To Use Transport Rides

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