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如何以 Python 方式列印列表項目?

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamilton原創
2024-11-15 12:24:02349瀏覽

How to Print List Items in a Pythonic Way?

Unveiling the Pythonic Way to Print List Items

In Python, printing the elements of a list presents programmers with several options. Some may resort to the traditional approach of utilizing a loop:

myList = [Person("Foo"), Person("Bar")]
for p in myList:

However, this method fails to showcase the true power of Pythonic coding. A more elegant and concise approach exists.

Unpacking the List

For Python 3 users, the concept of unpacking offers a simple yet impactful solution:

print(*myList, sep='\n')

As explained in the Python tutorial, this code harnesses the capability of unpacking argument lists. By prefixing the list with an asterisk (*), each element is unpacked and passed as a separate argument to the print function. The sep='\n' parameter ensures a newline character separates each element, producing the desired output.

Leveraging List Comprehensions

Even for Python 2 users, there's a Pythonic alternative. List comprehensions provide a clean and efficient way to manipulate and transform data. Consider the following example:

print '\n'.join(str(p) for p in myList)

Here, a list comprehension iterates over each element in myList and, using a generator, converts each element to a string. The resulting list is then joined by newline characters and printed.


Python offers an array of options for printing list items. Whether using unpacking (Python 3) or a combination of list comprehensions and the join function (Python 2), programmers can embrace the simplicity and elegance of Pythonic coding, producing legible and maintainable code that effectively displays their desired output.

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