首頁 >後端開發 >Golang >為什麼我的Go程式解析JSON錯誤?


Susan Sarandon
Susan Sarandon原創
2024-11-15 12:39:03235瀏覽

Why Does My Go Program Parse JSON Incorrectly?

Parsing JSON into a Struct in Go

You want to parse a JSON file into a Go struct, but the program outputs incorrect values.


The struct elements are not exported, starting with lowercase letters. The JSON encoder/decoder ignores non-exported elements.


Export the struct elements by making the first letter uppercase:

type Settings struct {
    ServerMode bool `json:"serverMode"`
    SourceDir  string `json:"sourceDir"`
    TargetDir  string `json:"targetDir"`

json:"..." tags instruct the decoder to map JSON keys to struct elements.

Updated Code

var settings Settings

// ... (rest of the code)

Additional Notes

  • Check for errors when opening and parsing the JSON file.
  • Ensure the JSON file structure matches the struct definition.

