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Patricia Arquette
Patricia Arquette原創
2024-11-15 14:54:02712瀏覽

How to Transform Strings into Python Operator Functions?

Transforming Strings into Operators

The question presents a challenge: given a string representing an operator, such as "+", how can we convert it into the corresponding Python operator function, like operator.add?

Lookup Table Approach

As the answer suggests, an effective solution involves using a lookup table. This table associates operator strings with their corresponding functions:

import operator

ops = { 
    "+": operator.add, 
    "-": operator.sub, 
    "*": operator.mul, 
    "/": operator.truediv, 
    "**": operator.pow 

We can then use this table to retrieve the operator function based on the input string:

op_string = "+"   # represents the plus operator

# Look up the corresponding operator function
op_function = ops[op_string]

# Use the function to perform an operation
result = op_function(1, 2)  # returns 3


This approach provides a flexible way to handle different operators and their associated functions. It allows us to easily extend the lookup table to include additional operators as needed.

